Idle Mage: Humanity’s Strongest Backer Chapter 410 Tactical Retreat

On the blood-soaked battlefield, Humanity unleashed its brilliance in a fierce struggle against the Nightmare Incarnates. The clash of steel and the crackle of magic filled the air as soldiers fought with unwavering resolve, their eyes fixed on victory.

In one corner of the battlefield, a group of skilled archers positioned themselves atop a high ridge. With expert precision, they unleashed a volley of arrows, their projectiles finding their mark on the Nightmares below. The creatures howled in agony as they were pierced through, falling to the ground in a twisted heap.

Meanwhile, a team of warriors led by Alice, the Sword Empress, engaged in swift and coordinated strikes. They moved with seamless agility, exploiting choke points and utilizing their superior combat skills to outmaneuver the Nightmares. With each swing of their weapons, they carved through the abominations, their blades gleaming with deadly purpose.

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Elsewhere, explosive traps laid by the scouts erupted in a flurry of destruction. The Nightmares, unaware of the impending danger, stumbled into the traps, their monstrous forms torn apart by the powerful explosions. The ground shook beneath their feet as the traps unleashed their devastating payload, buying precious moments for the Human forces to regroup and strike back.

In another section of the battlefield, spellcasters weaved intricate patterns in the air, channeling their magic to devastating effect. Bolts of lightning crackled through the sky, striking the Nightmares with unyielding fury. Walls of fire erupted, engulfing the abominations in searing flames, reducing them to ashes.

Humanity’s preparations and strategic positioning proved instrumental in turning the tide of battle. They exploited the terrain, using natural formations to their advantage. Narrow pathways became deathtraps for the Nightmares, as soldiers set up ambushes, striking from concealed positions with calculated precision.

Throughout the chaos, the Grand Commanders stood tall, leading their forces with unwavering determination. Their presence on the battlefield inspired courage and instilled discipline in their troops. They analyzed the ebb and flow of the battle, adapting their strategies on the fly, exploiting every weakness they could discern in the Nightmares’ relentless advance.

As the fight raged on, the brilliance of Humanity’s ingenuity continued to shine through. They fought with a relentless spirit, each individual a testament to the indomitable will of the human race. Together, they formed an unyielding wall against the encroaching darkness.

With each fallen Nightmare, Humanity’s resolve grew stronger. The abominations once feared and unstoppable, found themselves facing an adversary that had deciphered their patterns, exploited their weaknesses, and refused to yield. The tide of battle began to turn, inch by hard-fought inch, as the Nightmare Incarnates were pushed back, their numbers diminishing with every passing moment.

In the midst of this clash between mortal and abomination, Humanity’s brilliance blazed like a beacon of hope. The battlefield became a testament to their unwavering spirit, and their unwavering determination to protect their world from the encroaching darkness. And as the battle raged on, their brilliance burned brighter, fueling their unrelenting assault against the Nightmare Incarnates.

As the war raged on, creeping darkness loomed at the horizon, the malevolent essence of the Abyss itself. It writhed and churned, a constant reminder of the source from which the Nightmare Incarnates emerged. The Abyss seemed to mock Humanity’s valiant efforts, resurrecting fallen Nightmares at the cost of its own essence.

No matter how efficiently Humanity fought, no matter how many Nightmares they vanquished, the Abyss continued to replenish its ranks with unholy determination. It was a war of attrition, a relentless cycle of destruction and rebirth. The more Nightmare Incarnates fell, the more they rose again, each time fueled by the corrupted energy of the Abyss.

Humanity’s forces fought with unmatched bravery and cunning, pressing on despite the odds. Their determination and resilience were awe-inspiring, but even their unwavering spirit was tested in the face of the relentless tide. The battlefield became a grim testament to the sheer scale of the challenge they faced, as the Nightmares seemed to multiply with every passing moment.

The Abyss, an ancient and insidious force, defied conventional comprehension. Its dark tendrils reached deep into the hearts of Hypogeans and Celestials, corrupting them and turning them into Nightmare Incarnates. It was a power that mocked the very foundations of order and sanity, feeding on chaos and despair.

As the battle of attrition unfolded, it became evident that the key to victory lay not only in slaying the Nightmares on the battlefield but in finding a way to sever the connection between the Abyss and its creations.

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Amidst the chaos of the battlefield, West Two stood alone, his eyes fixed on the writhing darkness of the Abyss. He knew that sealing it again would only provoke a more vicious response, a retaliation that could be catastrophic. Instead, he devised a daring strategy—to contain and exhaust the Abyss, to exploit its own nature against itself.

Drawing upon the depths of his Dream Law Domain, West Two focused his power on a different approach. He sought to lure the Nightmare Incarnates, the twisted creations of the Abyss, into dreamy hypnosis, a state where he could exert control over them. He planned to compel them to turn against themselves, to waste the essence of the Abyss with each fallen Nightmare. f𝐫𝗲eweb𝗻o𝐯el.𝚌o𝗺

With unwavering determination, West Two projected his domain across the battlefield, creating a sphere of influence that enveloped the advancing Nightmares. One by one, the corrupted beings stumbled, their movements sluggish and uncertain as they succumbed to the dreamy hypnosis. Under West Two’s command, they turned their weapons against themselves, their chaotic energy dissipating with each life lost.

The surreal sight unfolded—a dance of self-destruction amid the clash of steel and magic. Nightmare Incarnates, driven by their own compulsion, struck at their own kind, cutting down their twisted brethren. It was a macabre spectacle, a desperate attempt to waste the very essence that sustained them.

As the battle raged on, West Two’s power strained against the weight of the Abyss. He pushed himself to the limits, summoning all his skill and will to maintain the dreamy hold over the Nightmares. It was a delicate balance, a precarious dance on the edge of control, as he directed their self-destruction while evading their frenzied attacks.

The Abyss, sensing its own energy being drained, unleashed furious waves of darkness, attempting to break free from West Two’s grasp. But he held firm, his resolve unyielding. He knew that he could not falter, that the fate of Humanity and the realms beyond rested on his shoulders.

In the midst of the chaos, West Two’s efforts proved crucial. The wasteful consumption of the Abyss’s energy weakened its hold on the battlefield, its ability to resurrect the fallen Nightmares diminishing with each act of self-destruction. The tides slowly turned in Humanity’s favor, as the Nightmares dwindled in number, their source of power slowly drained.

With a sweat-soaked brow and a heart burdened by the weight of his task, West Two fought on. He knew the risks, the strain on his own being, but he was determined to see this through. The containment of the Abyss, the exhaustion of its essence—it was a desperate gambit, a calculated risk to tip the scales in Humanity’s favor.

At that moment, as he faced the darkness head-on, West Two embodied the spirit of resilience and sacrifice. With every Nightmare that succumbed to its own demise, he etched a mark of hope upon the battle-ravaged battlefield. For he understood that victory could only be achieved by embracing the darkness and turning it against itself.

As the battle raged on and West Two continued to channel his power, a sudden shift in the atmosphere brought a foreboding sense of dread. The Abyss, in a desperate act of retaliation, unleashed a pulse of energy that rippled through the battlefield. In an instant, West Two felt his connection with the Nightmare Incarnates severed, the dreamy hypnosis shattered by the surge of Abyssal power.

To his shock and dismay, the Nightmares once weakened and self-destructing, were now revitalized by the malevolent force. Their forms twisted and contorted, growing in size and strength, their eyes gleaming with newfound fury. The Abyss had not only neutralized West Two’s control but had empowered its creations to unprecedented levels.

"Everybody, fall back! Retreat for now!" West Two hollered at the army.

Realizing the dire implications of this unexpected turn, West Two’s mind raced, searching for a solution amidst the chaos. The scales had tipped in favor of the Abyss, and to continue the fight in their current state would be a grave mistake. With a heavy heart and a strategic mind, he made the difficult decision to call for a tactical retreat.

His voice echoed through the ranks of Humanity, a solemn command amidst the escalating danger. The soldiers, though disheartened, recognized the urgency in West Two’s words. Reluctantly, they disengaged from the Nightmares, retreating back to the safety of their fortified camp.

The Nightmare Incarnates, now fueled by the Abyss, roared in triumph, their newfound strength rendering them more dangerous than ever. They pursued the retreating Humans, their colossal forms wreaking havoc upon the battlefield. It was a race against time, a desperate bid for survival as Humanity fought to regroup and reassess its strategies.

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