I’m a Villain, So I’ll Take Over The World! Chapter 45 Leader Of The New Order

Hijacking trains and using his hypnosis on pilots, he spread his New Order soldiers to the four corners of the west coast, placing his trust in their abilities after getting a taste for it.

"Boo-yah!" Muerto celebrated, looking out of the passenger window of the airborne plane.

With him were his trusted comrades of the Onyx gang, who were dressed in full kevlar, ready for action.

["Spatial Warp"]

With a snap of his fingers, he transported each captain and their specially selected crews onto each plane, giving them the initiative in the important mission.

The planes landed in the pivotal cities of the west coast: San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramento, and Seattle.

Through the cities in between the prosperous targets of the west coast, the New Order soldiers that moved on land vehicles swept through like a natural disaster.

Police stations were bombarded by rockets and gunfire, cars were hijacked as the New Order grunts spread chaos through the streets of California, leaving hellfire in their wake.

"Ha-ha! Go! Go!"

A skinhead goon of the New Order laughed, hanging halfway out of the passenger window of a car while it sped through the streets of San Diego, firing his gun off without a care as bullets shattered the windows of neighboring windows.

"On the ground! All of ya’!"

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"We’ll light your asses up like swiss cheese if ya’ don’t listen!"

The trains that connected cities by subways were taken over by the New Order, with the grunts abusing their newfound authority by robbing the pockets of normal civilians, forcing them to strip down and lay on the ground.

Spectating from the skies like a king too revered to stand on the ground of mere ants, Noah watched with malice swirling in his gray eyes as the landscape of California lit up through the calamity of the New Order bulldozing through.

"It will all be destroyed and rebuilt," Noah said, hovering in the skies, "Suffer briefly and flourish tomorrow."

The world-changing event was relayed by every news outlet, even some from foreign lands:

[DELTA NEWS: "We have confirmation that Los Angeles has fallen into enemy control!--Right now, other cities in California are currently under attack! It’s dangerous even for us to be here right now–" BZZT]

Even the middle-aged, dark-skinned man–the field reporter for Delta News, had the live broadcast cut-off by stray gunfire.

[ENTERPRISE NEWS: "Please stay inside, Americans! These are trying times–we will need full belief in the army!"]

While the influential and highest populated cities were overtaken by the New Order, he personally went to Washington, D.C, going to the heart of the country and its power–the "White House."

Through a ["Spatial Warp"], he appeared with a breeze cascading through the perfectly-trimmed lawn of the country’s most pivotal domain.

It seemed since the raid on the west coast had begun, the National Guard was prepared for an attack to find its way to the President’s home as dozens of army vehicles were waiting with mounted turrets and an entire battalion of soldiers waiting.

"Yo," he greeted the soldiers lined up on the grass fields in front of the snow-white estate.

The soldiers barked orders down the line in response to his appearance, "He’s here!"

"Prepare to engage!"


As hundreds of bullets shot towards him with sparks fluttering in the now daytime air, he didn’t flinch, simply raising his hand in response.

["Object Authority"]

None of the bullets reached him, pausing in the air before him as shocked expressions swept over the battalion’s faces.

"I’ll return these back to you, don’t worry," Noah muttered.

["Absolute Enhancement: Explosive Augmentation"]

Enchanting each bullet with a brisk radiance, he flicked his wrist, sending them back towards the U.S battalion, causing them to land with explosive detonations, bombarding the land just before the white house itself in destruction.

Walking through the explosions, unharmed through a protective, unseen barrier around himself, Noah swept by with speed like a thunderbolt, eviscerating the soldiers with invisible slices of wind before they could react.

[Minutes Later]

The verdant grass was painted red, caked in the ashes of a slaughter that could not be called a battle; tanks were flipped over, ripped open as those who stood in the way of the wicked adolescent were broken, torn, or mangled.

Noah stood there with his hoodie and mask intact, standing amidst a graveyard of unburied bodies, looking up towards the windows of the White House, meeting eye-to-eye with the President who hid behind its walls.

Before the very eyes of the wizened executive of the country, the young man disappeared, causing him to flinch in anticipation, standing in the eerily quiet, oval office.

"--" The white-haired, wrinkled president kept his eyes on the window.

"Yo," the frivolous, but malignant voice of Noah met the man’s ears from behind.

Just as the President gasped, spinning around, he froze like a statue as Noah pressed a single fingertip against his forehead.

"Don’t worry, the country will be in good hands," Noah nefariously assured him.

"T-take it, just let me–"

Unable to even properly beg for his own life, the senior’s complexion drained as his body shrunk with its life essence being drained at a simple touch.

["Soul Plunder"]

With the one in charge of the United States taken out, there were no figureheads standing in his way as Noah turned around, finding himself in the world-famous oval office, standing at the flag-decorated desk before slowly sitting down.

As he sat behind the president’s desk, he felt complete authority being seized by him–it was all his.

From the beginning of the attack on Los Angeles, it took only three days for the west coast to be subjugated by the New Order; a feat of raw power held by the unorthodox army’s supernatural abilities.

It wasn’t just that, but the oval office itself was taken over by the "unknown" leader of the New Order, spiraling the stability of the country into unforeseen levels of mayhem.

All he was short of was a crown, but he felt it was undeserved quite yet; after all, to him, there was still much left to conquer before celebrating in full.

That much was clear as after being in the oval office for a day, getting news of the New Order’s victories on the west coast as they began moving to the midwest, he found himself greeted by visitors to his new home at the white house.

As he glanced out of the window at the roar of engines and rumble of heavy vehicles, the sight of the U.S army in full tow filled the scenery of D.C; there were dozens of tanks and turret-mounted vehicles, rolling over the streets and fields alike towards the white house.

This was war.

Standing from his desk with a look of cured boredom, he unleashed a brief relay of sensory mana, getting an idea of the forces he was facing.

["Absolute Sensory"]

’Four…five…six thousand–looks like they brought an entire regiment,’ Noah thought with a smile.

Cracking his knuckles, he opened the window to the oval office up, standing partly out of it as he looked over the military might that pointed their destructive capacities towards him.

"Have you come to bow to your king?" Noah asked.

Of course, he knew this wasn’t the case as a silent signal from one of the commanders prompted the tanks to ruthlessly open fire on the sacred building of America, lighting it up with missiles.

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The air was filled with the sound of tank shells slamming into the building, shrouding it in smoke as sediment grumbled down.

Yet, in the face of conventional weaponry, the young usurper was unharmed and unflinching, though as the smoke faded, the regiment had lost track of him.

The stern-faced commander of pale skin looked forward, yelling out, "Eyes on the enemy! Find him now–"

Though the commander of the regiment couldn’t finish as he was pierced through the chest from behind, looking back in disbelief to see the gray-eyed figure standing behind him.

"Ciao," Noah said before ripping his arm out from the man’s chest.

While standing on one of the tanks, he looked around with a smile, waiting for the dozens of other war-perpetuating vehicles to shoot towards him.

"Oh? Afraid of hitting your buddy in the process?" Noah asked, "Let me make it easy for you."

As he jumped up, the tank barrels pointed up, lobbing heavy-duty shells at him, though he expected as much as he held his hands forward with a smile.

["Object Authority"]

Stopping the massive, explosive shells in midair, he took control of them before sending them straight back to where they came from.



The screams of the soldiers echoed out amidst the destruction caused in front of the white house, razing the streets as concrete was ripped up and tanks were desecrated by their own shells.

After decimating the tank unit, he found hundreds of soldiers approaching, though most moved in squadrons, using trees as cover around the park as they surrounded him completely.

"Here. I’ll play on your level," Noah said.

["Weapon Construction: HK35]

Manifesting into his right hand was a military-grade assault rifle with optic sight and complex features, though he amplified it with his own desired features.

["Absolute Augmentation: Railgun"]

As the soldiers opened fire on him first, their bullets carved up the soil before bouncing off of the invisible barrier directly around him as he casually lifted his own weapon, aiming towards a group of five soldiers that were taking cover behind a mound of soil.

"Boom," he whispered, pulling the trigger.

Just as it clicked, the ["Railgun"] augmentation caused a sonic boom to ignite in the air as the bullet traveled with electrokinetic amplification, carving through the wind before blowing straight through the mound, annihilating the soldiers behind it.

Though it quickly became boring to use such a weapon as he discarded it, instead opting to use magic from the darkest depths of his grimoire:

["Hail To The Darkness"]

Cracks opened in the land, parting sections in the concrete of the streets and the soil of the park before abyssal limbs stretched out in the form of malignant tentacles.

The soldiers were stunned by the unknown malevolence, unable to react properly before the abyssal tentacles whipped around, ensnaring them and dragging them back into the depths beneath the crust of the world.

Resealing the gaps in the ground with a snap of his fingers, saving wide-eyed soldiers moments away from being consumed by the eldritch horror below, Noah looked around, finding he was no longer being shot at.

"Perhaps you understand now," Noah said, "It’s impossible to stop me. If you stand down and pledge your loyalty to the New Order, your lives will be spared."

It was an enticing offer to many soldiers after witnessing the godlike abilities possessed by the strange figure.

Though as some relinquished their weapons, opting to leave the fruitless battlefield, the sound of air whistling in the distance caught Noah’s ear.

’...You just don’t know when to quit, do you?’ He thought.

As he glanced back, he could see all-black jets approaching from the distance, sensing them as they approached at speeds beyond sound.


Launching into the air at fearsome speeds, he opted to meet the jets halfway as he hovered at their level amidst the smoky skies of the wartorn region.

["Binding of The Elder Gods"]

The spell allowed him to manifest all-black tentacles from the sleeves of his hoodie that expanded in size while stretching out towards the incoming, five jets. Even moving at the speeds they were, the jets were ensnared by the ungodly limbs, being held and squeezed tightly.

"Mayday! Mayday!" One of the air force pilots yelled.

"Consume," Noah said.

Those words gave full reign to the abyssal tentacles, allowing them to secrete a primordial, pitch-black substance on the planes held in their grip, absorbing them into the unknown depths of their being.

Finishing them off, he glanced back, seeing another ensemble of sonic jets piercing through the air towards him, flying overhead before dropping a cluster of bombs from above.

"You’re that desperate to take me down? Your own soldiers are down there, you know," Noah mumbled, looking up at the explosions without fear.

Raining down, the bombs covered Lafayette Square in explosions, ripping the streets up and desecrating the north lawn of the white house as well.

["Energy Absorption"]

Raising his hand, Noah put an end to the explosions while casually standing in the center of their destruction, coalescing the volatile might into the palm of his hand before absorbing it in full.

"Thanks for the meal," Noah said, popping the volatile sphere of energy into his mouth.

[Mana partially restored.]

It was a hopeless battle for the army defending the United States; despite the barrage of tanks, high-caliber weaponry, and carpet bombing–nothing had laid a scratch on the man’s body.

"Feel free to try that again whenever you want," Noah announced, "Though I’ll be a lot less lenient next time."

In the oval office, which he cleaned of blood, he brought in a singular news crew, one that had nation-wide coverage, such that it would even reach beyond the scope of the nation.

"A-are you ready, sir?" The young cameraman gulped, holding the large camera on his shoulder.

Noah was sitting at the president’s desk, leaning his elbows on it before he nodded, "Roll the cameras."

What followed was the most haunting message relayed across not just the country, but perhaps the world: the nation touted as a world superpower was overthrown within mere days.

["Hello, people of America, I am here to inform you that the nation has fallen under new rule. That is, under me–you can simply refer to me as "Noir". The New Order has taken control of the west coast and will continue to extend our reach across the nation, to all fifty states. This is not a revolution in hopes of making the world a better place; this is my declaration of war to the world: the New Order will not stop here. I will not stop until the world is mine in totality. There will be no negotiations, only two options: fealty from your leaders or death."]

After the message finished broadcasting, Noah had a pleased expression, kicking his feet up on the renowned desk without any respect for it.

The cameraman was trembling, lowering the video-capturing device as he looked down, "C-can I…?"

"Go," Noah allowed.

Nothing further needed to be said before the cameraman, taken from the news outlet, rushed out of the compromised white house, leaving Noah, or now known as "Noir", to bask in the triumph he’d achieved.

’I don’t have to hold anything back now. Everything in this country is mine–it’s products, it’s women–all of it, mine,’ he thought.

[Noah Grays | "Noir" | Leader of The New Order] [Level: 100]

[Current Position: Emperor of The United States]

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