I Became an Evolving Space Monster Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

The managers of each team and the androids were striving to assess the situation.

“To think that the Monument is under attack, what on earth is the defense fleet doing? Where did the enemies come from?!”

“I cannot be ascertain.”

“These useless androids are nothing but rubbish!”

Shouts echoed from all directions, and everyone looked around with a mixture of concern and confusion in their eyes.

Observing this, Laila stared blankly.

“Is this a dream?”

Amidst the ongoing proceedings of the Monument’s council, chaos ensued due to an unexpected assault.

As soon as the explosion echoed from the 50th floor, security personnel from each family barged into the conference room, forcibly taking the heads of the families out along with them.

Laila attempted to explain to those trying to flee, but the situation had already spiraled out of control.

The council had utterly failed.

No matter how they attempted to salvage it, her downfall had become an undeniable reality.

“I have to find a way somehow…”

Was it due to an excessive shock or perhaps the recent days of physical indisposition? Her mind, usually sharp, moved sluggishly today.

It wasn’t just her mind; her senses were also becoming distorted in reality.

The noise she perceived as loud gradually started sounding distant.

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“Administrator, how should we proceed?”



Someone, whether a team leader, a security officer, or a secretary she didn\\t know tapped her on the shoulder.

That slight jolt turned her insides upside down.


“Oh my goodness! Administrator!”

Laila wanted to believe this situation was a dream.

But the thick scent of blood around her lips and the agonizing sensation tearing through her body proved that this was indeed reality.

“What is this?”

When she realized she was bleeding, she had already collapsed to the floor.

As people around her shouted incomprehensible words, it was akin to the rage of an angry swarm, and she couldn’t understand a thing.

Soon after, even those voices faded away.

“…How’s the administrator’s condition?”

“The examination shows bleeding in various organs, including the lungs. Treatment is not possible here.”

“Bleeding in organs? Why on earth?”

“It’s believed to be caused by an unknown virus.”

When Laila suddenly vomited blood and collapsed, the atmosphere in the refuge took a sharp turn into darkness.

Laila wasn’t merely a city administrator.

She was Laila Chemblin, a woman from the T&C family, one of the seven families of MegaCorp.

If she were to die, those present here would undoubtedly face an unimaginably grim fate.

“This can’t go on! There’s a central hospital just upstairs!”

“That’s right! We must transfer her immediately!”

“Nonsense! We don’t know when the enemy’s attack will start again.”

“Whether it’s an attack or not! If the administrator dies, it’s all over for us!”

The hesitation of the team leaders in the face of Laila’s life-and-death situation was evident.

Should anything go wrong while transferring to the hospital, the person who suggested moving Laila would be solely responsible. Due to the rigid atmosphere unique to MegaCorp and the brutal retaliation of Noble Capital, the Monument’s leadership couldn’t effectively manage this situation.

Amidst their indecision and wasted time, the Crisis Management Team manager, having concluded communication with the Defense Fleet headquarters, approached them.

“We’ve arranged a medical ship from the Defense Fleet headquarters, so we’ll move her there.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to go to the hospital in the Administrative District if we’re moving?”

“…We received word from the Defense Fleet. The Administrative District is currently under attack by unidentified enemies who are, killing people.”

“Oh my!”

As the city’s situation seemed worse than they had imagined, the team leaders fell silent.

“While a reconnaissance ship has been deployed, safety isn’t assured. The Defense Fleet headquarters is safer than here, so receiving treatment there would be better.”

“Fair point, but how do we transfer?”

“A transport vessel is prepared in Monument Square. A reconnaissance ship is also on standby in the Monument’s airspace for escort. We can move using the transport vessel.”

Ultimately, as proposed by the Crisis Management Team leader, they decided to send Laila via the medical ship. Combat androids carried Laila out of the refuge towards the square where the transport vessel awaited.

After the androids exited the lobby on the first floor, a bald African-American man emerged from the emergency staircase.

“Your Highness, it’s Jacob. There are no bodies here. Yes. Yes. The culprit of this situation is probably…”

The person conversing was named Jacob. He was the Deputy Commander of the newly appointed Denver’s Order of Seraphim.

?Little one, are you okay??

?I’m? ?Fine? ?Perfect?

Coming out near the wreckage of the crashing reconnaissance ship, the children had a brief moment of respite number 26, concerned about the bloodied Adhai, kept checking everywhere with its tentacles.

Watching Adhai squirm as if ticklish, I thought,

‘I knew there would be side effects to the hyper-acceleration.’

Among Adhai’s scales were debris: human blood, shards of glass, steel reinforcing bars used to support buildings. Not only the scales, but the wings were slightly torn, and one of the neatly grown horns had a crack.

All injuries had occurred during the hyper-acceleration, despite Green Gallagon usually being able to withstand collisions with other objects.

“He’s small and fragile, which likely led to this mishap. It’s unlikely that his growth will offset these side effects.”

“Until a solution arises, I must seal off the hyper-acceleration. It should only be used for evasion, not as an assault, like this time.”

While pondering this, Adhai called out to me.

He approached me stealthily and spat out an object from the mouth’s tentacles. It was someone’s hand.

?Loot? ?Adult? ?Gift?

Indeed. The owner of this hand is probably Code Red. When Green Gallagon enters hyper-acceleration, it generates a sonic boom with each movement. If Code Red didn’t possess defenses as potent as Black, stopping Adhai’s charge would have been impossible. The fact that anything of the enemy’s body remained was fortunate.

I stroked Adhai’s head and passed on the hand.

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZ (These are the spoils you obtained)]


Adhai seemed like it would discard it if I didn’t eat it myself.

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZZ (Then let’s eat together)]

A single hand couldn’t exhibit the feeding effect anyway. It would be better for the injured Adhai and number 26 to consume it. I nibbled on one finger and handed the rest to the children.

Adhai, after eyeing me, swiftly sucked up all the remaining blood in the hand, and number 26 dealt with the remaining debris.

I pondered what to do next while looking at the children.

\\The communication with three reconnaissance ships has been lost. They won’t be complacent anymore.\\

Battle in the Monument and Administrative District, coupled with the destruction of three reconnaissance ships.

Now, the space city won’t merely perceive us as unfamiliar intruders.


In the enemy’s eyes, we are the invaders who attacked the council.

It was evident that military vessels would directly search for me from now on.

Although we could defeat three reconnaissance ships by combining our strength, if dozens of them target us or a battleship intervenes, there’s nothing I can do.

‘Hiding in the city is no longer an option.’

‘They won’t cease until they find me, the one who ruined the city.’

‘If we are discovered, it’s over.’

When the defense fleet spots me, instead of deploying soldiers, they’ll obliterate my hiding place entirely.

If they’re not fools, they’ve learned that it’s challenging to capture me with ground forces alone.

‘I have to leave this place.’

Although I haven’t fulfilled all the conditions for evolution into a pseudospecies, it’s inevitable.

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Survival is a priority over evolution.

‘Nevertheless, amidst the misfortune, the situation has turned in my favor.’

In a way that benefits me.

The enemies are currently in a complex situation.

‘It’ll be challenging for them to focus on me properly.’

The fact that they sent only a few small reconnaissance ships when the city’s head is under attack signifies something.

It indicates internal issues in the defense fleet that make it challenging to mobilize manpower.

‘It’s all thanks to the space bacteria I spread.’

‘However, there’s not enough time.’

It’s not just because the command neglected the disease due to the council; I can’t expect them to fix things now when the council is already in disarray.

If we develop vaccines and establish quarantine systems, the opportunity given by the cosmic bacteria will soon disappear.

Since a convenient means of escape has arisen, I must utilize it.

The city erupted into war while guests visited.

So where will those guests go?

‘They’ll probably head out of the city.’

I raised my head and gazed into the city’s airspace.

Numerous transport vessels were flying towards the harbor zone.

When they try to leave via the harbor zone, I’ll sneak on board secretly.

Normally, I would have been inspected while leaving because of the council, but in this situation, can they really do that?

Especially against MegaCorp’s guests’ ships.

‘We just need to hide well.’

After deciding what to do, I called the children.

[ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZ (Let’s go)]

?Where to??

[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZZZ (Where we came from)]

‘I don’t understand’

Number 26 immediately understood, but Adhai tilted its head.

Well, it entered through a different path, so it wouldn’t know.

?Where we first met the Big baby.?

?I understand.?

While Adhai nodded at number 26’s simple explanation, I collected bodies from the surrounding ruins.

‘It might be tough to obtain genetic essence due to severe damage.’

Considering many bodies were missing lower halves or only had limbs remaining, expecting a feeding effect seemed unreasonable.

‘Still, they have some utility.’

The wounds from the fight with Black, like severed arms and tails, hadn’t completely regenerated.

To heal quickly, they needed to feed and replenish nutrients.

‘Especially since the children are also injured.’

As I didn’t know whom we might encounter at the harbor zone, it was essential to supplement nutrients intermittently on our way.

I swallowed small parts, like just an arm or a leg, and picked up relatively less damaged bodies.

Returning to the children, I handed over two corpses I had been holding.

[ZZZ ZZZZ (Eat while we are moving.)]


While I had unconsciously placed Adhai on top of my head, number 26 extended its tentacles and skillfully caught the bodies I provided.

Seeing Adhai lying on number 26, wrapped in wings, it seemed natural.

‘So this is what happened when I wasn’t around.’

Having gathered food, we left the wreckage of the reconnaissance ship and headed back to the pit where number 26 had first emerged.

While going to the surface was quicker, encountering a warship was more likely.

It was safer to take a bit longer and go underground instead.

Arriving at the pit, I used auxiliary equipment to check for any dangers inside.

‘No issues.’

The only movement detected underground was the motion of scavengers.

I descended first, followed by number 26 carrying Adhai.

By retracting its tentacles and fins into its body, number 26 transformed back to its balloon-like appearance from when we first met.

As a result, it shrank enough to move within the sewer system.

‘So that’s how it moved with that bulk.’

Their current appearance made it seem as though Adhai was riding on a pink rubber tube.

Although quite comical, it was efficient, and I marveled inwardly.

Subsequently, we entered the sewer and moved towards the direction of the harbor zone.

As anticipated, there were no enemies in the sewers.

While traveling, I asked number 26 and Adhai how they had developed so much.

To my surprise, the response was unexpected.

[ZZZ ZZZZZ (Did you target corpses and newcomers?)]


People who didn’t smell of metal were weak prey, so I ate only them.

The creatures didn’t only consume the corpses of deceased laborers in the sewers.

They also attacked and devoured newcomers, like vagrants.

‘I can distinguish between soldiers and vagrants.’

Normally, individuals unnecessary for the city’s operation, like vagrants, couldn’t exist in this space city.

However, this time was an exception due to people losing their jobs as the commercial district collapsed.

Those who lived day by day, now unemployed, couldn’t afford rent and were forced to hide in the sewers or the ruins of the commercial district.

It appeared that number 26 and Adhai primarily targeted such individuals.

‘Quite impressive.’

Their method of targeting easy yet unsuspecting prey was the hunting technique I frequently used.

While I believed Adhai had grown considerably, perhaps the one I could call my apprentice was number 26.

As we conversed and moved, we unintentionally drew closer to the harbor zone.

While on the way, having consumed all the corpses, my body was almost fully recovered.

‘We’ve arrived.’

After signaling the kids to wait briefly, I stood beneath a manhole close to the Harbor District pier.

Before opening the lid, I checked if there were any enemies outside.

I focused my auxiliary sensors to observe the movements around.

The bustling sound of footsteps on the ground, the distant hum of engines from moving ships, and nearby, the familiar smell of metal drifted into my auxiliary sensors.

‘The familiar smell of metal?’

The moment I found it odd, my auxiliary sensors detected something new rapidly approaching this way.

What was approaching wasn’t a smell or a sound.


As I hurriedly retreated, a green energy mass destroyed the manhole.

The alloy lid vanished instantly, leaving a gaping hole in the nearby sewage ceiling.

‘I knew you’d come here! You monster!’

A voice from above ground.

Following the voice, energy blasts fired from a plasma bolter poured into the sewage where I had been.

‘The Eden knights!’

What awaited us in a remote part of the Harbor District was the Prime Capital of Mars, the Eden family.

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