I’ll Quit as The Empress Chapter 94: To The Palace

When the plan had decided, Evelyn sent a secret letter to the Felice Kingdom. In her letter, Evelyn wrote that she wanted to see her parents as soon as possible, but it wasn’t the time to complain.

Nora was busy preparing Adrian’s personal needs, while Fabian was no different. He was also busy that it was difficult for Evelyn to meet him in person.

“Sir Serus?”

“Princess, I’m here to tell you a few things,” he stated.

When Evelyn gave him a glace, allowing him to speak, Serus took the papers out of his hand and started to pick it carefully one by one.

“First of all, we put great care in the safety of the carriages you will ride on. A large number of escort knights will be stationed to guard your carriages, so you don’t have to worry about the same incident happening again.” Serus objected to this initially, but Evelyn agreed since she trusted Fabian, who pushed this plan.

“We’re running out of time, so His Majesty will return to the Palace first, riding his horse.


Evelyn already predicted that. Fabian must have been preoccupied with handling the raging nobles during his absence.

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“His Majesty believes that this will be a huge problem if you get caught. So we’ll use a secret passage to enter the Imperial Palace. To be honest … … we have a lot of confidentiality to keep. So somehow, we have to try it. “

Fabian reassured, considering Evelyn, that he would keep the two of them as secret as possible. But nobody knew how long the secret would last.

“I understand. Because no secret can be kept in the Imperial family.”

When Evelyn was the Imperial Empress, she was well aware of it. In particular, there was no way to hide a child in the Imperial Palace. Since only the Emperor’s children who could live in the Imperial Palace. So if there was a child who stayed in the Palace, it’s obvious that he was the current Fabian’s child.

Besides, Adrian resembled Fabian very much. The moment his existence was revealed, the secrets would disappear and couldn’t be hidden anymore.

“Your Majesty is worried about the commotion that will ensue after this … I think there will be a lot of disagreement between the council members.”

“There will be a backlash.” Evelyn sighed. Even the Empress Dowager, Fabian’s mother, was one of the closest people who bit her. But she could imagine what would happen if divorced Empress brought her child back to the Palace. Nasty rumors would spread. From the gossip about Evelyn to the suspicion of Adrian’s birth

“His Majesty wants to be as quiet as possible. So, Princess, I hope you will act according to your Majesty’s will for a while.”

In this regard, Evelyn also had the same wish. This secret must be kept as long as possible.

“Okay. Is there anything else?” she asked.

“Oh, there’s one thing. His Majesty…… he had called the Duke and Lady Akshire to the capital.”

A familiar name came out of Serus’s mouth unexpectedly. But indeed, Fabian didn’t have a favorable impression of Liam. In short terms, he really hated him.


“Well, he needs a nobleman to side with the Princess when her secret is exposed later.” Explained Serus.

“I know that. I mean… …why is His Majesty?”

Serus was staring at Evelyn in a daze. He expressed by his face that he also didn’t even know why. Suddenly, Evelyn felt like she was the only one who became a fool in here.

“I mean, doesn’t His Majesty hate Duke Akshire?”

“Yes, to be exact, he hated him ve-ry mu-ch.”

Without a doubt, he was.

“But more than his personal matters, His Majesty put more concern to ‘secure’ the nobleman who would support the Princess.”

Certainly, it would be the greatest strength for her if the Akshire siblings came to the capital. But it’s hard to believe that Fabian thought such a thing too.

“Isn’t His Majesty really wise?” Serus seemed to have the same opinion about Fabian.

“How did he think that way……it’s out of the ordinary.” That what she thought, but Evelyn decided to cut the wording. “Thank you for His Majesty’s consideration… Oh, no.” Evelyn, who accustomed to giving an example, shook her hand.


“No, it’s nothing. You must be busy, so you can leave now.”


Gladly, Serus was an insensitive person. Then, Evelyn looked out the window with a raging thought. The time for her to see the vast green plains was already over. The Imperial Palace, which she was about to occupy, was a desolate place with no open spaces. It would be a frustrating life, as she had to hide and go out secretly.

“… … Let’s not think about it now.”

Evelyn shook her head and tied her mind. It was useless to think about whether this choice was right or not. Above all, there was no other choice since Adrian’s life depended on it. Therefore, it was meaningless to think about it.

“It’s the important thing from now on.” Evelyn pledged. Now that she had returned to the Imperial Palace, her enemy wasn’t just David alone. Everyone except Fabian and the people on her side would turn into enemies and target Adrian. But it was something that couldn’t be avoided. Because that’s the fate that must be faced for the child to be alive.

“I won’t let anyone hurt you.” Her blue eyes were dyed with determination. “Anyone… … I won’t forgive them.”

This time, Evelyn wouldn’t be patient anymore. If she had enemies, she would attack them back. If she were criticized, she would punish and humiliate her opponents. Evelyn had the confidence to be a vicious person so that no one dared to looked down on her easily. Now, she had a reason to do that.

“I am no longer the pathetic and easy-going Empress like before.” She voiced. Evelyn’s expression reflected in the window glass was fearless. She already experienced the consequences of patience. Her good-life ended in vain at the age of thirty. And it was a meaningless life.

“I have Adrian.”

But everything had changed now.

“So, no one can stand in my way.”

There was a tender strength in Evelyn’s voice as she spoke. This life would be different. Everything had to be different for the sake of her lovely being.

The parliament’s atmosphere was different from usual. Duke Metis, who acted as chairman of the day, rose to the podium on behalf of the Emperor who left without being sanctioned.

“Everybody, attention! Today’s chairman, Duke Metis, wants to speak!”

It wasn’t the Palace’s Chief but the Duke’s aide who said that. The nobles chattered among themselves and paid attention to the Duke.

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“His Majesty has disappeared for an urgent matter, but the congress can’t just be left alone like this … I’m forced to take this difficult role as the oldest among the Duke.”

The nobles had to endure laughter at the hypocrisy of Duke Metis, who claimed to be ‘forced’ to take over difficult positions.

Everyone here was well aware of Duke Metis’ intentions. However, they didn’t have the courage or authority to oppose him. Because they all had the same ulterior motive, to pass laws when the Emperor, who had always limited their actions, wasn’t here.

“I’m very concerned about His Majesty’s absence, but there’s an urgent matter, so I will try to resolve it first.” Duke Metis chatted well without raising a single eye. He didn’t look at the other noblemen at all. He was very arrogant because he felt he had the upper hand. Although Sagan-Duke Metis couldn’t sit on the throne, he currently had the authority to be on the same level as the Emperor.

“Those who oppose speak up now. After that, as a chairman, I can’t stop this congress.”

The parliament, which had been opened by the chairman’s board, couldn’t be stopped in the middle. It was Imperial law. The nobles only could be wary of him, but no one could stop Duke Metis right now.

“It’s disappointing!” shouted someone from behind.

Duke Metis clearly heard that voice in the silence and raged, “Who dares to talk?”

In this case, the ominous atmosphere and unpleasant premonition couldn’t be wrong.

“I am disappointed that no one has objected.”

From the place where the voice was heard, the nobles retreated to either side of the room. This time, it’s no exception. It was him. Fabian looked exhausted after the long walk, but his atmosphere was still powerful.

“Your Majesty!” Duke Metis was startled, but he wasn’t frightened. And that was the evidence of his arrogance.

“If no one against it, then I will.”

“Will there be any? How can I lead the congress when Your Majesty is already here?”

Once he saw Duke Metis didn’t change his facial expression, Fabian spat and laughed. He felt that his life as Emperor was very hard. After Fabian ran back and forth, the first thing he saw was his uncle-hypocritical-face. Even the hardest thing was that he couldn’t punish or kick him out.

“Yes, Duke is the most loyal to me more than anyone.” Fabian sneered at him. It was a mockery that contained the truth that was already known by everyone who gathered here.

“If you know, that’s enough.” Duke Metis, who was retreating politely and calmly, also looked tough. On the contrary, he was currently in a more favorable position. His attitude couldn’t be considered embarrassing at all. And that’s the main reason Fabian hated him.

“Where…….” Fabian sat comfortably on his throne as if he wanted to show off in front of the nobles. To tame the wild animals that didn’t know their place, Fabian must continuously tell them who was the strongest.

“Let’s see the loyalty of Duke Metis and his loyal followers.” A rare smile lingered at Fabian’s lips, where he had almost no expression on his face. That was definitely fear for the nobles.

“I’m glad. Your Majesty came back safely!”

“Everyone’s waiting for Your Majesty!”

Praise for the Emperor was heard shouting to each other in the room. Fabian lifted his chin from the throne. He looked at the ridiculous view before him quietly. Of course, he didn’t forget to glance at Duke Metis, his uncle.

“You will soon find out why I was away.”

Sagan knitted his eyebrows at that wording. He had sent spies several times to monitor the Emperor’s movement, but he didn’t receive any meaningful reports.

Looking at the skeptical-Duke metis who didn’t believe him, fabian boasted, “For the sake of Empire, I did what only the Emperor could do.” As Fabian spoke calmly, all the nobles in the room roared for a moment. “It’s a pain in the neck, by the way.” He added.

“Of course, I believed there must be a reason.”

Though, until recently, Sagan tended to blame the Emperor for his irresponsible absence. But Fabian immediately settled the controversy first and made the issue non-existent. Duke Metis recalled that Fabian, who was also his nephew, was a quiet-annoying guy.

“But, I can’t put off the congress any longer,” Fabian smirked. “Today, I won’t end this congress until all the past agendas are resolved.”

That meant no one in this meeting room could go home tonight.

No one knew whether this was his revenge for nobles, or there was another meaning. Anyway, this council wouldn’t be concluded until the Emperor had announced that it was over.

When the Congress was in full swing, the carriage entered the dark tunnel at night. The underpass that was disguised as a sewer was the entrance to the elaborate-secret passageway.

Guided by Serus, Evelyn was relieved, seeing Adrian slept soundly in Nora’s arms, his maid.

“Come this way.” Serus led Evelyn and her people carefully. She had to rely on the lamp-light to walk from here.

“The doctor has Sir Philip arrived?” Evelyn asked as she wanted to take care of Adrian’s health first.

“He will arrive soon. He’ll officially come to the Palace.”

Serus put the hook into the empty wall and turned it. Then the wall opened like a door. Without realized it, Evelyn had passed through the maze and complex passages many times.

“Do you know the existence of a secret chamber in His Majesty’s bedroom?”

“… I’ve heard it before.”

She believed it was just a historical story since a long time ago. But seeing Serus’s face, it seemed like it wasn’t just a lie. Even for Evelyn, the Empress, Imperial Palace was full of secrets that she didn’t know about.

“It’s literally a hidden chamber downstairs that can only be accessed via a secret staircase from His Majesty’s bedroom. A long time ago, it was a room that was built to hide the Emperor’s mistress.” Serus said.

“I can stay out of other people’s eyes, then.”


“Yes… … For a moment.” Somehow, there was a thorn in Serus’s voice. Evelyn just nodded small as she was ready.

Serus bit his lips before carefully speaking, “Don’t worry. Sir Philip will be here soon. Most importantly, all the nobles are now being held by His Majesty in Congress.”

“Until late at night?”

“I think His Majesty intends to hold them back until the two of you rest safely.”

That’s why Fabian spurred his horse faster than usual so that he could get to the Imperial Palace sooner. He couldn’t rest at all, but he still had to work in congress. And Evelyn was grateful for his consideration.

“Princess, this way.”

Finally, Evelyn stepped into the Chamber of Secrets.

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