I’m an Infinite Regressor, But I’ve Got Stories to Tell Chapter 120

The Brainwasher II

And thus, the collision of two black holes brought about the end of the solar system... Unfortunately, such an ending did not occur.

The world was fine. The encounter between Go Yuri and Yu Ji-won did not cause any macro-level disturbances.

Given that the universe manages to endure decades under the colonial rule of countless monsters, it was surprisingly resilient.

“……. …….”

“……? ……. …….”

From a distance, the two were having a conversation.

I couldn’t eavesdrop as they were out of my hearing range. Besides, the conversation content would likely be distorted due to Go Yuri’s [Perception Manipulation].

Go Yuri bowed slightly. She handed over something indistinguishable, perhaps a business card or a letter. Yu Ji-won accepted it and bowed her head as well.

A moment later, Yu Ji-won returned as if nothing had happened.

I hurriedly approached Yu Ji-won.

“What did you talk about? What was your impression of Go Yuri? Did you feel an inexplicable desire to agree with her?”

“Pardon? No?”

Yu Ji-won responded with a sentence that exemplified the subtlety of the Korean language.

“We just had a conversation. It went very smoothly.”


I sighed. So even a psychopath couldn’t resist Go Yuri’s power.

“…I see. It must have been a special experience for you. It’s probably the first time you’ve felt even a small amount of positive emotion toward a human. When will you ever have such an experience again?”


Yu Ji-won tilted her head.

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“Excuse me, sir, but I don’t understand what you’re saying. I did not feel any affection toward the target.”

Now it was my turn to tilt my head.

“What do you mean? You just said the conversation went well.”

“Yes? It did.”

Then, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, Yu Ji-won stated expressionlessly,

“How does having a smooth conversation equate to feeling affection for the other person?”


“Sir, a smooth conversation brings comfort. More precisely, it’s the satisfaction of not having to waste excessive dialogue to enhance mutual understanding, thus saving time. It’s like taking the subway instead of walking to school, which is much faster and more convenient. That doesn’t mean you feel human affection for the subway train, right?”


“Ah. My apologies, sir. Everyone has different tastes. Do you perhaps have a fondness for subway trains?”

Of course, I didn’t. One person with a bizarre attachment to railways was enough.

But listening to Yu Ji-won’s lengthy explanation, I had a revelation.

‘Maybe it could work! With Go Yuri! If this unparalleled psychopath can avoid [Perception Manipulation], it might just be a miracle!’

I couldn’t hide my excitement as I grabbed Yu Ji-won’s shoulders.


“Yes, sir.”

“From now on, use any means necessary to get close to ‘He Who Must Not Be Named.’ Become friends, or whatever it takes, and observe her every move. Report everything to me. Can you do that?”

“Of course, sir. Leave it to me. But...”

“Oh, don’t worry. I’ll make sure your will is conveyed to the next cycle’s you.”

“I swear my loyalty, sir.”

A silent understanding passed between us.

The Saintess, who had been quietly observing the situation, muttered.

[Mr. Undertaker, I’ve been wondering whether to point this out, but... Isn’t it obvious that you’re stalking Go Yuri?]

It wasn’t worth considering.

As if I’d stalk someone who runs a soup kitchen for free, wearing a green Three Kingdoms apron, smiling politely at everyone. Do I look like that kind of person? Ridiculous.

From that day, Operation "Paradox" was launched.

The strongest shield in Korea, a character who would always have a warning in any work [※This character is a side character and cannot be conquered], was deployed right in the middle of Daejeon.

Yes. Yu Ji-won stayed in Daejeon and contacted Go Yuri daily. Since Go Yuri had to report to the soup kitchen every morning and evening, she had no way to avoid Yu Ji-won.

On the second day, nothing unusual happened. The two seemed to have a warm conversation.

The same on the third day.

And the fourth day.

Finally, on the fifth day.

[Mr. Undertaker, something strange seems to be happening with Yu Ji-won.]

I felt a nibble on the line.

“What kind of strange occurrence?”

[…It’s hard to explain, but when Ms. Yu leaves her lodging and starts walking, strangers approach her and strike up conversations.]

“Hmm. Maybe people are just entranced by her Hermes-grade face.”

[You’re the first person I’ve heard describe someone’s good looks that way... No, it’s really strange. You should come and see for yourself.]

So I did.

I discreetly followed Yu Ji-won without being noticed.

“Oh, Ms. Yu! I happened to get some lucky apples. Please, take one. Oh, don’t worry about the money. Just take it! You’re so pretty, I can’t help it!”

“Thank you. I’ll enjoy it.”

“Wow! It’s Ms. Yu! Let’s play together today! Come swing with us in the playground!”

“Yes. If I have time in the evening.”

…As the Saintess had said, it was a strange scene.

Every time Yu Ji-won walked down the street, people of all kinds approached her to talk.

I’ve mentioned several times that Yu Ji-won was as beautiful as a crystal sculpture carved from eternal ice. She always had a perpetual frostiness about her due to her lack of expression.

Would it be easy to approach such a person and start a friendly conversation?

Even if they did, they’d receive a reply with a monotonous voice and emotionless eyes behind glasses.

In short, there was no reward for being friendly.

Yet people approached Yu Ji-won as if it was the most enjoyable thing, continuously striking up conversations.

“Saintess, please connect me to Yu Ji-won telepathically. I need to check her mental state.”

[Alright. …Connection established. I’ll relay Ms. Yu’s words. Please speak comfortably.]

“Thank you. Hey, Ji-won. Are you okay?”

[I’m fine.]

Yu Ji-won’s response, relayed through the Saintess’s voice, was utterly nonchalant.

“From what I see, Daejeon has already fallen to She Who Must Not Be Named. At least, the people who talk to you are definitely enchanted by She Who Must Not Be Named. They’re trying to keep you in the city by any means.”

[Hmm. I also found it strange. But if their aim is to win my favor, their tactics are shallow.]


[It’s annoying.]


[When the restaurant owner recognizes me and makes small talk, I don’t show it, but I find it bothersome. The whole street feels like one big, annoying restaurant.]

The next day.

The city of Daejeon fell silent.


Yu Ji-won left her lodging, but no one approached her.

The lady who gave her apples the day before, the kids who begged her to play, all passed by her expressionlessly as if they didn’t know her.

I couldn’t help but be terrified.

[Now, this is comfortable.]

Yu Ji-won wasn’t shaken at all.

Her feelings were simply akin to being lucky to find an empty seat by the window in a cafe.

Despite the sudden cold shoulder from the city’s residents who had been clinging to her the day before, she showed no signs of unease or confusion.

But this meant… Yu Ji-won had won.

No interactions, no bewitchment!

Then, the city truly went berserk.


A resident ran and collided with Yu Ji-won. The resident lost balance and fell. freew𝚎bn𝐨𝘃𝐞𝗹.𝗰𝚘𝗺

At that moment, screech—crash! A truck passed by and crashed into a building. The resident got up and grabbed Yu Ji-won’s hand.

“Thank you! Really, thank you! If I hadn’t bumped into you, I would’ve been hit by the truck and died! You saved my life!”

“Yes. Take care of your life.”


As soon as Yu Ji-won entered a bakery, the staff lined up and set off fireworks.

“Congratulations! You are the 100,000th customer since our opening! As a special event, we will give you five items free every day from now on….”

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“Sorry, I don’t prefer such events. Please give it to the next customer. I’ll take a baguette if you have one.”


Everywhere Yu Ji-won went, she was saved from ‘coincidental accidents,’ and ‘amazing probabilities’ of good fortune found her.

Yu Ji-won ignored all of it.

[Why did I ignore them? Because following your orders, Your Excellency, is far more advantageous than forming friendly relations with those people.]

[They won’t take care of my next cycle, will they?]

Using the funds I provided, Yu Ji-won ate what she wanted and bought what she wanted, simply going to the plaza twice a day to chat briefly with Go Yuri.

In short, she lived comfortably, doing what she wanted in this end-of-the-world scenario.

Conversely, maybe it was just my imagination, but the residents’ faces seemed to grow more haggard by the day.

Bang! Bang-bang, bang!

By the 30th day, a gunfight broke out near Yu Ji-won’s lodging.

The following scene was reconstructed based on Yu Ji-won’s later testimony.

Right after the gunfire, a man with a gunshot wound on his arm pounded on Yu Ji-won’s door.

“Please help! Please open the door! I’ll repay you!”

Before the host could respond, the door opened on its own.

Yu Ji-won, who had been reading a Latin book by the window, raised an eyebrow in annoyance.

“What is it this time?”

“Oh. I’m the head of the top guild in this city. My subordinate backstabbed me. But… he couldn’t kill me despite the surprise attack. My brothers will avenge me.”


“If you hadn’t opened the door, I’d be dead in the hallway. Thank you. I’ll give you everything in this city…!”

Yu Ji-won put down her book and walked over.

For the record, Yu Ji-won was the operations manager of the National Road Management Corps and, in a cycle when we exterminated the Meteor Shower, she led one of the 12 squads.

In other words, Yu Ji-won was second only to me in aura manipulation.

A warlord with a bullet wound in his arm was no match for her. Yu Ji-won lifted the guild leader effortlessly, like a chicken.


Then she opened the door and tossed him into the hallway. The guild members aiming to betray him flinched.

Yu Ji-won spoke to the assassins.

“What are you doing? Aren’t you going to kill him?”


“Then I’ll go back to reading, so don’t disturb me.”

Boom. The door closed.

That was the scene reconstructed from Yu Ji-won’s memory.

No more gunfire was heard in the hallway.

That night.

A strange sound echoed in the dark sky over Daejeon.

-Oooo……. Ooo……

-Hehehe, hehehe! Hehe!

It sounded like the cries of beasts, the roars of tigers, and the countless laughter of children. All the sounds mixed and echoed simultaneously.

Even I had never experienced such a phenomenon.

“Saintess, can you observe what’s happening in the city?”

[I’m sorry. I can’t see anything. It seems all the awakeners in Daejeon are either asleep or for some other reason, I can only see darkness.]


[If you permit, I can go to Ms. Go Yuri.]


I responded immediately.

I had a gut feeling.

This state was not achieved through the ‘correct strategy.’

It felt like using a cheat code to unlock an ending in a game.

The problem was that this was far from a happy ending. Whatever was awakened forcibly must be incredibly enraged.

“Go Yuri, or the entity overshadowing her, can enchant and control the entire city’s population. Confirming this information alone is a great achievement. Any further contact is dangerous.”


“What about Yu Ji-won?”

[Just as dark. The same as the other awakeners.]

The bizarre cacophony continued throughout the night.

Yu Ji-won’s whereabouts were revealed when morning came. At 7 AM, she woke up and walked out of her lodging as if nothing had happened.

I immediately entered Daejeon and contacted Yu Ji-won. I asked if she had heard the strange noises last night.


Yu Ji-won tilted her head.

“I don’t know, Your Excellency. Since the fourth grade, I’ve been wearing an eye mask and earplugs to sleep.”

With daylight, not only did the cacophony disappear, but the city’s residents also vanished.

The Saintess’s [Clairvoyance] still couldn’t observe anything. The only visible awakener was Yu Ji-won.

Even when I deployed Yu Ji-won’s [Mini Map], the result was the same. Neither Go Yuri nor any other Awakeners in Daejeon responded.

It was as if they had evaporated in an instant.

After that day, until the end of the cycle, neither Go Yuri nor the citizens of Daejeon reappeared.


Yu Ji-won pulled something out of her pocket. It was a letter.

An item that would serve as the epilogue for this episode.

“Your Excellency, please accept this.”

“What is it?”

“Ms. Go Yuri asked me to deliver this letter to you.”


“To be precise, she asked me to deliver it to [the first person I meet after I can no longer run the soup kitchen].”

I hesitated but took the letter.

I opened the envelope. A sweet apple scent wafted out.

-謀事在人, 成事在天.

-Planning is man’s work; achieving it is heaven’s.


Mosa jaein, Seongsa jaecheon. A phrase from Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Similar in meaning to “Do your best and leave the rest to heaven,” it could be given to anyone.

But the fact that it was a phrase from Romance of the Three Kingdoms shook my heart uneasily.

‘Could it be that she knew I sent Yu Ji-won?’

…More importantly, I knew Go Yuri’s handwriting. She had once been part of my guild, so it was natural.

The handwriting on this letter was distinctly different from Go Yuri’s writing back then.

Perhaps this phrase was the first genuine aspect of Go Yuri I had ever seen.

The first trace not filtered by [Perception Manipulation].

I turned the letter over.

-The butterfly of the typhoon and the butterfly in the dream are different beings.

My entire body tingled as if struck by static electricity.

A phrase hinting at the existence of the blue Morpho butterfly of the anomaly ‘Butterfly Effect’ and the butterfly that appeared at the end of ‘Logout Game.’

A message only I could decipher in this world… and simultaneously, one of the pieces of information I was most curious about at the time.

How much did Go Yuri know? Or was this simply a reflection of the information I wanted to see, like a mirror?

From where had I been enchanted?

“…Ji-won, when did you receive this letter?”

“Oh. On the first day, when we parted.”


“She promised no harm would come to me as long as I delivered the letter. It was a fair deal.”

Yu Ji-won tilted her head.

“Is there something strange written in it, sir?”


I remained silent.

Just folding the apple-scented letter, I pondered once more.

――In the end, the strongest spear and the strongest shield would always result in a draw.


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