Idle Mage: Humanity’s Strongest Backer Chapter 380 The Irony

Alice, the Sword Empress, stirred from her slumber, her senses tingling with an unshakable unease that gnawed at the corners of her consciousness. As her eyes fluttered open, she was immediately engulfed by a sense of foreboding, a feeling of emptiness in the pit of her being. It was as if a vital piece of her existence was missing, and the absence filled her with an unexplainable dread.

She sat up in her bed, her mind racing to identify the source of this disquiet. Was it a forgotten appointment, a neglected duty, or a looming threat that eluded her awareness? Alice’s mind searched through the labyrinth of her memories, desperately grasping at any clue that could explain this lingering unease.

Alice retraced her steps from the previous day, replaying each encounter, conversation, and task in her mind’s eye. But nothing stood out as an obvious trigger for this palpable sense of danger that clung to her like a shadow. It was a frustrating puzzle, an intangible weight that settled upon her shoulders.

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She swung her legs over the edge of the bed, her bare feet touching the cool floor as she rose to her feet. Determined to shake off this unsettling sensation, she strode purposefully toward her training chamber. Perhaps the familiar routine, the clash of steel against steel, would help dispel the lingering cloud of unease.

The training hall greeted her with its familiar sights and scents—the polished wooden floors, the gleaming weapons adorning the walls, and the echoes of past battles that seemed to whisper through the air. She grasped the hilt of her trusted blade, Excalibur, and unsheathed it in a swift motion that rang through the chamber.

With each practiced strike, Alice’s body moved in perfect harmony, her muscles remembering the countless hours of training, honing her skills to a razor’s edge. But despite the familiar cadence of the training routine, the sinking feeling within her remained steadfast, refusing to dissipate.

As the echoes of her blade’s impact reverberated through the chamber, Alice paused, her chest heaving with exertion and frustration. She knew that she couldn’t ignore this ominous intuition, for her instincts had served her well in countless battles. There was a hidden danger lurking, waiting to reveal itself, and she needed to be prepared.

Leaving the training chamber behind, Alice made her way to the Grand Commanders’ chambers, her stride purposeful and resolute. She would share her concerns with her fellow leaders, seeking their wisdom and counsel. Together, they would unravel the mystery that shrouded her unease, and they would stand united against any threat that dared to challenge the sanctity of their realm.

As she approached the door to the chambers, Alice’s hand paused, hovering just inches from the polished wood. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation that lay ahead. Her heart brimmed with determination, for she knew that she would do whatever it took to safeguard her people, even if it meant facing an unknown peril head-on.

With a final surge of resolve, Alice pushed open the door, stepping into the presence of her fellow Grand Commanders. The weight of her unease remained, but in the company of her trusted allies, she felt a glimmer of hope. Together, they would uncover the truth and face whatever awaited them on the path ahead, for they were the guardians of their realm, sworn to protect it from any and all threats.


The grand chamber resonated with an atmosphere of tension as the other Grand Commanders, Mary the Oracle Sage and Blake the Titan, exchanged concerned glances. The weight of Alice’s unease mirrored in their own expressions, a shared realization that something far-reaching and formidable loomed on the horizon.

Mary, her eyes shimmering with ethereal light, took a step forward, her voice carrying a thread of weariness as she spoke, "I have delved into the heavenly secrets, seeking answers to this looming dread that has gripped us. But the veils of foresight remain stubbornly opaque, obscuring the truth from my sight."

She reached out her hands, revealing faint traces of ethereal energies swirling around her fingertips. With great care, she attempted once more to unravel the hidden threads of destiny, pushing the boundaries of her own abilities. Yet, as the tendrils of her power reached out, an unexpected surge of resistance surged back, causing her to recoil in pain.

A gasp escaped from Mary’s lips as she clutched her chest, her body trembling from the backlash. It was clear that the forces she sought to penetrate were not only guarded but possessed a power that surpassed her own. The very fabric of the future seemed to shift and warp, deflecting her inquiries with an unyielding force.

Blake, the Titan, moved swiftly to Mary’s side, concern etched upon his features. He gently guided her to a nearby seat, his voice laced with worry, "Mary, are you alright? Don’t push yourself too hard. Your well-being is of utmost importance."

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Mary nodded weakly, her breathing labored as she tried to regain her composure. It was clear that the mystical forces at play were formidable, unlike anything they had encountered before. The depth of this enigma unsettled her, for it hinted at an adversary of unparalleled strength, lurking in the shadows beyond their grasp.

As Alice, Mary, and Blake exchanged glances, a shared determination settled within them. The inexplicable dread that coursed through their veins was no mere figment of imagination. It was a call to action, a summons to protect their realm from an impending threat.

It was then that they felt a presence announcing itself within the room. Looking over, it was Ashton who shimmered into existence.

The grand chamber fell into a hushed silence as Ashton, known as Humanity’s True Leader, stepped into the room with an air of gravitas. The Grand Commanders turned their attention towards him, their eyes filled with anticipation and concern. They looked to him for guidance, hoping he held the answers to the unsettling feelings they had experienced.

Alice, her brows furrowed with worry, spoke up first, her voice laced with urgency, "Ashton, something doesn’t feel right. We’ve been sensing this deep-seated unease, like an impending storm. Do you have any idea what’s going on?"

Ashton’s gaze swept across the room, his expression serious but tinged with a hint of seriousness. He took a deep breath before speaking, his voice filled with solemnity, "The Celestial God roams free once more."

Gasps of surprise and alarm echoed through the chamber as the weight of his words sank in. The Celestial God, a formidable entity of immense power and ancient grudges, had been sealed away for more than a decade. His sudden release marked a significant shift in the tides, a threat that could not be ignored.

Ashton continued, his tone tinged with weariness, "I’m afraid that we’re going to be busy. He won’t hold back and neither am I."

"I’ll be damned if I let him lay a finger on my child." Ashton declared with fierce determination, causing another cacophony of gasps to ring across the room.

Ashton’s mind raced with a myriad of emotions, his thoughts turning inward as he grappled with the irony of the moment. While the weight of the impending battle against the Celestial God bore heavily upon him, another revelation had simultaneously entered his life - the news that Aria, his beloved, carried their child within her.

Amidst the turmoil of imminent conflict, a bittersweet joy welled within Ashton’s heart. The irony was not lost on him, for as the world seemed to teeter on the edge of chaos, a new life had taken root within the womb of his beloved. It was a stark reminder of the duality of existence, the juxtaposition of hope and despair.

As he contemplated the significance of this moment, Ashton couldn’t help but feel a surge of protectiveness wash over him. The responsibility he bore as Humanity’s True Leader now extended to the life growing within Aria, a precious existence that embodied their love and the future they yearned for.

Yet, there was an undeniable heaviness in his heart. The knowledge that he would soon face a battle of unimaginable proportions weighed on his soul. How could he reconcile the duty to safeguard the world with the instinctive desire to shield his loved ones from harm?

Ashton’s resolve deepened his determination intertwining with the love that coursed through his veins. He knew that he couldn’t protect his family by standing on the sidelines, and he couldn’t safeguard humanity’s future by neglecting his personal responsibilities. The two paths were intertwined, and he had to navigate them both.

In the face of imminent danger, he would fight for a world where his child could grow and thrive, where love and harmony prevailed. It was a daunting task, but he drew strength from the knowledge that he was not alone. The Grand Commanders stood by his side, and the unwavering support of Aria gave him the fortitude to face the challenges that lay ahead.

Ashton’s heart swelled with determination and a renewed sense of purpose. He would protect his beloved, their unborn child, and the world they cherished. The irony of the timing only intensified his commitment to both causes, driving him to fight with all his might against the looming threat of the Celestial God

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