I hate being in pain, so I think I’ll make a full defense build Chapter 457

Chapter 457

Defense Specialization and the Decisive Battle (3)

Thunder roared.

As the series of lightning intensified, Sally advanced towards Velvet, who was floating in the air with Hinata.

“You can still move? Now that’s a pain!”

“Then you may as well give up.”

“Not happening!”

Sally, who was within the effect range of Maple’s [Dedicated Affection], didn’t need to worry about Velvet’s electric shock or Hinata’s debuff.

Despite receiving all the attacks from the top-class duo, Maple remained unscathed and in perfect condition.

“[Commence Attack]!”

“[Ice Wall]!”

As Maple fired some bullets, Hinata formed a freezing wall to shield Velvet. Sally lunged at Velvet with her dagger, only for Velvet to deflect it with her gauntlet.

Hinata would counter Maple’s attacks from a distance, while Velvet would engage with Sally.

It was inevitable. Due to Sally’s relentless assault, Velvet couldn’t afford to be mindful of Maple’s attacks.

If she didn’t focus on Sally’s blows, she’d be taken out at any moment.

At the same time, they mustn’t let that one-sided onslaught go on.


“[Purple Lightning]!”

—Woah! Sally!”

Suddenly, a pillar of ice rose from underneath her feet, knocking Maple off. There was no damage, given the purpose was to move Maple.

Velvet’s aim was Sally, who was no longer in the range of [Dedicated Affection].

“…You’re quick on your feet.”

“I am.”

After the blast of thunder subsided, Sally poised her weapon, showing no signs of being affected.

Even though the range of [Dedicated Affection] rapidly moved backward, Sally quickly reacted and withdrew a few steps to nullify Velvet’s lightning damage.

“I can’t win at this rate.”


While redeploying the weapon that was broken by the iceberg, Maple stood up, seemingly unaffected as well. Once again, the two were reminded that Maple was the real threat.

Even without [Indomitable Guardian], they still had to deal with Maple’s defense. Apparently, the thunderstorm that had defeated many players was powerless against Maple.

“It’s scary how invincible Sally is right now.”

The current Sally was different from the person they once fought in a duel. When Velvet tried to overtake her from the side and charge towards Maple, Sally accurately blocked her path. Somehow, it was more realistic to try to inflict damage on Maple by hitting Sally with a piercing attack rather than slipping past the latter.

Be it Velvet’s ranged attack or Hinata’s movement debuffs—all manners of skills that would hinder Sally were canceled by Maple.

To defeat Maple, they’d need to do something about Sally, but to defeat Sally, they’d have to do something to the former.

“I don’t think there’s anything you can do, but… If you are not going to do anything, here I come.”


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Sensing that Sally’s aura had changed, Velvet and Hinata also paid close attention to her next move.

“[Second Coming of the Thunder God] [Rain of Thunder]!”

Explosive thunder engulfed Sally, spreading to the surrounding area as torrents of lightning poured from the sky.

The two couldn’t mistake those skills, for they were the exact same skills that Velvet used—a skill that put her at the center of battle due to its power and range.

Velvet instantly dashed out of the range of the thunderstorm. Her eyes went wide at the scenery in front of her.

“Is this… a copy or something like that?”

“Why don’t you test it out yourself?”

According to Lily, Sally was capable of using Payne and Maple’s skills.

Just like how Payne’s skill was merely an illusion, the same might be the case right now.

“It’s useless to run away, isn’t it!?”

Velvet didn’t have the necessary skill to avoid that thunderstorm. Only the person in front of her, Sally, had such an abnormal evasive power.

Even so, in order to defeat Maple, Velvet had to brave Sally’s lightning strike.


After making Hinata prepare to heal using [Light Magic], Velvet accelerated and leaped into the rain of thunder.

Although the lightning hit Velvet directly, it passed through her body, before vanishing into the ground.

“You’re quite daring, aren’t you?”

“It’s an illusion, after all!”

“Yes, that’s right!”

While keeping her distance, Sally closed the open blue panel and applied some buffs using an item. Velvet, who no longer needed to worry about the lightning, left Hinata to defend against Maple’s attack as she focused on Sally’s attack.

As the earth shone with [Dedicated Affection], two shadows collided. Velvet’s gauntlets would intercept Sally’s every attack, scattering sparks as clanking metals echoed.

“[Purple Lightning]!”

An electric shock erupted from Sally’s dagger, filling Velvet’s vision.

Even the effect was a perfect replica of Velvet’s skill. Velvet evaded while keeping a safe distance.

“Even if it’s an illusion, it’s still a hassle!”

Sally, who blinded Velvet, immediately changed her direction and chased the latter.

“[Ice Wall] [Ice Spear]!”

Immediately, a wall made of ice towered to block Maple’s line of fire. At the same time, an icy spear flew towards Sally.

“[Ice Spear]!”

Sally easily avoided it and shot another ice spear at Velvet.

However, Velvet was unfazed, and darted straight towards Sally.

Contrary to her expectation, the spear of ice hit her left shoulder directly and shattered.


Fragments of ice, and a solid damage effect. The shock made her slow down.

Oboro [Illusion]”

“—Tch! [Electromagnetic Leap]!”

Leaving a spark behind, Sally created a clone and set out to chase after Velvet.

However, Maple wasn’t so dull as to not see that something was off about the wall in front of her.

“[Commence Attack]!”

She unleashed several lasers, every single one of them closing in on Velvet. Experienced with the weapon, there was no way she could miss.

“[Gravity Control]!”

Velvet suddenly sprang up as if propelled by something invisible.

Partly because the aim was accurate, jumping was all it took for Velvet to avoid the lasers.

“That’s a great help!”

Velvet ran through the air, dodging Maple’s fires, before landing on the ground.

Maple was also keeping her distance to steer clear of Velvet’s piercing attack, so it was fortunate for the two that there was a delay in the impact of the attack.

However, a new problem soon arose.

“It isn’t an illusion!?”

“Find out for yourself.”

Velvet observed Sally as she approached with her clone, and noticed that the dazzling electric sparks around Sally had begun to generate a similar white mist.

It was cold. They didn’t know whether or not it was an illusion to trick them.

“Stay away from the ice for now!”

The damage wasn’t big. After healing her injury using Hinata’s novice healing magic, Velvet once again confronted the unpredictable Sally.


Satisfied with the success of her first move, Sally focused once again.

Her equipment, which looked like usual, actually consisted of two unique skills that had the same appearance, only concealed using [Camouflage].

In actuality, what was released was water. By matching the skill’s name and effect to match Hinata’s, and freezing it with [Frozen Earth], she had created a replica. However, since the opponents didn’t know the trick behind it, no wonder they thought that she copied Hinata’s skill.

“[Wind Cutter]!”

Sally closed the distance while holding back. Unless she was hit by a piercing attack or went out of range of [Dedicated Affection], none of the opponents’ attacks posed a threat.

Sally prepared her next move, while readying [Reversal of Lies].



With a hand sign that had been decided in advance between the two of them, Sally’s intentions were conveyed loud and clear to Maple.


While restricting Velvet’s movement with the newly created ice pillar, Sally used the thread to propel herself towards Velvet.

With Sally’s speed, that distance was nothing.

“[Commence Attack]!”

Maple switched to a turret, and scattered some bullets. Those that flew in Velvet’s trajectory were either blocked by an ice wall, or repelled by gravitational pull. Meanwhile, those that strayed from the trajectory were left alone.

As Hinata used her skill, Sally leaped towards Velvet.

“[Double Slash]!”

“[Vibrating Fist]!”

Predetermined skill movement. Because of that, an opportunity arose to score a hit on Sally, who was basically untouchable.

Velvet deflected one of the glowing red daggers, and swung her fist at Sally.


The moment Sally uttered that, her second dagger deviated from the expected trajectory, and blocked Velvet’s fist.

Skill cancellation—Velvet had never heard of such a skill.

Sally took a step forward, and when Velvet tried to intercept it—


There was a sensation of damage in her armpit.

Velvet immediately turned her attention to that direction. A deep scar, as if it was gouged out. The overflowing damage effect told of the power of the attack.

“[Gravity Control]!”

Hinata maintained her calm and forcibly pulled Velvet backward to rescue her.

“[Ice Castle] [Heal]!”

With Maple supporting her, even though Sally couldn’t move freely, she still couldn’t get pass physical walls.

“Are you okay?”

“Somehow… We’re in trouble!”

Sally was holding back. Despite being aware of that, they were still caught off-guard.

Sally, blocked by a wall of ice, gave Maple a thumb up.

They had practiced it before. While it was difficult, Sally had built her confidence and managed to pull it off.

Sally had two gimmicks.

To begin with, the [Cancel] skill didn’t exist. She merely imitated [Double Slash] using [Camouflage]. Since the skill was never activated, it could be interrupted.

She was merely holding her weapon.

As for the deep wound she inflicted on Velvet—the blow that wasn’t anticipated by both Hinata and Velvet….

It was Maple’s bullet which she concealed using her body until the last minute.

The moment it entered the range, Sally used [Mirage] to create an illusion as if the bullet flew somewhere else. But in truth, it flew right behind her, and when Sally stepped forward, the bullet pierced Velvet. Just like how she did it with Maple’s shield, Sally had turned the bullet invisible.

“Next, I won’t hold back!”

The opponents didn’t know how it worked, nor did they have time to figure it out.

Sally witnessed as Velvet leaped into the air from the ice castle, before making her landing.

“Amazing! What happened back then?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you.”

“I didn’t see that coming at all! It hit me squarely… so—

As Sally tried to advance, she sensed that Velvet had made her mind and stopped.

“I won’t respond.”

Even when she tried to figure it out, she still couldn’t keep up with Sally. Even with Hinata around, Velvet understood that she couldn’t outperform Sally’s wits.

As such, a prolonged battle would just put them in a disadvantage as they’d be exposing themselves to more unidentified attacks. If so, keeping up with their opponent’s movements was the last thing they should do.

Instead, they had to assert their dominance.

“[Thirst for the Top]!”

A sudden burst of blue aura. In the next second, Velvet ran past Sally at an inhumane speed.

Sally couldn’t even react to that speed. Velvet overtook Sally with abnormal acceleration.

“[Super Acceleration]!”

“[Super Acceleration]!”

When Sally accelerated, Velvet increased her speed again to match her.


Sally couldn’t catch up. Convinced of that, Sally warned Maple.

“[Commence Attack]!”

Maple unleashed some bullets, but Velvet avoided them by accelerating and bolting through the air with [Gravity Control].

If she moved around so rapidly, not even Maple’s attacks would hit her.


As long as she had [Dedicated Affection], using it on Sally would only stun Maple.

Still, what mattered was that it struck Maple.

“[Fragile Ice Sculpture] [Rusting Armor] [Collapse of the Star]”

Debuffs scattered one after another, including one that Maple had seen before. However, Maple had also fought many enemies so far. She was aware of her own weaknesses.

“[Pierce Guard]!”

Before Hinata could seal her skill with [Brainfreeze], Maple enhanced her resistance to pierce attacks.

“[Purple Lightning]!”

Velvet also knew the danger of Maple’s shield. She shot a lightning spark at Maple, who was frozen solid, and after seeing that her shield had stopped responding, Velvet charged towards her.


“[Awakening of Fighting Spirit] [Explosive Fist]!”

While strengthening the aura around her, Velvet turned around and swung her fist at Maple.

Maple had used [Pierce Guard]. She didn’t worry about defense, and focused on the incoming attack.

However, Sally interrupted her.


Maple instantly switched position with Sally, and the latter barely missed Velvet’s fist.

“[Flash Flood]!”

When Velvet staggered at the spouting water, Sally stood in between them to protect Maple.

“Sa… lly?”

“How did you find out?”

While Maple was dumbfounded, Velvet asked Sally.

They had switched places. Even though they had no reason to. In the first place, just because Velvet displayed some powerful skills of unknown origins, it shouldn’t be enough reason for her to do that.

Even though the operation is supposed to be a success…

Velvet skeptically stared at Sally.

“In our guild, there are people who are knowledgeable about various skills.”

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“Is that why?”

“It wasn’t a piercing attack, right?”

Kanade had perfectly memorized the descriptions, costs, and names of skills he’d seen in the Divine World library. Meanwhile, Sally learned it overtime, and by now, she had everything hammered into her head.

[Explosive Fist] was certainly among them.

It was an extremely powerful attack—but that was it.

Aha! I see! But there won’t be next time!”

She might be bluffing. However, Velvet was unlikely to attack mindlessly.

“Maple, be careful. [Pierce Guard] only prevents piercing attacks.”

Coupled with Hinata’s unparalleled debuff, the destructive power of Velvet’s heavy blow would’ve been beyond imagination.

Maple also understood what Sally was implying.

Right now, Velvet could directly break through Maple’s defense. At least, those two seemed to believe that. Looking at the series of movements, it was a logical conclusion.

“When things get dangerous, I’ll step in. Trust me.”

“Yes, I understand.”

With Maple’s reaction speed, her shield was unlikely to keep up with Velvet’s high-speed attack. Therefore, Maple focused on offense, while Sally turned to defense.

Maple and Sally stood side by side, pointing their weapon at their opponents so that they wouldn’t be caught by surprise. From here on, the two would keep each other safe while looking for openings.

The thunderstorm still did no damage. The only thing they had to watch out for was that fist.


Velvet marched towards them, and easily surpassed Sally, whose [Super Acceleration] had expired, in speed.

Her one and only target was Maple.

“[Commence Attack]!”

To avoid the rain of bullets, Velvet sidestepped before advancing. Velvet’s movement was faster than Maple’s reaction.


A pillar of lightning engulfed Maple. But rather than to inflict damage, the attack was aimed at her weapon.

“[Ancient Weapon]!”

Blue spark. The black cube floating around Maple cracked open, transforming into a cylinder, and began to rotate.

With high-speed rapid fire, it spewed a flurry of blue glowing bullets at Velvet as she approached!”


“[Barrel Deployment]”

Maple redeployed the destroyed weapon and tried to land a hit on Velvet. However, the latter, who’d seen it coming, accelerated in advance.

“[Ice Spear]!”

An ice spear flew towards her, and an awful scenario flashed across Velvet’s mind.

When Velvet dodged and escaped from the trajectory, Sally swung her dagger at her.

“I’m faster!”

As she halted to avoid Sally’s dagger, damage effects burst from her shoulders. Maple was nearby, ready to shoot at any moment. Sally, who was aware of that fact, could erase whatever she liked with [Mirage].

“—Tch! Again…!”

Unidentified attack. However, the two decided to not flinch anymore. After being healed, Velvet dived straight into the battle once again.

“[Frozen Earth]!”

After Hinata restrained Maple, the two passed next to Sally and closed in on Maple.


“I won’t hold back either.”

A sensation of heavy damage—one unlike never before—struck Velvet. The scar on her abdomen wasn’t from Maple’s bullets or Lasers.

“[Seeping Chaos]!”

“[Ice Wall]!”

The moment her focus diverted from Maple—the released monster’s mouth collided with the ice wall, leading to a massive explosion.

“[Triple Slash]!”

Velvet turned around at Sally’s voice and widened her eyes. There was a reason why Velvet was ruptured and torn.

Sally held a blue dagger in her hand—and a gray longsword on the other.

Sally slashed at Velvet with the same momentum.

“You still have some tricks up your sleeve!”


Of course, Sally, who didn’t activate her skill, lured Velvet to change her movement, and extended her long sword forward.


The longsword then transformed into a spear, and its length pierced Velvet.

Seeing that Velvet had faltered, Sally reverted her weapon into a blue dagger, before hiding it behind her back and transferring one weapon from one hand to another.

Now, they wouldn’t know which one was fake anymore.

“Seriously, where did you learn all those annoying skills?”

Not just the skill effect, even Sally’s weapon and equipment were fake. Now that [Mirage] had changed the skill name every time, only Sally could tell which was which.

It was as if Velvet was being rebuked for trying to slip past her. Although Velvet’s damage output was high, the battle was still very much under Sally’s control.


That said, they still had some advantage—namely the thin sheet of ice. Even so, Sally’s calmness made them hesitate.

Sally had become so unpredictable—even though that was supposed to be Maple’s role.

They could still win this—but…

“[Poison Dragon] [Commence Attack]!”

While Maple was on the offense, Sally collected her thoughts.

Velvet and Hinata’s skill composition still left Sally anxious.

Both Velvet and Hinata had two aces. Thunder and martial arts—ice and gravity.

Without a doubt, there were still some skills that the two hadn’t used. Sally could confidently say that because she herself had two unique skills and used them interchangeably. As such, the two probably had multiple unique skills of the same kind. To top it off, unlike Sally and her deceptive element, the two exuded a sense of unity.

“Is there no choice but to split those two?”

That way, there’d be one less thing to think about. However, she wasn’t optimistic about that, so it’d remain as an option for now.

“Maple, when the time comes, I’ll set it.”

“Got it!”

If the skill could be used effortlessly, then Velvet would’ve used it from the beginning. For example, the [Thirst for the Top]. The fact that she didn’t prove that she couldn’t.

If that was true, the opponent wouldn’t just stay silent and wait. As this was her final moment of truth, Sally opened her inventory and reapplied some buffs to herself.


“I’m counting on you!”

Velvet shook off her hesitation and replied.

She came here knowing the risks. Besides, it’d be better to go all out than doing things half-heartedly.

“Here I come!”


“[Zero Gravity]!”



Sally, who showed a grim expression, had a foreboding feeling.

Immediately after Hinata’s purple light filled the area, everything that wasn’t fixed to the ground floated up.

Flying bullets, poison that soaked into the ground, and even the lightning bolts. As Maple, who’d absorbed the skills meant for Sally, helplessly floated in the air, Velvet swiftly utilized Hinata’s gravity skill to soar through the sky.


“[Commence Attack] ...Eh!?”

Maple’s eyes widened when she saw that her newly shot bullets were floating aimlessly in the air.

“[Icicle]! [Thread User]!”

Sally flew towards the sky as well.

Still, unlike her opponents, who could freely manipulate gravity, her mobility was limited.

“You’re slow!”

“[Fragile Ice Sculpture]! [Rusting Armor]! [Collapse of the Star]!”

“Maple, block it!”


“[Explosive Fist]!”

Upon hearing Sally’s voice, without hesitation, Maple used [Atrocity]. In the next moment, Velvet’s fist pierced Maple’s monster-like body, and along with tremendous damage effect, her flesh was ruptured as her body was thrown into the ground.

“[Awakening]! Syrup, [Nature]!”


Maple cushioned her fall with a vine made of syrup, while Sally conjured an ice pillar to shield the two. Afterward, she tied Maple to the ground with a thread so she didn’t fly away.

Although Maple was stuck, it was much better than floating.

“I can’t hold back anymore! Let’s go!”

Now only Sally could protect maple. On top of that, now that all projectiles had been neutralized, Maple was basically unarmed.

—To overcome Sally’s defense.

That was their last and biggest hurdle.

The battle was nearing its end, Sally advanced to intercept Velvet.

“[Northern Light]!”


As Sally activated a skill that she shouldn’t have, Maple and the others hid in the pillar of light.

Regardless of what Sally did, Velvet’s speed was still unmatched. At least, that was how it was supposed to be, but when Velvet rapidly zapped from place to place, something invisible slashed at her.


Passing through Hinata’s ice and gravity defense, Sally somehow managed to land a hit on Velvet over and over again.

Something hit her arms, and then her legs. Every time she tried to get close to Maple, damage effect would burst somewhere on her body.

Even so, the two regrouped and waited for an opportunity.

The moment the [Northern Light] subsided, Sally and Maple were visible once again, and Velvet immediately darted towards her.

“I won’t let you.”



Sally braced herself at Hinata and Velvet’s declaration. As she prepared for worst-case scenario, she ransacked her brain for a solution.

“It’s a bluff, right?”

Sally stepped forward and swung her dagger. In the middle of its trajectory, it morphed into a greatsword, sinking into Velvet.

“I knew it.”

The damage effect spurted like fresh blood.

Two people who alternated between two types of powerful skills. Unfortunately, it came with a cost, namely that it filled all the slots for accessories.

The two couldn’t equip [Bridge of Bonds].

Nevertheless, that fact, which had remained a secret for a long time, delayed Sally’s attack for just a moment—

—and that alone was enough.

The greatsword ruptured her flesh, shattering her bone. While taking damage, Velvet slipped past Sally at maximum speed.

“[Deploy Barrel] [Commence Attack]!”

“[Iron Will]”

Without Sally, who gave Maple a chance to dodge, Velvet effortlessly bypassed Maple’s barrage of attack using her strong damage cut and Hinata’s defense, although the duration was short.

“[Purple Lightning]!”

Velvet destroyed Maple’s weapon with lightning before jumping into range.

“[Ancient Weapon]!”

Maple deployed an indestructible weapon. She extended her right hand, prompting a black pillar, from which sparks were emitted, to rotate.


“[Fragile Ice Sculpture] [Rusting Armor] [Collapse of the Star]”

“[Explosive Fist]!”

Before Maple could attack, Velvet’s fist slammed onto her.

Naturally, she couldn’t avoid it.

Just as they had expected, the blow broke through Maple’s defense and blew away her HP.


Maple’s expression distorted by the damage, but the sparks around her right hand only intensified in glow.


“—! [Thunder Beast]!”

Blue light overflowed from her right hand. Maple only had 1 HP left, but since she was still alive, she could still move. When Velvet saw that Maple was using her deadly blow, she transformed into a giant white tiger for emergency retreat. However, Maple’s blue laser, which reached the far end of the horizon, pierced her, and Velvet was blown away.



It was an absolute trust. When Sally wordlessly passed by Velvet, that was when Maple knew she’d survive.

Therefore, neither evasion nor defense was needed—she only had to attack.

—She only had to entrust herself to Sally’s judgement.

While pretending to reapply buffs, Sally was actually checking the timer. The plan was executed at this specific time, relying on Sally’s precise time management down to the second. Right now, the clock was just a few seconds past twelve.


“Next is our turn.”

Sally closed in on Velvet. There was still a difference in speed. Now, it was either to withdraw, or fight back.

Sally didn’t hesitate. Only one last step remained to this plan, and that was to proceed.



Hinata, who tried to stop Sally in her tracks, was astonished. Sally disappeared using Dred’s skill.


The space on the left distorted, and Sally emerged from it. Even if Velvet was suspicious, she couldn’t help but respond.

“[Ice Spear]!”

When Hinata’s ice spear hit its mark, they both discovered it was an illusion. After all, it was uncharacteristic of Sally.

The real one was on the right. Sally, who had distracted them with [Mirage], used [Godspeed] to close the distance, and pulled the string extending from her left hand.

—Connected to it was Maple who’d made complete recovery.

Her chest.

From behind the remnants of the armor, reddish-black sphere was crackling and emitting sparks. The light of the [Break Core] intensified, ready to blow the two away.

“No way—”

“—Please escape.”

Instantly, Hinata severed the circuit of gravity that connected the two, and jumped in front of Velvet.

“[Isolated Area]!”

The targets were herself and Maple. A purple dome spread out from Hinata, confining them in an isolated space so that no one else could interfere.


“Hehe, I won’t let you.”

Hinata smiled gently.

In the next second, the space created by Hinata was swallowed in an explosion.

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