I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse Chapter 180 [Bonus chapter] Battle At Elizabeth City

The first thing I did was to send messages to all my team members. I told them to divide the army into respective smaller armies under their lead, take different routes and come towards one direction; Irvington city.

I chose that city specifically for its place. After all, the closest city to me would be Elizabeth city. Yet I sent all my armies to Irvington, aiming to strike two birds with one stone.

Of course trying to fight in this way held its own risks. Once I conquered one city then that bastard would tighten up the security around the other two cities.

Not only that… I feared most that behemoth dude who showed up before. So to be safe and make things harder for such tricky enemies, I had to take such a risk and aim towards the two cities.

If I succeeded, then I’d deprive my enemies from two cities in one go. This would be enough to scare the sh*t out of that dude.

If I failed, then I’d end up with one city like I previously planned. As for the other two cities I’d work my way through them or use the chaos in that bastard’s forces and hit the tower with everything I got.

Thinking about that, I wouldn’t go to help the forces in the fight over Irvington city. My battle would be in Elizabeth city that was just in front of me.

Despite being all alone by myself, I never doubted my ability to take it. Yet the question here was when should I move to attack it?

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If I rushed over and hit it now, then I might alarm the enemy and make him send reinforcements here. This might look good as the other battle at Irvington city would be a lot smoother, but it also held a chance of risk.

I wasn’t fighting against a brave warrior, but a cowardly one. Cowards would tend to fear what they got much more than trying to reclaim what they lost.

In that case, that dude would instead send his forces to secure the other two cities. And instead of helping my forces to take over the city, I’d done the total opposite of it!

I didn’t want that!

Yet waiting for my forces to hit Irvington city would make the task to take Elizabeth city harder and a bit longer. Time was the main deciding factor in this fight.

If I managed to secure this city fast, then I could go over and help my boys at Irvington. But if I took longer here, I’d end up entangled in a war of attrition while my forces would struggle or even lose at Irvington city.

After thinking deeply about that, I decided to attack first. Yet I delayed my actions exactly ten minutes prior to my forces arrival at Irvington.

As I waited, I started to check the market for any cool tools. It seemed I developed a habit of checking the market after making the last purchase spree today.

In the market, I found a small number of smaller war weapons compared to my ballista and that giant machine gun weapon. Yet I didn’t hesitate and bought them all.

In the meantime, I also sold out anything out of use. All the gears and monster materials I got would lose their value by each passing quest. As I lacked any interest in such low grade gears and monster materials, I started to sell them and reap back useful coins.

Yet money was running out of me like water! I ended up buying almost everything related to war from the market after paying hundreds of millions of coins.

That left me with less than fifty million coins even after selling everything useless inside my inventory. Yet I never felt any worry from that.

I knew the upcoming battle would result in me reaping more rewards from those illusionists and other supporting races’ inventories.

Fifty million? Humph! I bet I’d end up with over a billion coins again after this war would be over.

If I was fighting dragons here, I’d dream about gaining much more. After all dragons were the wealthiest kid here in the apocalypse.

It was the only regret I had from the strange twist in events that human girl inspired. I knew she wouldn’t let such benefits slip away, besides that archlord dragon would have many fun toys in his possession.

Anyway, I scattered all my newly purchased war gears all over my chariot, turning it into a real fortress. At this point, my armies were drawing closer from different directions, closing up onto Irvington city.

“Time to get rolling,” I looked up at my soul points and evilly grinned. For the first time ever I finally crossed the one million soul mark since acquiring my class.

I didn’t hesitate and summoned twenty fallen gods. I selected them all to be lightning fallen gods as they were beasts in regard to open wars.

“Don’t look this dejected,” I said to my other fallen gods, “I’ll summon more of your kins once I finish this war.”

I wasn’t lying to my fallen gods here. After all the other two kinds of fallen gods felt a little sad after seeing such unjust treatment I had towards the lightning kind.

I wouldn’t summon weak fallen gods just to please them. This fight was crucial and speed was a priority here.

Plus I wasn’t lying! After this big war, I was sure that achieving the one million soul mark again would be within reach for sure.

The past fight gave me lower souls than expected as almost half of that monster army dispersed in the middle of the fight. Yet in this fight things would end up differently.

The races here wouldn’t just run away, they would fight to the last man standing. Even if they retreated, they’d do that to regroup with other forces and come back at me.

So I had a big pool of souls waiting for me to gather up.

As I gave my army of fallen gods shreds of essence, enough for one hundred supreme attacks, I yielded my light glaive and pointed it towards Elizabeth city.


It was one simple word, but followed by a mighty roaring from my army, so loud and brutal that made me quite sure every single enemy there would be scared to death.

Then I led my chariot and my army directly towards the city.

[Attack once grouping up] I sent to my teammates at the same time, [Don’t waste your time. Head directly towards the central gate and secure it]

The best strategy to cut much of their losses would be simply shortening the fight and heading directly to that mega gate. Even if the enemy kept sending off their armies from the gate, my forces would crush them instantly.

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Such a method would leave the enemy unable to change the outcome of that battle. Plus it would cut a lot of my forces losses compared with the regular fighting all over the city tactics.


The fight started hot by my lightning fallen gods combined attacks. They managed to clear a big chunk of the enemy forces that started to rush towards my direction.

As I gave such a plan to my forces, I also planned to follow the same tactic as well.

“You are biting more than you can chew, human race Hye!”

Just as the fight started, it was obvious who would win this battle. The enemy forces waiting here weren’t that much to begin with. That coward illusionist called most of the forces near him.

But as my forces were crushing and killing non-stop, three angels appeared out of thin air with all red and puffy faces.

Son of b*tches! You finally decided to show up after all this time!

“Humph! Go and f*ck yourselves,” I didn’t show any speck of respect towards them. Instead I pushed forward, using the element of surprise to my advantage and attacked any haste gathering of enemy forces.

“You think we can’t stop you as we don’t have our weapons?” one of them threatened and in return for that I could only loudly laugh.

Bastards! If you got anything to do and stop me here then you’d have done already! The fact that you showed up and tried to stall in a useless argument meant you got nothing at all to stop me.

Plus that also meant the city defences weren’t that much to begin with! It seemed I overestimated these forces and they wouldn’t even sustain my attack for half an hour!

If that was true… Then why not extend the benefits here and aim for the third city as well?

“Your previous actions won’t go unpunished!” the middle angel, their leader, spoke in a tone that was filled with immense hate.

Of course he should feel this way. After all, losing that deadly weapon deprived all the angels in a wide range and not only a group of them.

By this they wouldn’t be able to punish anyone or step into events and mess things up like they used to do.

Don’t blame me for responding to your dirty tricks, I just wanted to survive this deadly apocalypse. And your existence was just unwelcomed by humans.

“You shall stop what you are doing, don’t you know who you are opposing?” the third one said while threatening me in a subtle way.

“What? That illusionist god? Or should I say a successor of a god to be precise?”

From the look over their faces I knew what I guessed a long time ago was true. Since what I gained from my fight with that illusionist behemoth was something related to gods, I had few guesses in my mind about his identity.

The first and foremost unbelievable guess was that this dude was a god himself. But gods wouldn’t lower themselves to meddle in the affairs of their races in any apocalypse.

To them… We were just a way to have some fun and waste their time, nothing more!

So that left another guess, or two to be honest. One was that dude was someone supported heavily and treasured by a god. He had a blessing that granted him the god true abilities.

And that was known to be the god successor, the flag bearer of any god in the apocalypse.

But that also meant I was dealing with someone extremely dangerous! In fact there was another possibility, a far more dangerous one, that I prayed it wouldn’t be true; god reincarnation!

For unknown reasons for me, gods would die. I didn’t know how a god might die. Was it out of living a long life? Shouldn’t gods be eternal and immortal?

Who knew what was going on in the world of gods! Yet such possibility was already very low to begin with. All I recalled from the old man’s words before when he mentioned those guys was a simple advice:

“If you meet any god reincarnation at any time in the apocalypse, turn around, leave everything you are doing, and just flee. Run, run for your life Hye, this is the only way to survive those maniacs!”

“No, he is a god reincarnator!” The middle angel recalled all the signs of his shock and showed a plain face.

“Liar,” I snorted while seeing directly through his act.

“It’s the truth! He is a mighty and deadly god reincarnator!” one of the other two said, trying to make me believe their sh*t.

“Then I’ll try my luck with him,” I shrugged while knowing if anything was impossible to happen then for these angels to fear for my life.

Come on! Don’t think I’d buy all this sh*t you were trying to sell here!

“You have to listen…”

“F*ck off!” My answer was swift and decisive as I pointed my glaive towards the three of them. I knew I wouldn’t be able to touch a single hair of them, but I pointed it in a way of defiance to their reign.

“Or you can wait… Wait and watch clearly how a weak worthless human in your eyes will turn everything upside down and crush all the sh*t you are trying to create here…”


And in the next second, I pushed my chariot directly towards the high above the big mega gate. I wouldn’t waste my time speaking nonsense with those bastards.

Let my actions do all the talk! And I’d start my revolution by crushing their chosen illusionist archlord and wipe his forces out of the surface of this world.

And I’d start with this mega gate here.

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