I am the God of Technology Chapter 139 Plans For The Base

"Well… good job, I guess," Dante stated wryly.

Aisha shrugged. "If you have a way to get rid of the bodies, that would be for the best. What would you have me do now?"

Dante waved a hand and materialized the four androids, as well as various pieces of equipment required for his base, including his armory. When Aisha saw such high-tech items appear seemingly out of thin air, her eyes bulged, and she took many steps back out of shock.

Meanwhile, Dante activated the four android beauties and was pleased to see that they were undamaged. He ordered Alita and Roll to dispose of the corpses, while 2B was tasked with organizing the armory and other items.

As for Number 18, Dante tasked her with executing… *cough*, terraforming the island. Before that, he naturally had her retrieve the mini quantum computer along with its miniature nuclear reactor that powered it.

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While the androids got to work and Aisha watched them with childlike fascination, Dante checked on his quantum profiles’ work. This time, having been away from Earth for a long time, he found messages and calls from his parents waiting. Valeria had also sent a few messages to check up on him, as well as messages from various friends, acquaintances, family, and of course, the bank. The Tycoon AI had earned enough money to pay off his debt from the bank’s credit line, and he even had almost $500,000 in his savings account, with slightly over $20,000 in his checking account.

However, while these numbers might have meant a lot to any Earthling, they were merely numbers to him as he was about to venture into outer space. Most of the messages from the bank were from his specialized Relationship Manager, attempting to convince him to buy Treasury Bills and Bank bonds to earn profits on his money.

Dante didn’t care and left such decisions to the AI’s discretion. The AI had invested in some opportunities while passing on others. As for his studies and scientific endeavors, they were progressing exceptionally well. Despite never having physically appeared, he was a well-known name in the scientific community.

Dante pondered and realized that this might become an issue. He called over Roll, who had finished disposing of the corpse and was now helping 2B organize things.

"Use the 3.5D printer to create low-level androids using my features," Dante instructed, and Roll nodded cutely before skipping over to operate a large machine, resembling a black suitcase the size of a luxurious double-door fridge. After scanning Dante’s details, the machine began rapidly printing an android that resembled Dante, utilizing materials it already had loaded.

When Dante saw the android version of himself emerge, clumsily calibrate its movements, speech, and actions to mimic Dante perfectly until it became a copy of him, he found it quite amusing. He even decided to transfer some of his memories to it so it could better act as him.

With more ’source material’, its eyes shone with wisdom, and its demeanor changed until it was almost indistinguishable from Dante. Aisha, who had come over to watch the scene, was shocked, her expression changing multiple times.

She walked around the android version of Dante several times. "This is incredible! Can I get one for myself… uh, for research purposes?"

Aisha realized her intentions were quite obvious and quickly tried to backtrack. Dante was speechless and obviously declined her request to use his likeness to create a synthetic companion for herself.

"Don’t be disappointed so quickly. Your task is to accompany my android self and protect him in his daily life. You can act as my girlfriend or whatever while I’m away," Dante stated with a shake of his head when he saw Aisha’s downcast expression.

Immediately, the woman’s expression brightened - literally, as her superpower was light-related. "His… um, your girlfriend? So does that mean…?"

Dante was once again left speechless. "No, you’re free to choose your sexual partners, but I am not part of that equation, at least not yet, and possibly not ever. I’ll tell you this, I have a significant other I intend to marry and build a life with, so any developments between us would need her acceptance."

Aisha paused briefly but then recovered. "I’ve had plenty of time to think and realized that a man with power like yours was probably already taken or had someone in his life. As long as I have a chance, I don’t mind. Introduce me to your significant other, so I can make my case to her."

Dante waved a hand. "Don’t worry, that will come later. For now, familiarize yourself with your new role and prepare to set out."

Aisha pouted briefly but didn’t cause any trouble. As for Dante’s android counterpart, he followed Roll to Dante’s ship meant for planetary travel. Dante recalled the ship’s specifications from his AI chip’s database.

[Planet-Side Cruiser - Owned by Dante

Model: Aether Viper AV-9X

Dimensions: Length - 8.5 meters, Wingspan - 6 meters, Height - 2.2 meters


Aerodynamic Adaptation Matrix: The Aether Viper’s sleek design enabled seamless adaptation to varying atmospheric pressures and turbulence, granting it a level of control that was a symphony of aerodynamics.

Turbocharged Ethereal Propulsion System: Utilizing an innovative hybrid of advanced ion thrusters and luminal energy turbines, the Aether Viper achieved propulsion that seemed to defy Newtonian laws, allowing for bursts of speed that could rival lightning itself.

Quantum Flux Deflection Shielding: A micro-array of quantum-nanite shields enveloped the vessel, redirecting atmospheric resistance and energy surges. These shields danced with subatomic particles, making detection an elusive concept.

Mystic-Resonance Communicator: A crystalline communications core harnessed the harmonics of celestial bodies, ensuring uninterrupted transmissions through even the most tumultuous of atmospheric storms.


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Rapid Horizon Reaching: With its Ethereal Propulsion System, the Aether Viper traversed atmospheres with the elegance of a falling star, reaching Mach velocities with grace.

Aero-Synchronic Maneuverability: The craft’s Adaptive Matrix granted it seamless, instantaneous adaptation to environmental dynamics, enabling hairpin turns that brushed against the impossible.

Catalyzed Etherglide Hovershift: The Viper’s hovering ability melds magnetic stability with harmonic vibration, allowing it to suspend itself in mid-air with enigmatic grace.

Celestial Astrogation Intuition: A fusion of advanced cartography algorithms and celestial resonance sensors granted the Aether Viper unparalleled navigation in realms where other craft faltered.


Arcane Aether Discharge Blasters: Muzzle-mounted pulse cannons projected high-energy ethereal particles, enveloping targets in shimmering waves of disruptive force.

Ether Lances of the Aurora: Articulating from the wings, these focused beams harnessed the cosmic splendor of auroras, emitting streams of searing energy capable of carving canyons in the sky.

Stellar Disruption Grenades: Handheld spheres of contained celestial chaos, these weapons shattered the boundaries of reality, unleashing shockwaves that disrupted molecular bonds in their wake.]

With this ship, they should have no problem going and coming back, and it would automatically return to Dante when he needed it for other purposes. Dante-bot and Aisha boarded the ship and took off in a blaze of light, with the ship’s cloaking feature activated to prevent normal people from seeing it and thinking they had witnessed aliens.

Dante watched the ship disappear into the sky before turning his attention to the leveled island, which had lost much of its icy content and had been replaced with flat ground. Dante nodded in approval and activated the worker and construction robots.

Unlike humanoid androids, these robots took the form of floating balls of metal that could manifest any tool or form necessary for the task. Dante uploaded his specifications for his base to them through his AI chip, and they began to work diligently.

Judging by their speed, the job should be completed within a few hours at best. Satisfied with the progress, Dante left the androids to oversee the work and settled by the seaside, sitting down cross-legged.

He gazed up at the dark sky, which was still full of glittering stars. His eyes glinted with determination as he contemplated venturing into the wide expanse of space, intending to conquer it using his advantages and spread his influence far and wide.

Taking a deep breath, he first focused on himself. With his genes now stabilized twice, his official SDI (Superhuman Development Index) looked like this:

User: Dante (ID Number: DANTE10998-03-15)

Age: 21 (Converted to Earth years)

Race: Pure Human (99.9% genetic perfection)

Strength Index: 1000 (10000)

Agility Index: 1000 (10000)

Dexterity Index: 1000 (10000)

Intelligence Index: 1000 (10000)

Constitution Index: 1000 (10000)

Vitality Index: 1000 (10000)

Bionic Level: 1 (Unique Student Version 10.)

Psionic Level: 1 (Unique Student Version 10.)

AI Chip Level: 1 (Civilian Category)

Superpowers: Quantum Entanglement (Rank D).

Physical Powers: Raging Blood Halberd Technique (Martial Warrior, Entry-level 1%), Primal Ape Technique (Level 2: Beginner Knight, 1%).

Magical Powers: Inferno Ascension Technique (Level 2: Limbo Enkindling, 54%), Void Speaker Chant (Level 2: Novice Wizard (1st Rank), 3%).?

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