I will not die a Villainess’s death Chapter 48 48: A New Teacher - Part 2

"My lady, it is so nice to meet you. May I have the honor of making your acquaintance?"

There was a tense silence as Victor asked for Lady Dirac’s hand. Even the servants had quitened down to look at the scene.

"Victor, what are you doing? I specifically asked you not to cause a scene but here you are, ignoring my words. Do I need to rethink my decision of hiring you?"

Lord Dirac’s voice was black with rage and regret. Even Elysia had to take a step back at the unexpected reply she heard.

The only ones who did not look on edge were Lord Sorias and the man Victor who was being addressed.

Victor even had the audacity to laugh out loud at Lord Dirac’s threat, immediately invalidating any and all threats made on his person.

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"Awww, don’t be that stiff with me Lord Dirac. You know I was just joking around with the little lady here. There is no way I will make a move on someone this young. I don’t want to die at your hands."

The man laughted those words out loud, the tone light and friendly. He was good at bringing the tense atmosphere down.

However, his actions had looked anything but joking to Elysia when she had been faced with the man. She could not say anything about the expression but Victor’s bodylanguage had been serious.

But Elysia chose to keep that fact to herself for now. She did not want to cause a false alarm over nothing.

"I know what kind of man you are Victor and I also know that I would have never taken you in if your uncle had not begged me to. Your current position is all thanks to him."

Elysia had never seen anyone talking to her brother like this except Lord Sorais. But then again, Sora was a different case.

But seeing as how this man had not only gotten away with being this familiar with her brother but also not fired yet, Elysia could only conclude that the man was someone close to her brother.

"Now, come on Lord Dirac. There is no need to be that rude to me. Didn’t we grow up close as brothers? You’ve known me since forever now. And you even called me a friend earlier, right?"

"Not frind but an acquaintance. And now I’m regretting my decision. Hurry up and get out of my vision. Elysia, he shall be your new teacher for now. Despite how Victor liked to behave, he is a professor at the central academy. He is more than qualified to teach you."

Elysia doubted it at first but since it was something Lucas was willing to vouch for then she didn’t have a problem.

"I understand. Then, I shall meet teacher Victor in the common room after I change my clothes. Please excuse me."

As soon as Elysia left the room whispers broke out all around the room.

People did not know what to think of this new development in the estate and how to swallow this pill.

"Cute sister you’ve got there. I think I’ve heard about her before from some of my students. A ’demon’ is what they call her, right? Hey, watch it."

The talk of ’Victor’ and his swiftness would be heard all around the Dirac estate by the end of the evening.

After all, he had set a new record of causing Lord Dirac to lose his temper and still live to tell the tale. This single moment had made Victor into a legend.

However, all that did not matter to Victor. He would regret this moment in the upcoming days and fervently wish that he had kept his mouth shut.

"Be respectful of what you say about Elysia or you will not live to see anothee day. And keep your hands where they could be seen. Sorias, keep an eye out for Victor and you have my permission to kill him if feel the need to."

But in the heat of the moment, he only took it as a joke and played along with Lord Dirac.

After all, just what could a kid who looked to be 9 years old do? He would be easily overpowered by Victor and allow him to achieve his mission.

"My Lord, if you would excuse me then I would like to settle in my new room as well now. I shoudl get changing for my future lessons as well."

The man with the long brown hair tied behind in a low ponytail finally left the room.

"Someone, lead him to his new room Hector prepared. And also make sure Victor had what he needs to live in this house comfortably. He is a guest after all."

The man waved his hands as he finally left the room to unpack. He had quite a few items to take out anyway.

"He’s a weird man. He feels similar to Elysia but I can’t bring myself to like him anyway. There is something about his body language which is not genuine."

Lord Sorias knew he had no room to complain about this new man. He could be just like Elysia, an unfortunate soul who was caught in this ’world’s’ scheme.

But the man did not behave like that.

"I would have never allowed Victor to set foot in here if it was not for Hector’s request and my pre-approval. I made the mistake of not running a back-ground check on him since he was a childhood acquaintance of mine."

Lucas looked tried right now and Sorias found it hard to blame him.

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The poor guy was already fighting with the noble oppression already. Add the burden he took off Elysia and the long hours he pulled in the office, one had to wonder how Lucas was even alive right now.

"I can see why you were so desperate to get Elysia a familair now. That girl is a touble magnet for now apparent reason. This world sure has it out for her."

If not for the fact that he chose this outcome himself, Sorias would have raged for the unfairness of everything he was facing.

He was getting involved with all kinds of unnecessary shit he didn’t know could happen.

"Thank you Sorias. Just your presence at her side eases my worry a lot. This week is going to be a crucial one for Elysia and I am glad that you will be by her side."

By the way this sentence was framed, Sorias had a feeling that something troublesome was going to happen this week.

He wanted to take back his words as soon as they were out of his mouth but Sorias felt conflicted at the trust he saw in Lucas’s eyes.

"I know I would regret to ask this, but what is going to happen this week?" 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝓮𝓌𝑒𝒷𝘯ℴ𝑣𝓮𝓁.𝒸ℴ𝘮

"The soldier drills. We will be leaving to clean the areas around the enchanted forest from the recent resuragane of mosters and as a member of the Dirac household, both I and Elysia would have to participate in it."

Sorias sighed at what he heard from Lucas. He instantly regretted asking the man the weekly schedule.


"Victor, it is nice to see that you made it here safe and sound. How is the Lord treating you? I hope he doesn’t have too high expectations of you."

Victor gave his best smile to his uncle. His uncle Hector had always helped him out in his time of need. He had all but raised Victor when his father had died.

So naturally, when it came time for the Dirac family to get a tutor, Hector had not hesitated to get his nephew the spot.

"Lord Dirac was as cheerful as ever. But he did treat me fairly this far which I am thankful for. And Lady Dirac also looks like a decent person to be around. She’s not as bad as rumors make her out to be. Lord Dirac sure treasures her a lot."

Victor’s words caused the elder to sigh tierdly. As soon as Victor had brought up his uncle’s mood fell.

"That lady again? I can’t see what is so great about her. How can anyone like a gloomy kid who get’s into trouble all the time? She will become a parasite on Lord Dirac sooner or later."

Victor heard his uncle go on a rampage with an amused look on his face. His uncle was unstopable once he got started.

And it seemed like the topc of Lady Dirac was one that hit a little too close to home.

"So she’s a problem for you Uncle? Why don’t you just get rid of her then?"

"Oh, believe me that I will if I could. But that girl is too securly looked after in here. Not only does Lord Dirac keep an eye on her, but he also got her that guardian dog from who knows where."

"Guardian dog?"

"Ah, the kid you saw before is the guardian dog, or as is more commonly know, Lady Dirac’s familiar. I can’t even approach Lady Dirac before that beast gets aggressive."

Those words gave Victor a pause. This was a new piece of information he had not been privy to before.

But now that he knew it, it was time to change his plans.

"I see. So that little lady had a familair by her side. That complicated things for me but it is nothing I cannot handle right now." Victor’s words were muffled under his breath.

"Victor, did you say something? You need to be louder is you want me to be able to understand you."

"No, nothing uncle. You don’t need to worry about me at all."

Victor gave his uncle a disarming smile which finally calmed the man down. It was nice to see that his uncle trusted Victor more than he trusted Lady Dirac.

It would make the mission Victor had been entrusted with much easier to complete.

"Sorry, little lady. But it seems like your easy times are coming to and end. I wish to help you as well but that man will not let me."

"In the end, it is your life against mine and I love myself very much. I have no other choice but to make things interesting around here."

The day was just entering busy hours but there was a wave of unrest brewing in the distance.

The waves of disaster were being set into motion and it would soon befall the whole kingdom.

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