I will not die a Villainess’s death Chapter 109 109: What Is The Teacher Doing On This Floor? [Pt1]

"So you knew Chrome as well? This seems like an interesting story to hear. So, do you care to share with me?"

It was Lucas who had come for her and Elysia was torn between lying and telling him the truth.

"I….well…that is…."

Elysia was not sure what to say to her brother regarding this matter. She had not even known who Chrome was when she had first met him. Nor did she know his real identity right now.

But it seemed like Chrome had known all about her and her real identity.

What’s more, he seemed to know her brother quite well as well. It was rare for her brother to call people by their names after all.

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"You don’t have to be nervous with me Elysia. Remember, I am on your side no matter what happens. So you can tell me anything you want to."

That was reassuring and that was the reason Elysia chose to open her mouth and tell her brother everything.

If there was one person who deserved to know what happened in the Pheros estate, it was Lucas. He was the one heading the investigation anyway.

"I see. So Chrome helped out that time as well. But I can understand his concerns as well since the disappearing cases were beginning to affect Akatsuki as well. But he could have at least informed me of all this in advance. I would have helped him out…"

Lucas complained about this situation but he had a fond smile on his face. It seemed like this relationship with Chrome was good enough.

"Oh, that also reminds me. Chrome is related to us by our mother so treat him like a brother. People also say that we look alike for that reason."

Truthfully, Elysia could see why people said that. The shade of black they had for their hair and their facial shape was similar to each other. But there were too many differences in their faces to truly call them similar.

Her brother was much better looking than Chrome.’

’But then again, maybe it is my bias talking here. I have known Lucas for longer.’

"I see. I had no idea we were related to the Akatsuki royalty this closely. Doesn’t it cause an issue of duties for us?"

Elysia was interested in this new relationship she had just discovered.

It opened up a new gate for her to run away if things ever got difficult for her back home. She was sure even Adam would not be foolish enough to start a war just to kill her.

’I should stop thinking like that. I am sure I will avert that future and not die at Adam’s or anyone’s hand. I need to live my life out.’

"A-Anyway, I wanted to tell you that you could go to Chrome for help if you ever need it and I am not there. He had promised to look after you."

Elysia did not like the tone Lucas had used just now. It was distant and distracting. It made Elysia feel afraid for some reason.

"And where are you thinking of going? You are not going to leave me alone, right?"

"No, no. Of course, I am not leaving you alone. But just in case something does end up happening to me, I just want you to know that you should go to Chrome for help."

That did not make Elysia feel better but she did not say anything. Elysia could tell that it had taken a lot out of Lucas to say that and she did not want to argue with him.

"Alright. I will consider if a time like that comes in the future. But for now, you should accompany me for a cup of tea. I am sure you need to take a break as well."

The look of surprise on Lucas’s face was worth everything. He seemed taken aback by Elysia’s sudden action of holding his arm and dragging him away.

Elysia wanted to laugh out loud at the amusement she felt at having surprised Lucas but she held her laughter in her heart.

"Let’s hurry up. Sora is waiting for us and I do not want to see him complain if we are late. I also heard that Lady White is here today. I am sure Sora is in an even sour mood with her around."

Sora always made a weird face whenever Lady White was mentioned so Elysia was sure that something must have happened between her and Sora.

But Elysia did not ask her and her familiar did not tell her.


’Gosh. This is awkward. Why did I agree to accompany this foolish familiar? And why is he using me like a shield? I feel like my face would melt from this lady’s glare.’

"Enma, would you like another cup of tea? How about a slice of cake? Don’t you like pineapple cake?"

"A-Actually I am….nevermind, I will eat it."

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Enma took the offered cake from Sorias’s hand and that purple glare increased in intensity even more.

Enma knew who Lady White was. And he was not impressed by the young girl sitting in front of him. He was even being glared at by her for no apparent reason at all.

’What is this girl’s problem? Does she not like the Crown Prince? Why is she acting like she is jealous of me? What did I even do?’

Enma forced his nervousness down as he played around with his cake. He had no intention of eating that pineapple cake since his stomach did not agree with this flavor.

He would have played with the cake forever if not for being called out.

"Are you not going to eat that cake? Lord Sorias gave it to you. Not eating it is the same as not respecting him. Hurry up and eat it."

Lady White stabbed the piece of cake on her plate and Enma had a feeling that it was his head she was imagining instead of the cake.

He did not want to eat the cake but he did not seem to have a choice.

’Sorry, my beautiful stomach but you need to be my sacrifice for today. I cannot afford to lose my life right now.’

Enma took in a deep breath before his fork came up to his mouth.

The cake was not bad in flavor but his stomach did not agree with him. As soon as the bite went in, his face turned pale and he stood up while holding his mouth.

"Hey wait. Enma, are you sick? Are you allergic to the cake?"

Sorias stood up from his seat as well with a worried look and followed. In the end, even Emma followed with a worried look.

She had just wanted to intimate the child, not make him sick. It would be really bad if this got back to the temple that she had managed to harm their person.

"Hey, wait for me. I can use some healing magic and cure you."

Emma ran after the pair as well and waited outside the bathroom. She did not want to enter the bathroom which was occupied by two guys. Even if they were kids, it was not the right decorum.

When the kid finally came out, he looked so much better than before. But his skin was still paler than before which made Emma guilty.

Both Sorias and Enma watched Lady White with suspicious eyes as she just stood there. Neither of the three knew what to say in this situation.

"I’m sorry. It was immature of me to make you eat unknown things that you showed a dislike for. House White will do anything…"

"No, I’m alright. I don’t blame you or anything…..ugggg"

Enma gave out a groan of pain as he clutched his stomach. It seemed like he was not done feeling better just yet.

Emma just felt sorry for the child but there was nothing much she could do. Not unless the footsteps heading toward them belonged to a maid who could help them out.

"I think someone is coming this way. Do you think it’s a maid we can ask help from…."

Emma did not finish speaking when a familiar person made a turn toward Elysia’s bedroom. It was someone who was not supposed to be here at this time.

"Isn’t that Victor? What is he doing here?"

Sorias asked as he gritted his teeth. He did not like this man and he would rather see him rot if he had his way.

But of course, Lucas had to be a kind person and deny killing this man outright.

"Oh, it’s this man again. Did you not fire him after what happened last time? He was taking too many liberties with your young miss. I would have burned him by now."

"Believe me that I want to. But there are things in the way."

Sorias was annoyed and Enma felt a need to distract him before someone ended up dead. And by someone, Enma meant him. He was the person Sorias had a death grip on and Enma felt like his arm was about to break.

"That all is alright but shouldn’t we follow him and see what he is up to? I am sure he is not supposed to be up here."

The other two jolted at his words and Enma was let go.

"You are right. We need to follow after him. Let’s hurry up and follow him right now."

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