I will not die a Villainess’s death Chapter 112 112: The Spring Of Joy [Pt2]

"Lady Dirac, you should come with me. Alone."

The helper who had come to take Elysia glared at Sorias who tried to follow after her. He was in his human kid form again which made the helper vary of him.

Elysia understood why the helper was so on edge around the kid. He was baring his teeth toward the helper.

But Elysia also knew that she could not afford for Sorias to get into trouble. That is why she shot an apologetic smile toward Sorias as she followed after the helper.

The helper had an annoyed frown on her face as she led Elysia away. It was clear that she did not want to walk with Elysia. And it was uncomfortable for Elysia to walk after such a person as well.

Fortunately, Chrome seemed to have sensed Elysia’s uneasiness and came to help her out.

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"Hey, wait. You are going to meet the crown prince, right? Do you think I can accompany you as well? I want to meet someone my age."

Chrome’s smiling face caused the female helper to stumble. Her face said that she did not want the Crown Prince to follow after her. But she could not refute the Crown Prince of their neighboring kingdom.

If he somehow took offense then it could result in a fude that they could not solve in this life. Either that or she would have to pay with her life.

And since the helper knew that, she did not want to say anything against the crown prince of Akatsuki.

As for Elysia? She could only stare at the man and shoot him helpless looks. She had no idea why he had decided to help her out but she was thankful for his company.

"By the way, I have heard that this temple has a long history with the empire. It belonged to the Akatsuki before it was given over to the empire as a gift, right? I think I learned about it in my history class."

Chrome’s words caused the helper to flinch and she almost dropped the thing she was carrying in her arms.

"I d-don’t know about that. As you can see, I am just a humble servant of the gods. Such talks are not something I can know more about…."

The healer let out a nervous laugh to distract the Crown Prince. She was afraid that she would say something offensive.

But Chrome did not take her nervousness into account. He kept on speaking about things that were forbidden and could get the helper into trouble.

"Oh, you don’t need to know about it at all. Why don’t I tell you all about how this temple ended up here and…"

The helper made a quick stop before knowing low in front of the Crown Prince.

"I am sorry but I suddenly remembered an urgent work I had to get done. Lady Dirac, I hope you will be able to show Lord Akatsuki the way in."

The helper left before Elysia even acknowledged her. It was beyond rude for a common person to do that to a noble.

Chrome had an unsatisfied look on his face and his eyes followed the fleeing form of the helper with anger.

But when he turned toward Elysia, his face was calm and smiling as ever. It was impossible to tell that he had been angry about something at all.

"Calm your temper down. Don’t forget that you are in the territory of the empire. Any trouble you cause here would come back to bite your nation."

Elysia’s tone was scolding but her heart was not in it. Even she could tell that Chrome had spoken to the maid like that for her sake. He did not want the maid to make Elysia feel uncomfortable so he made her feel uncomfortable first.

It was beyond childish but somehow it had a charm of its own.

"I don’t have a temper and I am perfectly calm as well. It is not my fault the servants here don’t know how to behave in front of their master and are so insensitive."

Chrome pouted, his expression becoming wronged. But Elysia kept a straight face and did not fall for him.

She had seen through Chrome’s innocent facade and she could feel his mischievous energy.

"Anyway, what happened cannot be changed but make sure to behave yourself in front of Eve and Adam. I don’t want you to create any problems with them."

Elysia warned as soon as she felt that familiar magic rushing toward her. Both Adam and Eve were already there but Elysia was nervous to face them.

The last time she had met them, Elysia had all but been unconscious or in the middle of sexual pleasure. Before that had also ended similarly.

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So Elysia was not sure if she would be able to keep her face straight this time as well.

’But I need to keep a straight face if I don’t want to be caught blushing. I cannot let Chrome feel like something is wrong.’

That much was true. Even if Elysia was not herself and had no relationship with Adam or Eve, she still could not afford to show weakness in front of Chrome.

And it was all because she was a Dirac. They were the most prominent noble family and Elysia needed to uphold that honor this time as well.

"Hey, are you alright? You are shaking. You don’t need to go in if you don’t want to. I know it must suck to meet your ex again and…" Chrome’s hand reached out toward Elysia’s shoulder but it never reached it.

Chrome was in the middle of talking when he twisted Elysia’s body behind his back and intercepted the magic attack that rushed at him.

The very next second, he parried away the sword that was aiming for his throat. The clash of swords caused friction to rising and sparks to fly.

It happened so fast that Elysia had no other choice but to step back for protection. She could not believe that she had been attacked so openly and in such a violent manner.

"Elysia, hurry up and come this way. Adam will take care of that intruder."

Eve’s familiar voice rushed over Elysia’s senses but she felt dread instead of relief as soon as she heard what Eve said to her.

The smoke from their surroundings cleared a little to show Adam’s silver hair as well as Chrome’s black ones near each other. They were both trying to parry each other’s attacks but were not successful.

Eve’s hands closed around Elysia who had frozen in shock to see that clash before she began to drag her away.

"Hurry up. We need to leave here and find shelter. Adam will keep that intruder busy and…"

Elysia not only flinched but also pulled her arm out of Eve’s hands. She had a feeling that Adam would kill someone if she did not stop him right now.

While Adam was using his strength, Chrome was still holding back. He looked a little confused but his eyes moved to speak Elysia out.

As soon as he found her relatively unharmed, he relaxed a little. But that did not go unnoticed by Adam who increased his force.

"What is he looking over here for? Is he threatening you even from afar?"

It was Eve’s words that made Elysia realize that a misunderstanding had arisen as a result of her lack of communication.

Not only Adam, but Eve had thought of Chrome as an intruder who was here to harm Elysia.

It was a funny situation but the killing intent in the air right now was nothing to joke about. The thicker it got, the more Elysia found herself in need of something to do about it.

"Eve, help me out. We cannot allow Adam to do foolish things like kill the Crown Prince of Akatsuki. It would result in a war if that happened."

Elysia’s heavy breath was an indicator that she was feeling tense. Panic was rising inside her chest and Elysia felt like she was about to explode.

It was Eve’s calm nature that helped her keep a grip on reality.

"Wait, what are you talking about? Isn’t that person an intruder?"

Eve asked in a questioning voice. Of course, Eve did not know who Chrome was. Just like Elysia, Eve had never seen him before.

’But Adam should have recognized him. Adam had met Crown Prince Chrome before.’

Elysia was sure of that. But she also knew that Adam tend to forget things he found problematic or tedious. (And humans were really in that category for him)

Adam made a dangerous swipe toward Chrome that made him bleed and Elysia knew she had to do something now.

Things were getting too dangerous now for this to be any kind of play fight. Elysia finally pulled her arm out and tried to intercept the next clash.

Two swords rushed toward her but Elysia stood between them bravely. She was going to force them to stop fighting each other.

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