I am the God of Technology Chapter 276 The State Of Humanity

Chapter 276 The State Of Humanity

A few months ago, Dante had been betrayed by the top echelon of humanity who wanted to enslave his android clone at the time, who made moves to make the world a better place. As such, he had been greatly disappointed by his ’race’ because even among those of the lower class, half were mindless apes that robbed, raped, and caused trouble using important matters as a guise, and the other half were a bunch of terminally online fools who believed anything their overlords told them.

Such a race was not worth his effort. He would not spend his time to personally cultivate them because they would only prove destructive with it. Dante had seen the history of the Eternal Universe, and one fact that separated both universes was the fact that the Eternal Universe humans were far more daring and less easily controlled.

When they saw a universe full of species and powers, everyone from man down to child roared with desire and charged out, using trickery, cheating, and any means to advance forward as a race until they became rulers.

Be honest with yourself. If the home universe humans had the same level of technology and realized that there was a universe full of species, putting aside the upper echelon, the average man would be caught in an argument as to whether aliens had ’rights’ and whether it was right to conquer the universe.

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With such a mentality, forget becoming conquerors, the human race of the home universe would never amount to anything. They could probably attain some diplomatic ties with kinder alien civilizations, but the moment they met a stronger one that was wicked, it would become an Independence Day movie.

But still.


Despite all this.

Dante was a human too. He was born and raised on earth, and if not for a special set of events, would have lived, birthed progeny, and died in the soil of earth. As a 21-year-old man, he did not yet have the indifference and apathy that 10,000-year-old monsters did to be able to ’cut all ties.’

So even as Dante felt betrayed and hopeless for the race, coupled with his family’s harsh judgment, he decided to take over the human race and allow them to develop slowly and in a controlled manner while exploiting their own nature.

It was really the only sustainable way for the race to grow. Without a strong, impartial hand like AIs, the destructive human race would ruin everything and probably commit genocide themselves if anything.

So like a ’rich man’ who was not wicked enough to ignore the beggars on the street in the city but not kind enough to make a personal sacrifice for them, he ’delegated’ the work to his secretary (Central AI) and allocated some funds (resources) to him to sort it out.

After that, he took his eyes off the issue and even kind of forgot. He traveled abroad for a while and saw the clean streets and forgot about the beggars at home, and when he eventually came back, he inquired as to the state of them from his secretary.

Whether it was the rich man in the example or the current Dante, they did not like what they heard. While Dante did not care much about humanity’s fate, he was appalled when he saw the reports from the central AI about the cruel takeover and the forceful subjugation.

As a conqueror in this universe, with him now owning an entire galaxy that was still being interwoven into a system, Dante was no newcomer to battles and the cruelty of a takeover. However, it did not mean that he was a glass planet of beings that had truly submitted.

Not to mention that this was his own race. If the AIs could cruelly treat humans today when given ’free will’ and ’liberty’ to use any means necessary, what about him? If he ever ended up under their hands, what would they do to him?

Dante put aside what he came here to do and teleported back to Earth, specifically in front of the base he created on McDonald’s Island back then. He connected to the systems and received a more in-detail report of everything that went on.

What he saw made him hesitate.

It had to be said, impartiality had its pros and cons. Its main con was the lack of empathy, given how the AIs cruelly slaughtered those who even dared to flinch slightly in rejection of the takeover. In the AIs’ eyes, humans could be regrown in pods if necessary, so there was no need to care about population.

The main pro was that, damn, it was organized and efficient. Currently, the rest of planet Earth and the remainder of humanity were completely different. In terms of knowledge and genetics, after fulfilling various tasks set by the AI over the course of the past few months, they were 10% of the way to achieving the basic standard of the Eternal Universe humans.

This was crazy because after achieving space exploration, it took the Eternal Universe humans more than 3 millennia of warfare and the rest of the time consolidating and nurturing themselves to get to their current standard.

However, this universe’s humans could reach there in but a few more years. The kind of growth, even with the immense resources provided by Dante, would not achieve this level of transformation without the cold hand of impartiality.

So Dante hesitated. Changing the system seemed to be detrimental to humanity’s growth at this moment. The reason was that the AI did not cultivate just their bodies through genes and their minds through knowledge, but especially their temperance.

If Dante had been lazy, he could have basically had his base transmit all the information of universes, technology, and how to advance for humans and left it to them to sort themselves out. However, if he had come back to check the planet, it would be a miracle if it was not in an apocalyptic wasteland.

By not only making them work for it but continually letting them know that this knowledge was made for the purpose of their advancement and racial unity, the home universe humans were being slowly changed into something akin to the Eternal Universe humans without the flaws.

If everything went as the AI planned, the home universe humans would turn out to be a superior species variant than those on the other side.

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Dante pondered and decided not to focus on the system itself. Whatever the case, that couldn’t be taken back as he had changed human society too much from the ground up, whether positively or negatively was up to each sentient to judge for themselves.

So let’s focus on the problems that this takeover had brought up and fix them.

Thinking like this, Dante floated up into the sky, heading straight to outer space with his raw body. He looked down on the beautiful blue planet that floated in the darkness of the void with a deep glance.

Then he stretched his hand down and began casting a tough spell that required a lot of calculation and focus. It was a breeze for him, but even a normal 9th Rank mage with 2,000 Intelligence would need a few minutes to complete this.

6th Rank Life Element spell, Greater Mass Resurrection!

The whitish-green motes of life energy light converged into Dante’s hand as he cast the spell and then spread downward to his realm. They passed through the very fold of the planet as if existing in a different form of space-time or dimension.

Immediately, Earth exploded with white light all over its surface as a billion or two people suddenly formed from the ashes they had previously been, their faces blank as they did not understand how one moment they were in an empty void of?nothingness and the next, back here.

Those who had survived the takeover were shocked to see their friends, family, and lovers return to life near them, then burst into tears. Only they knew the kind of pain they had been suppressing in their hearts and minds due to the fear that the AI chip would notice it and deem them as dangers as well.

Dante informed his Central AI to integrate those who came back slowly and surely, no longer using raw force but could use other means like exclusionary tactics. After all, all the systems of the world were now tied to the various Minister AIs, so to exist in society, you would need to be chipped and integrate yourself.

Also, even if Dante resurrected those who were killed, he did not bring back those that were legitimately deemed criminals by the AI. The one who had been revealed to cause harm during the protesting after Dante ’died’ stayed dead, among others.

The integration of the resurrected could not be done in a day. Doing so would significantly set back the plans and work of the AIs, causing the humanity of the home universe to take longer to reach their peak, but that was fine.

No one could threaten them within this universe, not with his current level of power. They had all the time they needed to develop freely.

Satisfied, Dante left Earth and massaged his temples. Even with 200,000 points, resurrecting so many people who had been dead for months without even any flesh left of them was not easy.

Anyway, that was a thing of the past. He came to the administrative center of his ’kingdom,’ which spanned the entire Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies together. It was a gigantic space base that was about the size of three Jupiters put together.

It was solely run by AI and robots, with not a single organic life within. It was shaped like a floating fortress in space rather than a Death Star-like existence. Around the base, one could see many interceptor-class fighters patrolling the void slowly and casually.

When Dante docked into the base with his ship, he couldn’t help but marvel at the size. It was quite amazing to think that this could be achieved with just technology, as this base and its firepower could overwhelm him in his previous 2500 SDI average state.

Dante was guided by an android assistant and guarded by a group of elite guards who escorted him to the control center of the base. Upon entry, Dante noticed that it was a humongous chamber styled from the core of technological perfection, and only the impartial intellect of androids and AI dwelled within.

The walls were very dark, the only light coming from them was the pulsating glow of holographic screens. Rows upon rows of these screens stretched as far as the eye could see, displaying data streams and star maps, the very essence of the galactic territory Dante controlled.

In the center of the room, a colossal holomap hovered, a slowly rotating mosaic of planets and their star systems. Androids busily moved around it, their mechanical fingers covered in synthetic human flesh swiping rapidly across the holographic interface.

They monitored the movements of ships in Dante’s army - as well as those belonging to various other entities - calculated trajectories for various events and plans of action, then executed such complex maneuvers with the precision only heartless machines could achieve.

Dante briskly walked to his seat at the center of the room while taking in this sight. Even though androids did look like humans, his senses told him that they were far from that, which understandably caused Dante to feel solitary.

At this moment, he couldn’t help but dearly miss Beatrice and her ability to bring him joy with her smile. How good would it be to be able to cuddle that beautiful and perfect woman in his arms right now?

While thinking of this, he set a quantum marker down here and waited for his quantum clone to teleport over. When the quantum clone returned, Dante wasted no time in collecting him back and then spawning him again.

However, as one would expect the quantum clone was much different this time. After obtaining the ’update,’ it was ready to unleash power like never before.

Dante nodded to his clone and then returned to the Eternal Universe while the quantum clone sat in the main seat and made a sharp command.

"Restart the conquest! We must have the entire universe under our banner within the next decade!"

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