I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything Chapter 349 - Goddess

Chapter 349 - Goddess

Next to the throne is a table adorned with gold and silver, where a half-untouched report lies.

The table is supposed to be used for the King’s official events.

However, there’s no sign of Alion’s Armor King, who should be the one sitting on this throne.

He’s probably in his room, swinging in his cradle.

The King, swinging in his cradle, is accompanied by only a few attendants.

He doesn’t have any significant escort.

As for the Queen Consort’s throne in this throne room, it has long since been removed.

[According to the reports, the Golden eyes created by the Great Demon Emperor seem to have lost control. If that’s the case…… It seems that Kirihara-san has been defeated. If that Kirihara-san had been defeated, then that would mean they were able to use the Nullification Forbidden Curse…… Well, not like it really matters?]

I wait beside the throne on the opposite side of the table.

Goddess Vysis and I are the only two people in the spacious chamber.

The place is desolate.

The curtains are closed and the only light in the room is from a candelabra.

The King’s chamber is dark, and the atmosphere feels somewhat desolate.

Vysis, however, seems far from such desolation.

Her mouth twisted into a smile, Vysis crossed legs.

[It’s finally time, Nyantan.]

[Finally…… What do you mean?]

At my words, Vysis giggled while putting her arms on the throne’s armrest.

[I mean, I will finally become a God in the true sense of the word.]

[……Aren’t you originally a Deity?]

[Indeed, but I’m not the Chief God.]

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Chief God.

This was the first time I heard the word.

[Hmm…… That is to say, the world “above” me is sh*tty, which makes me feel quite troubled.]

[This world above you…… Do you feel some discontent about it?]

[……Fufufu. You are about to become my right hand, so it should be fine for you to know. Ah, the preparations for your demigodification are ready, so please look forward to it. I’m expecting a lot of you hereafter.]

[I don’t know if I can be of any help to Vysis-sama as your right hand…… but in my own way, I’m determined to do the best I can.]

[Now that’s a splendid attitude! Uuu…… Your little sisters will definitely be delighted. Quite the fantastic elder sister they have. How moving……. Fuaahh…… The tears won’t stop———– Fuaaahhh———- Not.]

Her last crocodile tears mixed with a yawn, Vysis said.

Vysis propped her elbow on the armrest and rested her cheek on her clenched fist.


[You wanted to know what I wanted, didn’t you?]

I swallowed hard, but I tried not to make it sound.

Keeping my tone calm……


I answered.

At my words, Vysis turned her gaze up.

[First of all, I thought I would thoroughly destroy the annoying world above———– The Deities’ World.]

[The Deities’ World……? Ummm…… Are the people of that world…… a threat to us humans?]

[Hmmm? What incomprehensible things are you saying now? You still sane there?]

I have to find out.

The truth.

[T- Then…… What in the world……]

[Eh? Because they’re in the way of me playing and killing humans, and there’s also the fact that they’re irritating…… Eh? What other reason is there? What do you mean by that?]

Nyantan looked almost speechless.

But somehow, I managed to squeeze the next question out of my throat.

[Why…… would you do such a thing……?]

[Yes? Simply because I want to? Under the lead of the Chief God, the other Deities don’t approve of me doing this, and they’ve become quite the great pain in the ass. And so, while fighting against the Root of All Evil within these sh*tty constraints…… I have been diligently and painstakingly accumulated efforts and preparations for this moment. What about it?]

As Vysis further clenched the fist next to her cheek……

[Even so…… I thought it would still take me four or five more Root of All Evils…… but thanks to this iteration’s Great Demon Emperor———— the Root of All Evil, I’ve been able to move my plans all the way up. Giving their own special abilities to their Confidants, they even imitated the Deities. The scale of the Golden eyes they created was also abnormal. Even compared to those in the past, they were quite distinct ones. It was also the same case for the Heroes this time…… but since that annoying one is probably almost dealt with, let’s consider things here settled. In any case, once my main plan here succeeds, matters in this world won’t matter? With the Heaven under my grasp, I will be able to destroy the humans at any time I want, right?]

I looked at Vysis with only my gaze turned to the side.

The smile Vysis had had completely lost its function as a “smile”.

[Dimensional equilibrium, what stupidity are they talking about? Saying things like if dimensional equilibrium isn’t maintained, there will be dimensional distortion…… For that reason, they’re suppressing the increase in the interference values of the Deities, and furthermore, correcting that distortion using precious Prime Origins…… Even though we’re Deities, even though we’re Gods, for us to go through such inconveniences, isn’t that just stupid? We’re Gods, you know? Even though the one speaking it is also a Deity, I couldn’t understand even a tenth of what they’re saying. Above all, for Gods to use the humans that we ourselves created as toys———– For us to torment them, what’s wrong with that? I think that’s just devoid of reason. Even if they said that doing that is bad as it increases the interference value…… I don’t know what you’re talking about~~ All these talks about dimensions and worlds, why do I have to conform to all that? That doesn’t have anything to do with me…… It was the same case in the Human world as well, but why do people try to involve others in matters unrelated to them without their permission? Isn’t it fine if they just solve their problems on their own? Besides, if humans are gonna suffer, why don’t they just suffer on their own?]

[Do you…… hate humans?]

[T- That’s cruel……! That isn’t the case…… I don’t hate them, all I wanted were just toys! Playthings I pass time and kill when I want……! I’d get all pouty if you insult me like that, you know~~?]

“It’s just, well……”, done with her play-acting, Vysis turns her gaze at the curtained window.

[There are times when I get annoyed just by looking at them…… There are also times when I felt hatred for them. Hmm~~…… When I see all these short-lived species living peacefully, I somewhat get irritated. Even if they live long, they’re just gonna die in about 100 years anyway, so why would they want to live happily and peacefully? Can’t they show me more suffering and hatred for each other. Uuuu…… They’re totally not interesting at all…… That’s just too terrible…… I wish they’d think befitting of their stature.]

Vysis smiled and clapped her hands together.

[This unfortunate me———– ooooooonly wanted to make these creatures suffer and suffer, remove all these bitterness in me by a large scale and feel more refreshed.]

“Ahh”, but then, seemingly reminded of something, Vysis covered her mouth.

Suddenly looking flustered……

[O- Of course, there are exceptions like Nyantan, okay……? I will select those who deserve to live and keep them alive, so please don’t worry~~ Even after the piece of sh*ts back in the Gods’ world, the other Heroes might still be needed~~ It’s just…… I think humanity is getting a little impertinent? If I let their kind increase, they’d turn into an eyesore~~ Spawning an endless bunch of little flies~~]



What are they?

Although I didn’t show it on my face———- Standing like this, hearing all her words, I’m feeling dizzy.

[If this plan comes to fruition…… I will return to this world and try to reduce the number of people on this continent to 10%.]

[ ! ]

[After all, didn’t these humans rebel against me? Of course, the other unrelated humans and demi-humans are collectively liable! Even this merciful Goddess can get angry, you know~~]


[Ahh~~ I already told you, Nyantan and your little sisters will be fine? If there are other people you want to save, just let me know, okay? I’ll consider it as positively as I can.]

Saying this, Vysis continued.

[Anyhow, I’ll be reducing them by 10 percent…… 90%, 80%, 70%…… I’ll go decide when to reduce their numbers and making sure they suffer as much as possible, I’ll kill them. And then———— Surprise, surprise! Leave the remaining 10% alone! In that case, I think those people would live in constant fear, wondering “When will the final moment be?”! In such a situation, what kind of mental state would a large group of these creatures be in, and what actions would they take…… I want to see it! But you see…… As long as there’s the Deities’ World above, such a large-scale observation game is almost impossible…… Hmmm, I personally feel that humans truly feel “alive” when they suffer. Stupid things like dying peacefully from old age…… I think that short-lived species shine only when they endure looooooong suffering until the end of their lives!]

At her words, I was about to reflexively…… about to stand out with a rebuttal.

That’s just simply……


Excessively cruel thinking———- is what I thought.

[Hmm, does Nyantan think it’s not quite right? Well, John Doe was a good conversation partner for this kind of topic. Ah, but I really don’t agree with his idea of “wanting to have them commit suicide at the end”…… That’s just terrible, don’t you think?]

[I also———- think it’s terrible…..]

[Right? I think humans should fight each other to the end, hate each other———– and kill each other until one side gets annihilated.]


[Ara? Was that not the answer you were expecting? Fufufu…… But you see, ending suffering with suicide, there’s a limit to how boring someone can be, don’t you think? Geez~~ Please properly dance around until the end~~! Fufufu! S- Suicide…… Actually saying to have them go suicide…… Pupu…… Hey, why are you trying to run away from God without permission!? That’s troubling? I think it’s a human’s duty to bear pain forever. Anyway, I just want to play around with humans…… Is my request that unreasonable? No, no, for short-lived species with such exquisite intelligence…… This is common sense, and most of them should just let themselves be used as Gods’ toys. No matter how you think about it, that is just common sense. However, because of those inflexible lot above, I can’t do it for some reason…… Uuuu…… They’re quite unreasonable, don’t you think? That’s why———- Seriously! This world is just seriously boring! I’ve had enough! I’m at the limit of my patience! If I continue enduring like this, I’d definitely die sooner or later!]

Vysis seemed———– to be in a really good mood.

I have never seen Vysis in such a good mood.

[Speaking of which, you see, there’s that late S-Rank Hero…… Hmmm, what’s her name again? That one with a sh*tty name…… Ahh~~ Right, right, Hijiri Takao! That one kept on talking about humans’ good intention, kindness and other disgusting things…… I thought it was amazing. People can actually be this stupid? However, even though I had ignored all that…… Pupu! D- Didn’t she just suffer and die from poison? S- She’s just——— She’s just so amusing! Little sister-san was also mourning for her———- Is this one of those times when they killed themselves to chase after the ones they’re mourning for!? Ahh, how refreshing! Runrun? There’s that one too…… That Sogou one———– Well, I’ve already broken her, so I already felt refreshed…… Teehee! S- She really is quite the exemplary idiot! Ahh, but because that one broke in the end, she got relatively interesting~~ Thank goodness! Seriously, serves her right? Geez, while I’m in the process of breaking her———– I was struggling to hold back my laughter! If I have the chance, I’d like to let Touka Mimori and the Mad Emperor go through the same thing~~! T- That’s right! If the world becomes a place where many of such bloated creatures are broken in such a pathetic way…… I think the world will definitely be fun! Yes…… That’s why, let’s start———— Why don’t we get things started?]

Saying this, Vysis stood up from her throne.

[Everything, from here on out.]

(In the basement of the castle, a thing like this is……)

I was brought down to the basement of the castle by Vysis.

This was no ordinary basement.

I had no idea that a place like this existed.

Going through a hidden door, I followed Vysis down a long spiral staircase……

When we reached the bottom of the stairs, we kept walking forward for a while.

There was a room at the end of it.

No, rather than a room———– It’s more like a space.

The space was concealed in darkness.

I turned the lantern in my hand toward the deep darkness, but the darkness was as deep as the depths of the earth.

No light could reach the depths of the darkness.

However, there’s something which I could tell.

This place is spacious———– too spacious.

The air feels cold on my skin.

There was this eerie coolness, as if I’m in a deep cave.

Furthermore, I can hear the sound of something bubbling.


I feel presences nearby.

Is this strange oppressive feeling created by “them”?

I could feel it.

There’s “something” in this space.

(Is this place packed with those things?)

Vysis moves through the darkness with familiar steps as if this place was her home.

Perhaps, she could see just fine around here.

Or perhaps, was it that she just remembers how this place was like?

As I thought about this, a moment later———– there was light around us.

Looking around, I saw Vysis putting her palm on a flat stone buried in the wall.

From the stone, light ran through like lines and raced around in all directions.

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The lines emit a white light brighter than my lantern, gradually increasing in brightness.

Immediately, the space was illuminated by the light.

[That is———–]

As I stood there dumbfounded, I blinked my eyes for a moment, making sure I’m seeing things right.

White giants.

The giants stood still with their eyes closed.

As if they were about to be buried, they also had their arms crossed in front of their chest.

These giants stood in a row.

The space felt extremely spacious———— The ceiling was also bizarrely high.

Was it because of the presence of these giants?

Even so…… How many are there here?

There weren’t that many around, but some of them were also Giants of a different shape.

Looking at them, it seemed that there were also white humanoid figures of different sizes in the far back of this space.

They were all crowded together.

They were all in the same upright position————– not moving an inch.

(Are those also…… the same False Sacrament that Vysis mentioned……?_

The Non-Human Followers of the White God———- the False Sacraments.

According to Vysis, they were produced using the Golden-eyed Monsters as materials.

Vysis had been managing several underground ruins for some time.

I suppose those were in order to acquire “materials” to produce these Sacraments huh.

[The reason why Vysis-sama has not been seen for some time now……]

[Yes, I have been coming here~~]

People from the castle have been inquiring several times if Vysis-sama was around.

At Vysis’ command, I handled her business on her stead.

[The first person other than myself to enter here would be Nyantan. Congratulations on getting that first.]

[This place…… What is this place?]

[The origin is the same as the underground structures spread out in the underground ruins~~ The huge underground structure of the ancient civilization seems to have remained intact. As for the location, this should be located between the Royal Castle and Vysis Cult’s Temple.]

Saying this, Vysis pointed overhead.

[One of the Heroes’ training areas is above here. It’s that area with a forest spreading out. Ah, this way please?]

Vysis nonchalantly proceeds forward.

Feeling somewhat absentminded from all these things, I just followed her back.

Vysis stops in front of one large door.

Embedded in that door is a spherical crystal.

Vysis touches it and pours magic power into it.

Then, the door is opened———– and she enters.

In the same way as before, Vysis brightens up the space behind it.

Walking into that room, I found myself in a fairly large room.

Compared to the previous room though, it’s of a reasonable size.

A rectangular room, but just like before, the ceiling is also quite high.

There was a railing at about the height of a mezzanine floor.

The handrail surrounded the room in a U-shape except for the side near the door.

The other side of the railing seems to be a considerably large scaffolding.

The castle has a hall with a somewhat similar structure to this.

The glossy walls look hard.

And at the back of the room———–

Something with an intricate network of tubes was sitting there.

An ancient enormous magic tool……

I could only come up with such a description for it.

[Ahh, that is a device I made myself. It was really hard to build. It was the triumph of my perseverance~~]

Apparently, it seems like some sort of “device”.

Vysis stood in front of said device, with me following her behind, and began fiddling with the tubes and uneven crystals.

It seemed like the parts she was fiddling around were used to operate it in some way.

[At any rate……]

As he spoke, Vysis took a small bag from her pocket.

Part of the device was a tube with a funnel-shaped tip.

Turning the small bag upside down, Vysis poured its contents into the tube.

At a glance, the contents appear to be small dark purple spheres.

Vysis pointed her fingertip to the side of the device———— as if to point on something.

Her finger was pointed to a diamond-shaped crystal on a pedestal.

Upon closer inspection, the crystal was floating in the air.

[Whether it was this device or the Sacraments…… It was extremely challenging to create them in a way that wouldn’t trigger their “detection”. This underground space has existed for a very long time, so there were no issues but……. it was truly challenging to find a method for this device———– for this Sacred Treasure and the Sacraments to not trigger detection. As for the Sacraments, I managed to resolve the issue somehow by ultimately altering the nature of their soul power…… but well, the Sacrament research yielded some byproducts, so things turned out to be a good thing.]

This soul power, it should be the other way the Heroes’ Experience Points are called.

[As for the Sacred Treasure, it turned out that the impact would be less if the manufacturing proceeded during the period when a Root of All Evil appears. Hmmm, in other words, they are our natural enemy, but if they are defeated too early, the production of this Sacred Treasure will be delayed…… And so, it was really difficult to adjust things out. Quietly sneaking around, discreetly moving in silence……]

[……Ummm, Vysis-sama.]

[Yes, yeeees? What kind of questions do you have? If it’s now, I can answer anything you want, you know?]

[Why is it…… that you brought me here……?]

[Well———— It’s simply because I’m bored talking by myself, isn’t it? Don’t you feel a unique sense of elation and ecstasy when revealing a secret? Isn’t it fun? And rather than talking to someone who seems to know what’s going on, talking to someone who knows nothing about it really is exceptionally fun! Fufu…… Nyantan’s reaction was just as I expected, you know? The result would probably be even better than John Doe’s~~]


I heard some sort of sound around.

A strange sound began to generate from within the device.

It somewhat sounds like the heavy and dull ringing of a bell.

[Ara~~ It worked without any problems during the actual moment~~? This is what powers it…… Haahhh…… I’m looking forward to it? Now then, first of all, after activating the Anti-Deity Specialized Champion~~ …… The gate would open, and finally, up to Heaven———-, ………………….]

Vysis came to a sudden stop———– and she abruptly fell into silence.


I was puzzled, not knowing what was going on.

Looking at Vysis’ back……

[……………………..Ara ara, my oh my.]

Vysis’ emotions, which had been filled with joy just now……

It suddenly seemed to cool down.

On the face of Vysis as she looked back, a cold smile was stuck on her lips.

The Goddess’ eyes———- don’t seem to be looking at me.

No, it was directed beyond me.

Following her gaze, I also turned around————–

[Yahhoo, Vysis.]

And there I found a woman standing there.

I didn’t notice her there at all.

As if……

I couldn’t feel her presence.

Where in the world did she come from———–


[Arehh? Vysis, there’s no way you’re ignoring me, right……?]

[……Loqierra. Good gracious, it’s been a while.]

(T/N: ロキエラ / Rokiera. Can’t find a source name elsewhere, so I just named her that.)

The woman seems to be named Loqierra.

Her silver hair was braided and hung down in sizable pigtails.

She was dressed in white.

Her appearance gave the impression of chastity.

On the other hand though, her tone seemed very nonchalant and casual.

Golden eyes.

(Could she be……)

[Considering the dimensional balance, it’s usually not desirable for another Deity to descend to a place where there’s already another Deity. But well, I guess it can’t be helped this time.]

The woman called Loqierra said this and gave a carefree smile.

Behind her were three relatively well-built———–

(What in the world are they……? Men with white bodies…… golden eyes…… wearing what seemed to be armor? Or perhaps, they were clad in something like an outer shell…… Something like———– a fusion of a human and a monster…… And that is…… a humanoid wolf……?)

Vysis, acting clueless……

[Hmmm…… I somehow had a feeling that some strange presence was approaching.]

[You’re at it again, acting all ignorant. You already expected this, didn’t you?]

[I don’t really know what you’re talking about. I mean…… What do you mean “it can’t be helped this time”? For what reason are you here? I honestly don’t have any idea what’s going on……]

[Ahaha, you sure are the same as usual, Vysis.]

[Like I said…… What could your business be here? Suddenly coming here without even a prior word, how scary…… Moreover, coming along with Vanargadia and his Divine Servant, was his name Turmuk? You even brought your Divine Servant Thaeron…… W- What’s the meaning of this? Crowding around me like this, I feel scared……]

Loqierra looked easygoing———–

The air in the room feels tense.

So much so that they seemed to prick my skin.

As Loqierra casually scratches the tip of her nose with her fingertip……

[You see here, Vysis…… I wonder about that myself? Even after the disappearance of the feedback from the Root of All Evil, subtle increases in interference values were observed but…… Well, that was still within acceptable range. It’s just, the problem is after that. We suddenly measured a number of interference values that we just can’t overlook, you know?]

Moving her finger away from her nose, Loqierra asked with a smile.

[The reason why this is happening———— Can you explain this to me?]

[I don’t want to.]

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