I am the God of Technology Chapter 27 Orientation 2

Chapter 27 Orientation 2

Dante really and factually stopped caring at this point. His guarded expression became much more lax and he plopped into his seat confidently like he was destined to sit there. Beside him was a mixed-race male with elf-like features who glanced at Dante with a look of neutrality before looking away.

The third seat was occupied by the lamia girl from before while the fourth seat was occupied by a slug-like alien that remained motionless after it took its seat.

Dante looked further down and saw Louisa at the 20th position, eight places from last. Her expression was exceedingly awkward, especially when factoring in where Dante was sitting compared to her.

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The other pure humans did not fare much better, ranging from one at 8th, to one at 13th, and the other two at 17th and 18th in the end. Louisa was the last among the pure humans and this caused an instant hierarchical shift that the five of them could directly feel.

Their respectful looks towards Louisa reduced significantly while Louisa’s expression became extremely ugly. Dante noted all of this with a chill in his heart. He had read on the Etranet while searching for information about the Eternal Academy that all forms of social class and background from outside did not matter once one became a student.

Beatrice had also harped on about this, but people always said such exaggerative things when talking about top institutions. However, when you entered, you realized that it was severely exaggerated because the rich young master still had cronies following him around even if his grades were trash.

However, they hadn’t even seen the face of the leaders of the academy and a class system had been established! Louisa, who was at the top in terms of racial and family background outside was now reduced to the lowest class among their group in less than a few seconds after sitting.

All this just because of the ranking the school gave their superpowers during the entrance examination. Dante thought back to Xue Bing’s words about how he should conceal any flaws if the rating was inaccurate, and he deeply understood what she was trying to hint at.

Eventually, a song began to play as a band of humans, mixed breeds, and aliens came from the back of the Assembly Hall and marched to the front. While they played, the podium before them came to life since the seats that had been placed on the stage lit up as projections appeared on them.

From left to right, there were 46 projections, and all of them were arrogant and well-dressed adults who glanced down at them with amusement, mockery, or a playful look, making Dante frown.

In the center, with the best seat almost similar to a throne and a projection that felt life-like, was a beautiful fair-skinned young woman wearing purple military clothes meant for a general with her coat handing off her shoulders.

She had a head of lush white hair that reached her shoulders, some parts of it spiky. Her eyes were blood red and she wore the coldest expression Dante had seen since he came to this universe.

She simply glanced at the student body casually and then looked away. Her eyes were like giant searchlights placed upon a group of prisoners who were slowly escaping from prison, making them freeze in place and tremble like rabbits.

When her gaze alighted, they all sighed subconsciously. The woman then glanced at the fellow beside her who was a scholarly young man with a gentle and caring smile on his face.

"Vice Principal Andrais, give me the statistics, and let me see if this batch is worth my presence." She requested neutrally.

"Hm, sure. Don’t be too harsh on them though, there are only a few good seedlings. The rest are average." The one called Andrais said as he stood up, making the hearts of everyone clench.

The woman in the center, likely the principal, humphed coldly but did not retort. Andrais clapped his hands and smiled genially at everyone.

"Hello students, my name is Andrais Faven and I am the first Vice-Headmaster of the Eternal Academy." He then bowed graciously while the students clapped uncertainly.

Andrais did not mind and gestured to a woman who was basically a brown-haired underage-looking girl in round-rimmed glasses who was frowning at all of them. "That is Elizabeth Lyon, the second Vice-Headmistress of the Eternal Academy."

Andrais then introduced all 46 people seated in the projections one by one, but very few got up to bow to the students. Most just looked down with disdain or boredom, wondering when this was going to end.

Finally, he gestured to the woman in the middle. "And of course saving the best for last, there is our beautiful and all-powerful headmistress, Lara Sanguis!"

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Lara did not stand up, but the students still clapped respectfully. Some faces changed greatly as they recognized this name and even Dante quickly downloaded some basic information about her. When he did, his heart stopped for a second due to the sheer absurdity.

Cutting out the other parts, the key things to note were that she was the Admiral of the First Fleet - which was the most powerful - and she was also a councilor of the Prime Civilization. On top of that, she was the most powerful person in the known universe, with 7 superpowers belonging to her alone!

"I will cut to the chase. The rule of the Eternal Academy and everything you need to know including your classes, electives, teachers, roles, requirements, obligations, and goals have been uploaded to your AI chips the moment you sat on your respective seats." Andrais continued.

"That way, the ceremony can end quickly since we, your teachers, are actually quite busy. Before, I let you go though, there are two more aspects to orientation that we do for all new students."

"The first is that I will give you advice. Some of you may have noticed already, but the Eternal Academy does not care about rights, morals, or ethics. The only thing that speaks here is your talent, potential and current power. Status, wealth, and all those things you have outside only work outside, here they mean nothing."

Andrais’ eyes became sharp as he smiled wider. "If you doubt me, you can flaunt it or try to use it to bully others or advance yourself. There are those among the teachers, the students, and even the workers who are hungrily waiting for you to do so in order to enjoy the feeling of stomping your head into the ground."

The eyes of all the aliens and mixed-breed humans flashed with amazement and excitement, while the face of the pure humans became ugly. The other aliens in the other seats glanced at Dante who was in first place with a hint of playfulness and cruelty while he ignored them, still wearing a confident smile.

They tsked and looked away, but then focused on the other pure humans who were not nearly as calm as Dante. Louisa had it the worst as the two aliens seated on either side of her began whispering cruelties into her ear, making her pale greatly.

"Of course, that doesn’t mean you should go breaking the rules or doing anything stupid! As I said, the lack of status only works here in the Eternal Academy. If you stomp on someone’s head and you leave the academy grounds, whatever consequence you suffer is your own!" Andrais reminded ’kindly’.

Suddenly, the excited aliens and mixed breeds changed greatly, while the pure humans who had been suppressed became ferocious. It was clear that after this orientation, a few calls will be made and a few tragedies may occur outside.

The two aliens seated on either side of Louisa trembled and felt regret, while Louisa’s expression became extremely cold.

As for Dante, his face changed slightly when he understood what Andrais was trying to do, but he didn’t understand why. Suddenly, his mind clicked and he looked up to the podium and actually observed the projections once more.

His findings chilled his heart greatly, for what did he see? Every single member of the 46 upper echelons of the Eternal Academy was a pure human! Not a single mixed breed or alien race among them!

The implications of this were severe beyond belief.

Before Dante could think further, Andrais did something that he would have never expected, not in a million years.

"Settle down students! Now comes the second and final part of the orientation ceremony, the reality check!" Andrais stated as his eyes fell on the Unique Batch students.

"You have all been separated into ranks based on your exam scores, and some of you, especially those among the Unique Batch, are extremely unwilling with the position you have been given. That’s totally understandable!"

Andrais patted his chest innocently like he understood their worries.

"When I first came here, I too was set at 3rd place. I didn’t believe nor understand why the two ahead of me got there until classes began and the facts were slapped in my face. However, you don’t need to wait for classes to start, I’ll do it for you right now."

Andrais then gestured to Dante, and the lights focused on him, bringing attention from both students and teachers to his person.

"To begin with, let’s introduce your year’s number one Unique Batch student, Dante, with his graded SSS-Rank superpower of teleportation!"

While exclamations occurred in the Assembly Hall, Dante’s eyes became bloodshot from hatred and killing intent that surged into his heart.

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