I am the God of Technology Chapter 225 Public Opinion Vs Overpowered Genocidal Waifu

Chapter 225 Public Opinion Vs Overpowered Genocidal Waifu

Well, the Eternal Universe had more than 8000 years in the home universe, so using that logic, society as a whole should have had more than 8000 years of development in terms of legal and socio-economic issues.

In other words, even on Earth, in which globalization was relatively recent, such tricks were easily seen through by many people, though many others fell for it, sometimes willingly and sometimes not.

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So theoretically, the Eternal Universe should have seen scenes from this playbook so many times by now that they were practically desensitized and could not be moved by it, right?

Well, yes… on paper.

However, the universe was made up of a small population of first-class pure humans compared to overwhelming numbers of second-class mixed-breed humans and third-class aliens who really did not like this class system.

To 99% of the universal population, the actions of the 1% deserved their scorn and dissent at all times. So when negative news about a pure human who was said to be cruel and vicious towards even his own kind and even more so to aliens came out, they exploded.

It did not help that his relationship with Beatrice was also made a point of focus by them. He was romantically affiliated with the woman who had a title of ’the lady of genocides,’ a woman who had wiped out many alien species from the face of the universe all by herself.

How could he be any better? And from the way it was described, he was quickly achieving the same level of power that Beatrice had which allowed her to precisely wipe out species and only receive a slap on the wrist at best because her power was feared.

If the two of them paired up and backed each other at their peak, they might just go on a universal cleansing spree with no one able to stop them right?

You have to understand, it wasn’t that the public was stupid all the time. Sometimes, you might see the obvious manipulation behind an act or a piece of news but be baffled by why some lean into it and let themselves be manipulated by it.

Were they really stupid? It was 50/50. Most of the time, they were also aware of the manipulation but could only support it because that piece of news aligned with their interests, beliefs, or benefits.

In this case, many species had Beatrice as an example and did not want another Dante, even if everything was a lie. It was possible that Dante was as sweet as a flower and might even be the one to ’fix’ Beatrice, but they couldn’t gamble on that.

It was better to just cripple him and prevent future trouble from rising!

Of course, one who was not influenced by either side would ask the most prudent question. Even if they prevented Dante from getting fruits in the Zero Gate, it did not seem like it would halt his growing power based on the trajectory he’s shown so far, right?

So wouldn’t doing this offend him if he otherwise did not have any negative intentions towards you? What if he actually did pair up with Beatrice to start genociding piece by piece out of malice?

Well, the answer to this was actually quite predictable. Some might have thought about this issue, but many others were ignorant of it. Even those who thought of it forcibly suppressed such doubts because they could only act now and deal with what came later.

That’s right, it was the typical ’I’ll cross the bridge when it comes’ which usually led to extreme pain and suffering in the future.

The higher-ups were not surprised by the reaction as they had precisely manipulated things to reach this point. They leaned back in their seats with sneers, wondering how Dante would deal with this problem.

Public opinion was one of the most powerful tools in the universe. Even Superman could be whittled down into bones by public opinion, much less a mere Dante!

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But you see, the simplest cure for such a thing was to close one’s ears to all the insults, complaints, and berating. It was just like that meme about how it was impossible to be cyberbullied as long as they closed the laptop screen and went to sleep.

What was the point of it all if the man himself could not hear? Society berated a person for being who he was but he lived in the mountains with no internet connection, so how could he be canceled?

Dante’s avatar was in the Zero Gate world checking out the fruits he had gotten this time while Dante’s main body had gone back to the home universe to continue charging towards the B-Rank of Quantum Entanglement and see if he could unlock something amazing.

While the Portinari Clan heard this and were partly recipients of this attack, Augeus was gone and no longer around, leaving Beatrice in charge. The clan elders initially did not dare make a peep, but under the pressure from their families, they could only bite the bullet and go forth.

The rest of the family that was eagerly awaiting the result only saw their elders coming back beaten and bruised all over, their faces alternating between green and white. It was today that they realized that this little girl was just like her tyrannical mother.

They also suddenly felt affection for Augeus, for he had been kind to them all these years by comparison yet they had bullied him. They almost wept with depression!

As for the allegations, Beatrice was not like Dante who would coolly deal with it from the back or ignore it. She directly came out and said that she would deal with the factions behind this farce one by one if all this rubbish did not disappear in 30 days.

After all, Beatrice did not want Dante to come back and see this because she was not sure how it would affect him. He had already gone through something similar on Earth, going through another round here too might make him give up on society altogether.

The groups that launched the complaints were left speechless. They were not all part of the top clans, corps, or factions, but were made up of hundreds of smaller ones. The absolute top powers had actually not made a move publicly since the very beginning, and their silence was eerie, as if they knew something the rest did not.

The top clans and factions might have to take Beatrice seriously if she made such a threat, much less them who could really disappear forever. It did not matter if she would be punished after; what would be the point then if you and your entire bloodline and ideology disappeared forever?

There was nothing like ’face’ to consider here, not in the face of survival. Many powers retracted their statements and even drew the line by releasing apologies and pointing fingers, saying our source was this fellow.

And so, a despicable farce was replaced by a comedic farce, where the various factions kept pointing fingers all over such that anyone who followed it all would be dizzy from all the lines and connections drawn.

The sudden change left the public speechless and they felt even more the power of this famed cruel admiral who killed in the millions and billions when she attacked. Some chose to continue ’fighting’ the ’good fight’ as they were even more convinced that if she and Dante were not suppressed, they would only grow more unscrupulous.

As for the rest, they lowered their heads and pretended not to see anything because they simply could not afford to risk it. In their minds, Beatrice even dared to offend such great powers, much less them.

She might use their actions as an excuse to skip dealing with those higher factions and use them as scapegoats. It was more efficient to ’offend’ them than ’offend’ those factions.

The truth was that they were right. Beatrice spent the next 21 days traveling the universe, finding ’rebellious cells of terrorist aliens’ who planned to eradicate the pure human race, and so extinguished them and everyone affiliated with them.

After all, if she only threatened without taking action, the value of her words would reduce and many would take her for granted. At the same time, she did not want to overdo it and cause the entire alien species to explode in fear and rebellion from fear of being killed, so she only targeted a few smaller powers who no one would care about and got rid of them.

Not only that, but the small benefits that came from eradicating such a faction were shared by Beatrice among the various nearby factions that were of the mixed breed or alien type, greatly pacifying and satisfying them, so they even helped her twist the story.

In this time, Dante was seriously going through a period of trouble and joy as he glanced at the fruits laid out before him, sparkling with traces of their hidden superpower. This time, the lineup was truly excellent and worthy of all the hype.

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