Idle Mage: Humanity’s Strongest Backer Chapter 378 Something Ancient Stirs

The construction of the Quantum Translocator was a massive undertaking that required the efforts of the entire Mystic Guild. The device was designed to transport objects and people across vast distances instantaneously, using advanced quantum mechanics and energy transposition to manipulate the fabric of spacetime itself.

The Translocator was a colossal structure, towering over the surrounding landscape like a monolithic beacon of technological prowess. Its gleaming silver exterior was decorated with intricate circuitry and pulsing energy conduits, constantly humming with power.

Such a large structure was created in no less than a month with the workers going at it with much gusto. Thankfully, no mishaps occurred during its construction.

Inside, the device was a labyrinth of chambers and chambers of machinery, each one calibrated to generate and manipulate the exotic matter required for quantum teleportation. The air was thick with the sound of whirring gears and crackling energy fields, and the air was charged with the raw potential of the universe itself.

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The construction team worked tirelessly to assemble the various components of the Translocator, each one more complex and delicate than the last. They were aided by the latest generation of robotic assistants, capable of performing intricate tasks with superhuman precision and speed.

Despite the immense technical challenges, the team was making steady progress, with each passing day bringing them closer to the completion of their grand project. The Grand Commanders looked on with pride and anticipation, knowing that the Quantum Translocator would give them the ability to respond swiftly and effectively to any threat that might emerge in the cosmos.


The Grand Commanders gathered in the main control room of the Mystic Guild’s headquarters, surrounded by a multitude of screens and consoles displaying various data and images of the Quantum Translocator. The device itself was an imposing structure, towering high above them and pulsing with a faint blue light.

"Are we ready to begin the tests?" asked Grand Commander Alice, her eyes fixed on the screens.

"Yes, Grand Commander," replied the lead engineer, a tall man with a wild mane of hair. "We have calibrated the device to the required parameters, and all systems are green."

"Very well," said Alice, nodding. "Begin the first test."

The engineer pressed a button on his console, and a small metal ball appeared in the center of the Quantum Translocator. The ball glowed with a faint blue aura before disappearing in a flash of light.

The Grand Commanders watched intently as the screens displayed various readings and data.

"Translocation successful," announced the engineer. "Object has arrived at its destination with no damage or loss of data."

"Excellent," said Alice, her face breaking into a smile. "Begin the next test."

This time, the engineer sent a more complex object through the Quantum Translocator, a small apparatus with various intricate components. The device glowed brightly as it disappeared in a flash of light.

Again, the screens displayed various data and readings, and the Grand Commanders held their breath as they waited for the results.

"Translocation successful," said the engineer, his face lighting up with excitement. "All components of the apparatus have arrived intact, with no damage or loss of data."

"Very impressive," said Alice, nodding approvingly. "We must proceed with the final test."

The final test was the most important one, as it involved sending a living creature through the Quantum Translocator. A volunteer was chosen, a young apprentice from the Mystic Guild, who bravely stepped into the device.

The Quantum Translocator glowed brightly, and the apprentice disappeared in a flash of light. The screens displayed various readings and data, and the Grand Commanders held their breath as they waited for the results.

After a few tense moments, the screens beeped, indicating that the test was successful.

"Translocation successful," announced the engineer, his face beaming with pride. "The apprentice has arrived at the destination, unhurt and unfazed."

The Grand Commanders breathed a collective sigh of relief and congratulated the engineers on their success.

"This is a great achievement," said Alice, her eyes shining with excitement. "With this device, we can send reinforcements to Arithia in a matter of seconds. The Celestials won’t stand a chance against us."

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An event like this was truly worth the celebration. Humanity just eliminated one of its biggest challenges with the Quantum Translocator. Sadly, the celebration might have to be delayed because of a certain report that raised an alarm to everybody.

"Grand Commander! We just received an urgent report from our team in Arithia. They said that the Celestials are on the move!"

The Grand Commanders received an urgent message from the outpost in Arithia. The message stated that several scout ships of the Celestial Race were found closing in on their location. The news spread like wildfire, causing a stir among the Mystic Guild. The scientists who were working on the Quantum Translocator were startled, realizing that they needed to speed up their work to ensure the safety of their people in Arithia.

While the tests worked earlier, the Quantum Translocator was complete just yet. There are all manner of things they needed to check before they could even begin transporting people using it.

However, an emergency occurred. Now, they needed to hurry the procedures up or else the crew that was left in Arithia will face imminent danger.

The Grand Commanders knew that they needed to act fast. They immediately summoned the best minds in the Mystic Guild to come up with a plan to defend their people. They also ordered the workers of the Quantum Translocator to speed up the remaining procedures. They can’t afford to waste time since the enemies were coming very soon.

The Mystic Guild knew that they were up against an old enemy and that they needed to be smart and creative to win the battle. They decided to use their knowledge of magic and technology to create new weapons and defenses to counter the Celestial threat.

The construction of the Quantum Translocator continued as the Mystic Guild focused all their resources on defense. The other scientists who were working on the device were called upon to help develop new weapons and defenses. They worked day and night, combining their knowledge of magic and technology to create powerful weapons that could take down the Celestial ships.

As the Mystic Guild prepared for war, the tension in the air grew thick. Everyone knew that the stakes were high and that the future of their people was at risk.

Thankfully though, the efforts of the inventors weren’t wasted. After days and nights of constant work, they came through. The Quantum Translocator passed all necessary tests and was 100% safe and working.

Everybody felt relieved upon receiving that news. Ashton and the Grand Commanders wasted no time and began forming teams to send toward Arithia for reinforcements.

A lot of Guild Members signed up to join but only the best out of the best were picked. After all, they will be arriving at a different world altogether.

Aside from sending reinforcements, the guild also sent resources and tools to help the crew. They weren’t pulling their punches this time, the guild was determined to not allow the Celestials to corrupt this wonderful planet.

The day of the battle arrived, and the Mystic Guild stood united against the Celestial threat. They fought bravely, using their magic and technology to gain the upper hand. The Celestial ships were no match for the Mystic Guild’s powerful weapons, and one by one, they were taken down.

In the end, the Mystic Guild emerged victorious. They had saved their people from the threat of the Celestials, and they had done it through the power of magic and technology. With the Quantum Translocator was completed, the Mystic Guild used it to transport their troops and resources quickly and efficiently.

From this point onward, colonizing empty planets and nearby points of interest should be easier...


Paradiso is a galaxy shrouded in mystery and wonder, said to be home to the most powerful and ancient beings in the universe. Its skies are filled with brilliant colors, and the stars shine brighter than anywhere else in the cosmos. It is said that the Celestial Race, the most advanced and powerful beings in the universe, make their home in the heart of Paradiso, in a place known as the Celestial Palace.

At the very core of the galaxy, a strange and ancient presence stirs. It is a force that has lain dormant for centuries, waiting for the right time to awaken. As it stirs, the stars in the Paradiso galaxy begin to flicker and dim, as if the very fabric of reality is being twisted and pulled.

Ashton felt this sensation from his world.

A shiver ran down his spine and a foreboding sense of danger flooded his mind. But instead of being afraid, Ashton grinned and looked at the sky, whispering to himself:

’About to wake up, eh?’

Shaking his head, he made his way toward the depths of the Mystic Guild’s headquarters. Precisely where the El-Tree stood tall, basking under the golden rays of the sun. Ashton ran his fingers on its bark and whispered:

"Come then...this time, only one of us will remain."

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