I will not die a Villainess’s death Chapter 35 35: The Rescue? - Part 1

"You bitch. I am done being nice to you." The man looked pissed off at Elysia’s actions. His dead eyes were scary but they did not intimidate Elysia in the slightest.

This man might come off as scary but he was nothing in face of the Head Priest’s angry expression. Elysia knew she should be scared for her life but her brain refused to find this situation scary.

"I will kill you. I will enjoy watching your blood spill as I separate your bones from your flesh and feast on them."

The dead man was beginning to resemble a non-human more and more. His face was breaking out into fur and his facial expressions had a distinctive wolf-like structure.

If Elysia had any doubt about the creature’s humanity before this, it was as good as gone now.

"Master did not say we can kill you but he did not instruct us to keep you alive either. He just said that you were off-limits as long as you stayed in the room."

The dead man was still going on, his monologue getting longer and longer by the second. The green of his eyes was piercing and radiating an inhuman light.

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Elysia was thankful for her vision’s restoration. She would not have been able to keep up with her falling body’s response otherwise.

Usually, Elysia had to count on her instincts to dodge attacks aimed her way. Her blurry vision could only give her a vague idea of where her attacker was.

But that was not the case this time. Elysia could easily predict where the Dhampir’s claws would land and dodge accordingly.

’It would be easy to take this monster out if I had my magic. I should try finding an antidote for myself first.’

"You think you can get away from me? I think you are overestimating yourself."

The Dhampir yelled, his claws making a dent in the floor where Elysia had been seconds before.

This was not the first life and death scenario Elysia had found herself in, but this was the first time she felt so vulnerable.

’I need to find a shield. If those claws get on me then I’ll be as good as dead.’

The Dhampir looked obsessed with clawing Elysia up. The bleeding wound on the Dhampir’s face was as good as gone but the blood was still visible on his face.

Even that small amount of blood was enough to bring out the vivid madness in the Dhampir’s eyes.

"There is nowhere else to run for you. Why don’t you let me have my way with you and I will find the antidote for you? Isn’t it uncomfortable to walk around this castle without your magic?"

The Dhampir taunted. Elysia did not take his words to heart.

Even if the Dhampir knew where the antidote was, Elysia did not trust him to lead her to it. She did not trust the man one bit.

She would rather hide from the beast than pay attention to his words.

"Ah, here you are. Now, let’s begin the carving session."

Elysia felt her heart drop as soon as her eyes met the man’s green pair. The large body was hovering above her, the green eyes having a mad shine to them.

The man was out for blood and Elysia could only prey to survive this ordeal and somehow make it out in one piece.

"Hey ugly, she said she doesn’t need your help."

The voice sounded so sweet and familiar in Elysia’s ear that she could cry. (Of course, Elysia did not cry and anyone who said otherwise was a liar.)

Sara’s purple eyes brought relief to Elysia but she did not put her guard down. An invisible force snapped into the Dhampir’s side which dragged him away from Elysia but the undead managed to shake it off pretty easily.

But the beast did not get a chance to make a comeback before a heavy foot slammed into his body and the former man dissolved into a smokey shadow.

"So irritating. I will have to clean up my original body because of this idiot. This odor of the undead is so unpleasant."

Lord Sorias had arrived as well, his bigger and fluffier body making a displeased expression.

The wave of relief Elsia felt at this arrival was unlike anything she had ever felt before. This was like a dream come true for her.

Never had help arrived so fast for her in these situations. Elysia had to take care of the problem herself when she was assigned one.

So this sensation of having people worry for her was a new one. So was the feeling of arms cradling her body tightly.

"I’m sorry. This happened because of me and it is all my fault. I should have never agreed to send you to that alley alone"

Sara did sound sorry but there was more sadness in her voice. It reminded Elysia that Sara did not have people on her side before all this either.

’She must have had a lonely life as well.’

Elysia’s arms hesitated to reciprocate the hug. It was weird to have her body surrounded by that foreign heat.

Sara’s smell and the feeling of her hands was something, Elysia was not used to but it was not as bad as she had expected a foreign touch to feel.

It was not like Elysia was close-minded when it came to love and relationships. To her, gender did not matter as much as the person she was with. In simpler terms, Elysia was pretty sure she was bi-sexual but that had never mattered much.

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People found her odd or scary so they kept their distance. And Elysia was also too preoccupied with trying to stay alive to ever give relationships a chance.

But maybe she should try. The only two people who ever interacted with Elysia outside of her family were Adam and Eve. But they were off-limits to her so Elysia didn’t even try to like them.

But Sara was an option. She was important to the chosen ones but she was not involved with them. That left her as an option for Elysia and none of her visions ever showed Sara having a partner.

So maybe Elysia could try getting together with Sara? The half-human was not bad looking and she seemed interested in Elysia as well.

"Oi, get off. I have tolerated you hugging Elysia for too long but you are starting to piss me off. She is uncomfortable with you hugging her as well."

Just as Elysia made her decision to reciprocate Sara’s hug, the elder was pulled off her by Eve.

Elysia hadn’t even realized that the other had been in the room with her. But the thought of being seen by Eve in such a state caused Elysia’s brain to stop functioning for a few seconds.

"Awwww, you killjoy. And just when things were starting to get good as well. I cannot believe you pulled me off just as I was about to seduce Elysia and...epppppppppp."

Sara trailed off in the end, her tone going from flirty to nervous. Elysia was not sure why Sara was behaving like her tail was on fire. Eve looked completely normal to her baring her poker face.

"Sara, it would be better if we take care of this mess. We should let the children ride out the drug’s effects alone."

Lord Sorias finally interfered. Elysia was sure his sensitive nose had picked up on the usage of drugs and her condition as well.

A familiar contract made things easier for Elysia in this situation. She did not have to explain to Lord Sorias what was wrong with her.

"Fine, I am coming with you. I feel like I will get killed if I stay in here any longer."

Sara agreed easily as well. She did turn to give Elysia an uneasy and worried look but Sara did not stay back.

Not when Eve was trying hard to hold herself back.

As soon as the pair left, Eve’s poker face fell and she sank near Elysia. Her face and eyes conversely just how worried she had been for the other female.

"You scared me. Ely, please don’t disappear like this again. I don’t think my heart can take it if you disappear like this."

Eve sounded wrecked. Elysia had never seen the other girl sound or make a face this loss.

"Hey, I could not help it. Even I could not predict that this would happen to me. Besides, why did you decide to follow after me? You did not have to put yourself in trouble for me. Sora and Lord Sorias would have taken care of this eventually."

Elysia felt warm inside when she saw Eve come for her but she also knew the Head Preist would tear her a new one for this.

Elysia was supposed to help Eve, not put her in more danger. She had failed in her tasks.

"Ely, don’t say that. I wanted to help you. Do you think I am a child who cannot take care of myself? You could try to keep me away all you want to but I will not stay away."

Elysia shook her head at Eve’s words. Eve was acting like a child but it was cute.

Still, Elysia had to make it so that Eve did not pull a stunt like this again. This was not safe for her or the future.

"Eve, please. You are someone important to me. If this happens again to me then stay away and prioritize your life over mine."

Elysia needed the other female to understand that life was not a game. Eve needed to live because she was the ticket to Elysia’s survival.

Besides, Adam would tear Elysia a new one if something happened to Eve. Elysia did not want to get Adam’s bad side with her actions.

"No. I will do this again if you get taken away in the future. I don’t think you understand just how important you are to me Elysia, so it is time you understand. I won’t apologize for what I am about to do next so don’t overthink this."

Elysia’s confusion turned into a shock as soon as she felt a pair of lips covering her own. It almost felt like a dream to have Eve kissing her.

’What is this? What is happening? Is this a dream?’

Elysia’s brain decided to short-circuit after Eve’s lips met her own. A tongue tried to pry Elysia’s lips open and she decided to give it entry out of shock.

’I’m being swallowed by Eve.’

The feeling was so foreign and Eve’s enthusiasm left no room for Elysia to think of anything else but the other female in front of her.

Elysia didn’t even hear the door open and close. She did not notice another body sinking by her side and a pair of arms circling her body until her face was pulled away from Eve’s kiss.

Hazy eyes met golden before Elysia was devoured by another pair of lips.

But unlike Eve’s careful pressure, this one was overconsuming and caused Elysia’s body to heat up.

And it was finally enough to break the hold Elysia had over her self-control. The effect of drugs finally hit her full force and her body sank into the heat she was feeling.

At the same time, the chest behind Elysia gave a pleasure-filled growl as that mouth continued to devour Elysia’s own.

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