I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse Chapter 139 [Bonus chapter] Special Grenades!

Of course the spearhead didn’t like this but what could he do about it?

“We are ready.”

We took almost one hour before they all took their shares from here.

“Bring everyone on board,” I pointed at my chariot as I gave permission for everyone here to board it, “we’ll go back to Jersey city for now.”

“Is it under our control?” Alex asked while she was trying to get rid of her shadow, Angelica, using me as a barrier between the two.

“It is,” I nodded while moving in wide strides towards the chariot, “but it’s not like New York. the damage there is simply terrifying.”

“Is New York still standing?” Leo came to my side while asking in a weird tone.

“Indeed it is, why? Did you hear anything else about it?” I looked at him but he gave me a deep gaze before suddenly shouting while pointing at me:

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“Oh, you… It’s you…”

“It’s me… What?!” I looked at the four girls and the spearhead while the people on the ground were heading towards my chariot.

“It’s you… that dude who sent me a broadcast before,” he shouted as if he found some kind of earth shattering secret, “damn me! It’s really you! F*ck!!”

Oh you were speaking about that! I almost forgot about my earlier broadcast.

“Damn! I heard you mention New York but never thought we’d meet like this!” he was acting weird! Looking around, as if he was looking for the same reaction from my team or something… he even screams without any reason.

“Calm down buddie,” the spearhead interfered, “it’s something normal for our boss. Just get used to it.”

“It’s… amazing!!” he didn’t cool down so I had to ask about something regarding this point.

“Did you get my message? I mean after listening to it, did you consider what I said?”

“Of course!” he shouted and even went to the edge of the chariot as he screamed at the people down there, “he is the one! The one who sent us the message! He is the man we are following! F*ck!!!”

Dude, please chill out or else you might rupture something in your vocals…

“Man, can you calm down a bit?” I said while trying to get him back to his cool self.

“This is totally unbelievable! Do you know that you are the one who ignited that idea in our heads in the first place?!”

“What idea?” he spoke like I knew what he was speaking about.

“That sh*t from before man… That ambush thing! Damn! You didn’t know… the man didn’t know!”

That last sentence he shouted towards the people below like it was some kind of revelation. Well dude, could you just calm down for a second and explain?

Angelica stepped in and with Alex the two managed to get something useful from him. It seemed that after I broadcast my video, he agreed with everyone here to start a rebellious move against the monsters and other races in this world.

So they picked a nice place and gathered up the two hills of ruins. They set a good ambush and they killed two other groups before the last one.

“So you have a gamer class?” I asked in doubt, “and this class isn’t unique and others have it?”

“Yes, we are already linked together in some sort of a big game thing!” he kept shouting and it seemed I had to get used to his flippering nature.

For a second there he was acting docile and the next he was a lion roaring all over the place.

“So you have a link with other gamers?” This was something important, far more important than just having him.

He nodded then suddenly shook his head.

“There is such a link but to use the chat I have to upgrade my class level.”

“And?” I didn’t find it weird. Such a unique ability must come at a price.

“I need to acquire skills from places other than the market,” he bitterly said while his face showed a lost expression as he returned to the calm version of Leo.

“You can get skills like we taught you,” Angelica said as if this was something simple.

“This…” yet he hesitated and I slightly got a rough idea about his class conditions.

“You need to acquire it like you are playing a game?” I asked and he nodded to confirm my guess. “So you can only have them from dungeons, correct?”

“And special quests called silver graded quests or higher,” he added, “but till now I didn’t get any skill or even get close to see a glimpse of a dungeon or a quest of that grade.”

“The silver quests…” this wasn’t an alien term for my ears. Silver graded quests or godly quests were quests issued by gods when a group of survivors got the blessing from the same god.

After knowing that secret about god pantheons, I could say that such quests would be issued when we have many people getting blessings from gods of the same pantheon.

Anyway that was far from a topic. But thinking about that reminded me of all the silent gods in my channel and the two pantheons I was dealing with.

The war pantheon should have seen my battles so far. I did a remarkable performance back there and even slain a dark realm monster as a bonus.

Don’t tell me that wasn’t enough to gain their support!

As for the death pantheon, I wouldn’t hang my hopes on it. This one had many internal conflicts and scary gods. After watching how god wrath was deadly, I didn’t want to get in such a mess, not if I had another choice to consider.

“Golden quests can do, right?” Angelica said while looking at me and Alex as if she was asking for our support.

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Alex frowned while I simply nodded.

“Golden quests would appear every five quests, so we still have a long time to have one,” I said before adding, “but regarding dungeons, I have a way to get into them.”

“Really?” Leo flipped the button and instantly reacted intensely to my words. He jumped and grabbed my arm as if he was begging me for his life. “You know how to find dungeons? F*ck! I searched wide and far and tried to get info from everyone but failed!”

“I have a way, I just told you that,” I freed my arm before adding, “we’ll just have to wait until the second quest is finished.”

“We can’t go right now?” like an impatient kid he reacted.

“Of course not!” I rolled my eyes, “any dungeon will take at least one day to complete. Not to mention I have access to two and not one.”

“Two… That’s…!!!” he was shocked to speak properly and I had to thank god for that.

“Just hang tight and wait for the second quest to be over,” I ended this discussion as I looked over to the last batch of people getting into my chariot, “and pray the next rest period will be long enough to get into one dungeon at least.”

Strangely enough he landed on his knees, raised both hands in the air as if he was really praying. Dude, gods really existed but they were just watching our performance from their high up shrines and not giving a damn about us!

“Let’s go,” as everyone boarded my chariot, I started to move it using the intermediate version of power. It took us almost an hour to cross that river back to the Jersey city location, but we didn’t have anything urgent to rush up.

During this hour I started to look into the rich gains I got this time. Aside from the astronomical fifty million coins, my gains mostly were in stat points and gears.

It seemed that the dragon dude was obsessed with gears. There were enough gears inside my inventory to arm up an entire army of fifty thousand to the brim!

Of course I had many followers now, but my total force didn’t even cross the twenty thousand mark yet.

And who said I should waste these precious gears over them? I should start considering building up my elite force, not just common survivors with some skill.

Then bizarre items were found inside my inventory. For example I found dozens of similar small statues that belonged to different six groups.

Whenever I took one out and tried to examine it, I got the same message over and over again.

[You don’t have permission to view it]

[You need to get the least conditions to be able to gain permission]

Again I didn’t have enough permission to view the details of these statues. Now I had seven different statues in my inventory without being able to access any of them.

Of course I’d be able to get the permission once I raised my stats, raised my level, gained new skills, gained a god blessing, and of course raised my class level.

That was what I had in mind about the conditions for unlocking such statues’ information windows.

They were access keys to impacts, like the Bringold impact. But would they be like the Bringold impact? A black market impact? Or would they be a forging association? Or something else?

Well… I had to wait to know the answer for that.

Putting these statues aside for now, I found strange weapons like the one used before against me. That dude didn’t use all of his special small versioned babies, as I found twenty of them lying calmly inside my inventory.

In addition to these and their ammunition, I also found a few other weapons. Even some grenades were there.

They weren’t like the grenades of death that I acquired from my jumper. There were three groups of such grenades, called by order: the grenades of life, the grenades of time, the grenades of darkness.

[Grenade of life: special item. Used when your team of more than one hundred have less than ten percent of their stamina. The grenade will explode and shower particles from the tree of life. Any damage gained will be repulsed and returned to all of your team as health particles. These particles will help in healing any wound or block any deadly attack]

Damn! This grenade would be a game changed in any large fight! The first question that popped in my mind was why that jerk didn’t use this when I was fighting him?

But the answer came when I reread the description. The number of his team wasn’t close to a hundred from the start. Not to mention the succubus team wasn’t part of his group.

Phew! If he used the stock of this grenade, killing him wouldn’t be this easy or fast.

[Grenade of time: special item. Throwing it at an area will make the time pause for one minute. You need to not be injured to use it. Applied only on one person]

Damn! Another heaven defying grenade! Were all grenades this shocking or what?

Of course I knew why he didn’t use it when I attacked him. He was injured during his fight with Leo’s crew. Thanks to Leo and his men, that dragon leader lost his chance to use this grenade.

[Grenade of darkness: Special item. When used, it explodes and creates a large sphere of darkness spanning across a hundred metres in radius. You and your team will only have the vision inside that sphere, and anyone else will be blind. Must not be under attack or in the middle of attacking before using it. Duration: twenty seconds]

Sh*t! Sh*t! These grenades were simply heaven defying!

I sucked in a deep breath before calming down my thoughts.

I got almost fifty of each grenade, making me able to turn any battle in the upcoming few quests to my favour.

But that also highlighted another thing, or ignited a deep desire inside me.

I wanted to have more, much more of these things. Buying them wasn’t that impossible. Even if the Bringold impact might not have these, one of the impacts that I had their statues with me would definitely sell them.

But they would come at astronomical prices for sure. Even such a wealthy dragon youth didn’t have that much of these items.

So the best solution wasn’t to buy them, but to seek to try and manufacture them. Once I succeeded in doing so, I’d unlock a totally new path for me.

Not only a path for power, but also a path for higher authority in this universe, gaining more relations and formidable allies, plus gaining more wealth in an easy way.

I must find a way to make these and other heaven defying items that I always read about. Without noticing it, my vision turned into a certain direction, the direction of Massachusetts state.

Just wait there baby, I’d come to you once I finish here.

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