I Reincarnated As A Stick Chapter 255: Traversing the Myriad Worlds

Chapter 255: Traversing the Myriad Worlds

Celestial Plane, within Kurohana’s plane.

A couple of days have passed since Kurohana’s plans of enhancing her power to break through the Immortal Verdict Wielder level had started. At this moment, not much of a difference could be seen on the two people that resided within the confines of the pure white cube, which were Kurohana and Shirohana respectively. But if one peered in closely through the auras that they exuded, one would be surprised that their power had improved by quite a significant amount when compared to a few days ago.

Since Shirohana had most of the power that Kurohana had, she was tasked by Kurohana to master and control more of the Greater Law of Reincarnation. For the past couple of days, she had not moved from the corner of the white cube she positioned herself in, maintaining a calm and composed expression while she sat cross-legged, her body still attuning to the laws of the universe.

Comparing the movement of the laws around her right now from before, the movement of the laws right now was a bit more vigorous and forceful, allowing one to feel an impending sense of danger from the aura emitted by her alone. In actuality, the improvement in the movement of the laws was more or less minuscule, but this minuscule improvement that resulted from two continuous days of assiduous pondering was more than enough for Kurohana to shatter 4 galaxies instead of 3 with the move she used back then to test her power.

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As for Kurohana, she still sat on the white chair she had conjured, with the orb reflecting Aurus’s condition hovering in front of her. Throughout these past few days, the image that was on the orb had been the same. It was that of Aurus in his unconscious state. Although the sight would look boring to a layman, to Kurohana, who had a decent amount of knowledge of the laws in the universe, even Aurus’s evolution process gave her some insights on what she could do to improve her prowess over the Greater Law of Reincarnation, which she would share with Shirohana from time to time by exchanging pointers.

“It has been almost four days since Aurus has started his evolution process,” she muttered to herself as she focused on the flow of energy around Aurus’s unconscious body. Surprisingly, there was a hint of a greater power, which differed from the laws gods and goddesses use, coursing throughout the cocoon where he was encapsulated as well. After a few more minutes, she decided that looking at Aurus’s evolution process became quite boring.

With that in mind, she decided to shift her point of a view to Aurus’s clone, Argentum, for a short bit.


In an instant, the image on the orb, which used to be that of a green translucent cocoon gradually pulsating every once in a while, had changed to that of a humanoid made out of green energy and a humanoid made out of blue energy.

“Oh?” Looking at the current image on the orb, Kurohana’s eyebrows could not help but slightly raise with interest, wondering how Aurus’s clone had gotten to this current situation. “Judging from the aura exuded by the humanoid made with blue energy, it seems to be the owner of the inheritance Aurus’s clone is in.”

“I wonder why his clone would be in a place that’s not of the same element,” she muttered to herself in a slightly curious tone, her brain working on overdrive for a few seconds as multiple thoughts and conclusions surfaced on her mind. Eventually, she discarded all of it as she remembered that Aurus’s clone was not a part of her plan in improvement at all, deciding to just look at him for a while to stave off a bit of the boredom that came with the plan.

“It’s not like I care anyway,” she said a few seconds later as she shrugged her shoulders in indifference. Whatever Aurus’s clone would do did not have anything to do with her at all. If his clone reached the Divinity-level, which would be the ideal situation in her mind, then it would be great, allowing the birth of a god that could surpass the gaps in existence level. But if his clone did not reach it, although she would be disappointed since she had influenced his clone quite a bit in order to give Aurus’s clone an edge, she would not go out of her way to manipulate fate to save his clone.

Letting out a sigh of boredom, she infused her energy into the orb to return the image on it to that of Aurus’s cocoon once again. After that, she stood up from her chair and lightly stretched her body for a bit before hastily making a clone that was made out of pure energy. She then tasked this energy clone to watch over the orb in case anything special happens before going ahead and heading towards where Shirohana was.

As she sat cross-legged in front of her clone, Shirohana opened her eyes to briefly look at what her original body was doing. Closing her eyes soon after, she asked in a hushed voice, “Exchanging pointers?”

In response, Kurohana closed her eyes as well as she attuned her body to the laws of the universe. A few seconds later, a connection between her and Shirohana had been formed, with a connection from far away attaching to the connection the two had as well. Sensing that every clone she had was now connected as one, she then replied to Shirohana’s words, saying, “More or less. But this time, let’s use Haihana’s current senses as a reference to improve our understanding of the Greater Law of Reincarnation. Once we improve it, her power would improve as well, thus allowing her to head to more treacherous worlds.”

A deafening silence soon covered the two just as Kurohana was finished talking, only for it to be broken as Shirohana responded, “Alright.”

Whoosh! Whoosh!

After about half a minute or so, the aura radiating from the two of them had gradually merged, forming into a singular entity as their thoughts and senses were connected. This fusion allowed them to obtain a better perception over the laws of the universe, with their rate of improvement now becoming somewhat visible as the movement of the laws surrounding them became more vigorous after a certain amount of time.

While Shirohana and Kurohana were expounding upon their understanding of the Greater Law of Reincarnation, Haihana, which was Kurohana’s latest clone to be made, was following her original body’s orders to a T. Currently, she was inside a world that had a power system extremely different from the one that the world Aurus was in had. Although the end goal was the same, which was reaching the level of Divinity, the method this world used was more focused on the refinement of their bodies and the lengthening of their lifespans, allowing them to live carefree lives as pseudo-immortals.

The name of the world where Haihana was currently in was Changliang, a world filled to the brim with immortals and beings that were quite close to the level of deities. At the very instant she had entered this world, the first thing she made sure of was the amount of power she could exert in this world.

After a few attempts, she was quite surprised that the amount of power she could exert in this world was around half of the power she had in her body as a whole. Fortunately, after scrounging through the memories of a few natives that eyed her body with lascivious gazes, she was able to estimate that her power was on the same level as someone at the Soul Unity realm in this world.

Although the Soul Unity realm was not a level of power wherein one would achieve pseudo-immortality, it was still a realm that was incredibly hard for people in this world to achieve, allowing Haihana to have more confidence in obtaining more experience without being hindered by strong opponents.

Just as she was about to start traversing throughout the world of Changliang, a thought surfaced on her mind. ‘Now that I think about it, if I were to traverse the world alone with this current appearance of mine, not only would I have multiple people chase me for my beauty, they would also try to coerce me to join their organization as much as possible, seeing as how much power I currently wield.’

Whoosh! Whoosh!

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In an instant, utilizing the Law of Deception that she had control over thanks to the Greater Law of Reincarnation, Haihana’s appearance, which was an exact copy of Kurohana’s appearance, had transformed into that of an oriental beauty which would definitely make a few people’s heads turn around, but not to the point that people would wage war just to have her speak to them. Coupled with a red robe that looked majestic as her hair was tied into a ponytail, Haihana currently looked like a native of this world.

Then again, the intent behind her eyes was something she could not hide with the Law of Deception, deciding to make sure that she would avoid making eye contact with people she passed by…lest she wanted them to be petrified for eternity.


A few seconds later, utilizing the power she had, she then headed towards a certain place in mind. This place was one of the organizations nearby that ruled over a great amount of territory, which she was informed about through searching the souls of those lecherous people from before. As she made her way towards this organization, she could not help but mutter, “The Myriad Sword Sect…I wonder if the amount of control I have over the Law of Deception would be enough for them to consider me as their elder?”

And so, after about an hour of traversing or so, she had arrived in front of the gates of the organization that was named the Myriad Sword Sect, alerting the guards that presided over the gates. But just as these guards were about to alert the higher ranking personnel of the organization, Haihana utilized the Law of Deception to make them believe that she was an elder of their organization. Unsurprisingly, with the great difference in strength, she was allowed to enter the sect within a matter of a few seconds, utilizing the Law of Deception on every member that she met.

Gradually, the memory that Haihana was a part of the Myriad Sword Sect soon spread throughout the organization, with the leader of the sect being tricked into believing that she was an elder as well. After making sure that every person in the sect was fed with the memory that Haihana was an elder of the sect, she then told the leader of the organization that she was going to go on a trip to expand her horizons, which was hastily accepted by the leader after manipulating her with the Law of Deception.

With that, Haihana went ahead and traveled through multiple kingdoms and empires, basking herself in the ways of the natives in the world. The fighting style they used, the combat techniques they utilized, the power system they put effort into, all of this was gradually being hammered into Haihana. Of course, since she was a part of Kurohana’s body, she knew the reason behind this order, sending the information she had obtained to both Shirohana and Kurohana from time to time.

Eventually, a year had passed since Haihana had arrived in this world, disguising herself as multiple people with multiple jobs, allowing her original body to get a better understanding of the Greater Law of Reincarnation. While she was inside a small town, disguised as an old beggar that would do work for money, her acute senses instantly locked onto the aura of a certain entity, an entity that Haihana was not familiar with, but her original body.

Declining the offer of a charitable person all of a sudden, Haihana went ahead and utilized her senses to the limit to track the aura as she slowly walked. Of course, to others around her, it looked like she was walking in a staggered manner, but each step she took would actually traverse tens of meters, thinking that hundreds of meters in one step would be too much in this small town.

After a few minutes or so, Haihana finally got a closer look at the entity she had locked onto, rummaging through Kurohana’s memories to find out who this entity was. Eventually, she finally recalled the entity she locked onto, muttering to herself, “Ah! This was the entity Kurohana summoned to help Aurus in the war!”

With her acute sense of vision, she was able to see a mosquito the size of a spider zooming through the town, which was flying at a height wherein it could not be seen by the people of the town. Nevertheless, the difference in height was not enough for Haihana to stop her senses as she went ahead and sensed the aura that came out of the mosquito, concluding that the aura that radiated from the mosquito was no different from the being that helped Aurus in that war he had back then, albeit slightly stronger.

Thinking about what she could do to repay what the mosquito did, she shot a small strand of energy towards the mosquito as she made a finger gun, planting a mark on the mosquito wherein she would know wherever the mosquito may be.

Satisfied with what she had done, she decided that her trip to this town was now over, heading back to the Myriad Sword Sect that she considered as her temporary base in this world.

After arriving at the Myriad Sword Sect in the appearance she had for this world, she hastily went to where the leader was. Opening the door all of a sudden, the leader could not help but be flustered as she did not expect any visitors to come at this moment.

“Qing Hongxue, what are you doing here?” the leader asked Haihana, who decided to name herself Qing Hongxue so she would not appear any different from the natives. “You do know that I’m not accepting any visitors at this time, right?”

“I apologize for intruding the leader’s rest time, but this is urgent,” Haihana replied in a solemn tone as she respectfully bowed.

Hearing what she said, the leader asked her, “Urgent? What do you mean? Did you foresee something while you were away?”

Other than deceiving everyone in the Myriad Sword Sect that she was an elder, she told the leader of the organization that she could foresee the future, which allowed the sect to escape a few calamities this past year. Of course, she was just utilizing a small portion of her control over the Greater Law of Reincarnation, which had something to do with fate.

“Indeed, I have,” Haihana replied to the leader’s query. “I have predicted that in the future, a person with great prowess over the Principle of Blood would come to this sect.”

Just as the leader was going to ask whether this person would be a bad omen to the sect, she continued, “The Myriad Sword Sect should accept this person as this person would allow the sect to enter a new era of power, allowing it to stand on the same level as those other Grand-level sects.”

“Is that so?” the leader said with a tone of curiosity and expectation while her face was filled with excitement. Did you foresee the person’s name by any chance?”

Surprisingly, a smirk crept up on Haihana’s face as she responded in a teasing tone.

“Unfortunately, I do not~”

“And also, make sure that person is under my tutelage once they’re accepted, okay~?”

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