I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse Chapter 70 - [Bonus Chapter] Alex’s Special Ability

Just in less than a few seconds, Alex screamed out in panic. I acted all innocent and kept my face looking forward without turning back for even a second.

"Damn! She is really persistent!" she kept cursing as we continued to walk. I just sent a simple message back to Angelica, telling her that her love was saved from a death trap by me.

Of course she didn’t even bother to send a single word back, and I didn’t mind that. After all she just did what I expected, and kept Alex busy for now.

"What happened?" as innocent as a child I asked, acting like I knew nothing at all.

"She knew I was in a deadly situation," Alex seemed to not buy my act, glaring in doubt at me, "who might be the person who told her this?"

"Just tell her you are busy working with me," I shrugged, "after all I’m still waiting for your answer."

"Tsk," helplessly she said something that I couldn’t hear and sent it back to her friend. Then she turned to give me such a blaming look.

C’mon, you were the one crossing the line here, not me.

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"Now, can you tell me if you heard about that list?"

"Not a single word!"

"Can you just search about it then?"

"Who do you think I am? Wikipedia or what?!"

"Then… you don’t know anything about it? Not even a rumour, a place, anything… Any info will help."

"Told you, I never heard about it!"

I frowned. "Aren’t your ability to see through things related to the angels? Aren’t you an oracle?"

"Oracle? How did you get such a nice name from?`` Unlike my uneasiness, she jumped in delight and even clasped her hands together in a cute way.

Did she do it on purpose? Yeah, I thought so.

"I just heard it before," I didn’t explain much. I needed to deal with these new changes that I never expected.

Was that god wrong? How could this be?!

"About my ability," she suddenly said after a moment of silence, "it’s useless if you asked me. I only can see pieces of images related to things those angels are doing at this moment or planning to do in a fixed period of time. I don’t know what you are talking about but if you want to know about their plans for now, I can tell you."

"Useless?!!" hearing her selecting such a word about her ability forced me to bitterly smile. Since when was the power to see the future bad? Especially the future related to your enemies?

Knowing anything hidden from you was a power of god, true and mighty god! "So you can tell me what they are planning for now and later on?" I asked before adding, "will your ability work on things they’ll do in a month from now?"

"Month? That’s ridiculous!" she furrowed her brows before adding in a serious tone, "I can only see through things they’ll do in one week. Yet again I have no total control over this ability, nor can I easily access it without paying a price."

"You became weak after using it?"

"Not this point," she didn’t deny it clearly but the next thing she said enlightened me, "I have set of rules about this ability, can only pay with my stat points to use it."

"Your stat points aren’t locked then?" This was against what Angelica told me before.

"Angelica must have told you another misunderstanding of her. That girl… Tsk," she shook her head in disappointment before adding, "I have the right to add points to my stats like you do. Yet I used all my stats before just to pry over the angels and know what they plan for me and my other friends. So I ended up with zero stat at the start of the apocalypse. And you can understand how hard it is to get more stats in such a state."

Yeah, that might be hard for anyone to handle, but not me girl!

"Take these," I took out a large number of stat points and gave them to her, "use them to add points to all your stats. We are currently waiting for the second quest to officially start, meaning our limit is one hundred point per single stat."

"These…" her eyes gleamed with bright light before adding, "aren’t these stats points? Damn! You are truly wealthy!"

Despite saying this, she was polite at all and even jumped to take my gift. I couldn’t help myself from laughing. "Now I want to know what they are planning to do now and in the next week. Try to see things related to the heroic calling, or the realm gates."

"But…" she reluctantly looked at the stat points in her hands. I could understand the thinking of a beggar who finally found a paper of one hundred dollars on the side of the street.

"I have tons of these," I reassured her, "don’t hold back."

"You aren’t just bragging to impress me, right?"

Girl, who did you think I was? Impressing you?! C’mon, you already were totally impressed by me!

"Just do it," I hurried her, "we have not much time to waste here."

During our little talk, I already gathered every warrior scattered around and were now moving in a big group towards the direction of the closest castle.

In the past hour that I spent inside that hospital, the jumper didn’t stop sending info constantly to me. I knew he was doing a great job already, so I had to do my part in taking control of these castles fast.

Thinking about it, the most dangerous person in the Jersey city next to here was already my lackey. There was nothing to prevent me from expanding my dominion over there as well.

As she started to arrange herself to use the stat points, I also kept myself busy buying a few things I desperately needed.

I bought two items from the channel market, one for contacting my own channel personnel, and the other was to allow me to exchange items with them.

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These two items were vital and crucial for my next plans. As I finished using them, and before getting the chance to experiment their usages, a bright light shone from the still Alex.

To make her use her ability we had to stop walking. We were still in the vicinity of the hospital region, with not a single castle around.

So monsters didn’t appear yet. But that didn’t prevent me from scattering my forces again.

"I need to find an item that can allow me to directly communicate with them from far," as I sent one quarter of the Bulltors around to act as scouts, I thought about this stressing issue.

Yet when I scanned the market, I found nothing like I wanted. It seemed I needed more privileges to get such an item.

As she started to use her ability, I stood on the side watching and guarding with much anticipation.

To use her ability, she had to sit on the ground, close her eyes, and perform many hand seals constantly.

From her hands bright white light appeared first as long wisps of weaving threads. In my eyes, she looked like she was weaving a cloth or breaking one down.

She stayed in such a state for a long ten minutes. Just after ten minutes, she suddenly opened her eyes and they were all white, scaring the sh*t of me!

Damn girl! Did you want me to lose the ability to have kids or what?

"Angels are working for their top plan, setting it into motion step by step," a deep and strange voice appeared like it came from the depth of her abdomen. I blinked for a moment before I realised something.

This was her way to use her ability. Could she recall what she was saying just now? Or she wouldn’t?

If she couldn’t then it meant her ability was limited. Someone must be with her whenever she uses her ability, someone honest and trustworthy.

Aside from myself, I didn’t feel anyone else was suited for such a task. But taking her with me all around was like me being her babysitter.

"Oh, I can always use my channel privilege for that!" a realisation hit me at this moment. Yeah, I could simply observe her whenever she performed this ability.

So even if we were separated by lands apart, I could still watch her using her ability and listen to everything she said.

"They are now trying to push for something big. A merge is coming, one way or another. They aren’t only using one method for it. One short path and one longer are being sent into motion. A direct path of quest is starting, and if it fails, a longer gate of the realms path is being prepared for."

Gate of the realms? This was something related to the heroic calling I knew about!

All the realms could be merged using different methods. One simple direction was by the use of the quest and the support of the system.

But what if it failed? Then there was another way, using the total opposite of what they used in the first path; points of weaknesses in the system.

Each realm had many gates securing the path for it. It was rumoured that the system was able to bring worlds apart together thanks to its control over these gates.

If the angels reached these gates and secured them, they could easily smuggle forces from any realm to another.

It wouldn’t be a large-scale merge by the support of the system, but this would end up with the same result.

Our human world would be submerged under deadly waves of attacks from other races. Damn! Even if I managed to stop them here, danger still lurked at the corner.

However after I calmed myself, I realised something else. "Having few groups of races scattered around the world isn’t as bad as opening the gates of hell directly upon us!"

Yeah, this might be selecting the frying pan rather than jumping off it. Yet it wasn’t that bad. After all humans weren’t void of heroes.

"The gates of the realms issued their list of missions. Completing any of it would allow anyone the privilege to control one gate for one day," she gasped for breath like she was on the verge of dying before coughing out a large amount of blood.

Her face turned instantly pale. Yet I didn’t intervene to stop her.

She was just about to tell me what I wanted to know.

C’mon girl, just hang a little more in there. You could do it!

But my hopes were crushed the next instant when she started to convulse like crazy. At this point I had to act and immediately shook her body firmly to snap her out of this.

"Cough… Cough…!" she kept coughing and sneezing, but the seizure was stopped. I didn’t know what to do but to search the market for a healing potion and gave it to her.

In the next five minutes she started to get better. Her cheeks regained the rosy colour and her lips parted away from the blueness they had.

"What happened?" I asked with worry.

"Told you," she bitterly smiled, "this ability comes with a price."

Damn! I thought she might be weak, but not to reach such a miserable state!

"It seems what you wanted to know is tightly guarded by those bastards," as she got better, she stood by the help of my arm and cursed the angels. "I felt like I was dying. Thanks for helping me there."

"No problem." I paused before asking, "is it the weakness of the body or the soul?"

If it was the body, then I might have a solution for that. Once she stepped on the path of cultivation, gained the support of the gods, she would be more secured.

But if it was the weakness of the soul, then there was no cure for that.. People either had strong souls from the start or fragile one.

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