I’m the Slit-Eyed Character at the Academy, but I’m not the Mastermind Chapter 148

Chapter 148

Scarlet coldly sent the person wearing a black robe away and turned towards us.

"Haha, it was noisy, wasn’t it? I’m sorry, guests."

The previously cold demeanor was nowhere to be found. Instead, there was an incredibly warm and affectionate smile, coupled with a groveling attitude.

It was such a surprising change that it could have been a different person.

"Is it alright to send that person away like that?"

"They were just a common merchant. There’s no need for you to worry. Today, we’re only accepting reservations anyway."

"Hmm... That’s the owner’s prerogative, I suppose. But be more careful with your words next time. Academy students are still young. They could get hurt by such language."

"I’ll remember that, truly remember that."

Scarlet bowed deeply and headed to the kitchen.

He was preparing the dishes vertically, bracing himself for the upcoming skirmish.


The idiot hair on Rezé’s head began to spin round and round.

It was an even more intense movement than usual. At the same time, Rezé twitched.

"Keke, Miss Rezé. What’s the matter?"

"Something... a big danger is coming!"

"A big danger?"

"A strong person. It seems not to be an enemy, but..."

Rezé glanced at a box on the floor.

She seemed to be contemplating whether to hide in the box.

’Interesting. Can she now identify whether it’s a friend or foe?’

Rezé’s exceptional sense of danger was known, but until now, she had no choice but to hide blindly.

Because it was impossible to tell whether the other party was a friend or foe.

But now, it seemed possible.

’Is it thanks to the separate training with Lucia? No new skills have appeared yet... but it feels good.’

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By the time Lucia left, it seemed a new skill might emerge.

Though what it was, was unclear, being taught by the hero Lucia meant a tremendous skill was to be gained.

That much was certain.


As the tavern’s door opened, someone entered.

Surely, the strong person Rezé had mentioned.

We couldn’t help but be surprised upon seeing their face.


Why are you coming out of there?

But Lucia seemed just as surprised.


"...Big sister?"

"Oh? Delin is here too?"

"I’ve told you not to call me that in front of others...!"

"Kyaa! Angry Delin is scary. So scary, I have to hug her tight!"

Lucia rushed forward and hugged Rodelin with all her might.

It was a fierce hug that could’ve knocked over a chair, but it didn’t. Lucia had perfectly adjusted her balance.

"Being hugged because I’m scary! That’s contradictory!"

"Angry Delin is scary. If you keep being angry, I have no choice but to hug you tight~"

"Get off! What a disgrace in front of the juniors!"

Rodelin tried her best to resist, but it was futile against Lucia.

We couldn’t possibly intervene.

There was only one thing we could do in such a situation.


Hmm, sisters overlapping(?). Just watching is a delight for the eyes.

Of course, I’m referring to the affection between sisters.

It’s absolutely not with impure intentions.

Appreciating the deep bond between sisters can’t be wrong, so it’s natural for me to smile contently.

’Everyone would think so, right?’

I could sense many people nodding in agreement.

As I nodded in appreciation, the more Rodelin resisted, the more the affectionate scene intensified.

Maybe because of the ongoing rough hugging, Rodelin’s face flushed, and a slight moan escaped her lips.

"Aah... No, no..."


What exactly is not allowed remains unclear, but instinctively, it felt like things should proceed in that direction.

’Let it continue!’ I thought to myself.

As Rodelin’s top was slightly lifted in the struggle, something covered my eyes.

It was Luna’s hand.

"Keke, Miss Luna. Why?"

"A gift for you, you pervert."

"Receiving a gift should make me happy... but this is strange."

"That’s because you’re a pervert. Just wait quietly until it’s over."

Suddenly, blindfold play.

Restraining everyone’s longing is no different.

"Keke, what if I refuse?"

"Then you’ll end up like that too. Of course, I’ll be the one dealing with you."

I decided to wait quietly.

Who cares about everyone else’s longing?

My life is more important right now.

"Ugh, ugh!"

I wondered what was happening on the side.

Rodelin is not a character known for moaning in pain, either in the game or otherwise. It’s so rare that collectors specifically seek it out.

Yet, here was this inexplicable moan.

As a hardcore fan, my curiosity was piqued. Definitely not out of perversion.

I sneakily moved my head to escape Luna’s hand.

Oh, something white...


...My neck turned to the side. Of course, because of Luna’s hand.

"Keke, Miss Luna? I think something’s wrong with my neck?"

"It’s supposed to be wrong."

Ah, I see. No wonder it hurt.

But she said it as if it was the most natural thing.

"Be glad that’s all that happened. Try peeking again. I’ll turn it even further next time."

Would my neck turn 180 degrees? That seems biologically impossible.

But with Luna, it might just be possible.

I chose to wait quietly.

"Uh, uh!"

What exactly was going on?

’I’ve got another reason to clear the game now.’

Because then, I’d know what happened in the game.

There might even be an illustration or two. No, there has to be!

For everyone’s longing!

Anyway, all I can see right now is the door of the tavern.

I was aimlessly staring at it when...


Someone came in. A person in a black robe, their identity unknown.

They scanned our side once and then...


They burst out with a nosebleed.

What a tremendous reaction. It made me want to turn my head towards Rodelin right away.

But I held back because I could feel Luna’s sharp gaze from behind me.

The unidentified person staggered and settled at a table in the corner.

Was it because a stranger had entered? Or because they had witnessed something so disgraceful they couldn’t bear to look?

"Th-this, thi...! Unhealthy behavior punch!"



Lucia rolled towards me.

Was I the only one who thought she was wearing a happy smile?

A moment later.


Luna had returned my head to its original position. Rodelin had already perfectly tidied up her attire.

Lucia looked at her and giggled.

"Ow... that hurts."

"Not only engaging in scandalous acts but loafing around too! You deserve to be hit! Do you not realize the significance of being a special instructor at Annwood Academy?"

"Rodelin, today is a holiday."

Rodelin stiffened.

Today was the weekend, a holiday recognized by the empire. To insist on working on such a day.

Rodelin had no choice but to be flustered.

"And you’re loafing around just as much, aren’t you, Rodelin?"

"I, I’m on duty! I’m checking if this facility is safe for students to use..."

"That’s exactly what loafing is."

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"U, ugh...!"

Rodelin’s face turned crimson.

Frustrated but out-argued, she didn’t know what to do.

’She’s cute no matter what.’

Just as cute as Luna.

Lucia, looking around, spoke up.

"But... is this place really a restaurant? Looks more like a tavern to me."

"Keke, it’s a tavern with that kind of concept."

"Hmm~ Unique indeed. Times have really changed, you know? Back in my day..."

"Hold on."

Rodelin interrupted Lucia.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Lucia’s old-fashioned long speech would have been torture otherwise.

"It seems you need a restaurant ticket to use this place... Big sister, you don’t have one, do you?"

"Rodelin, you...! Such a petty trick!"

"Owner! This guest says she’s leaving! See her out! And it seems it wouldn’t be amiss to give her a kick in the rear!"

Lucia was about to say something, but Scarlet acted faster.

Suddenly, he was beside her, bending at the waist.

Of course, it was his own waist.

"No, no! You’re welcome to stay as long as you like! Please, take a seat. We can add a table for you to sit comfortably!"

"But you said earlier that it couldn’t be used without a ticket!"

"I thought we were out of ingredients, but that wasn’t the case. I plan to offer a meal to that person sitting over there too."

Scarlet’s finger pointed towards where the person in the black robe was sitting.

The unidentified person stammered out.

"Ah, ahem! I’ll have the same menu as that side, please."

"Yes, of course!"

Scarlet continued.

"Above all, it’s an honor for our family to provide a meal for the hero, Lucia. Please allow me the great honor of serving you."

"Well, if you insist."

"We’ll add a table so you can dine more comfortably!"

Scarlet’s movements were incredibly quick.

Before Rodelin could even protest, he had added a table.

"Please enjoy your meal! I’ll bring out the appetizer right away!"

"Alright, make it quick."

Lucia nodded arrogantly, and Scarlet hurried back to the kitchen, walking backward.

As Scarlet disappeared.


Unable to contain her anger, Rodelin slammed her fist down.

"This is coercion with authority! How can you justify such unfairness!"

"Hehehehe! As a hero, it’s only natural to receive such treatment, isn’t it? If it weren’t for me, the empire would have been half destroyed by now."

"How can you say such a thing...!"

"Can you deny it? Saving the empire from war, slaying the second-grade demon that attacked the institution, rescuing the holy kingdom from crisis. Just considering these, isn’t it right to say I saved the empire?"


Rodelin clamped her mouth shut.

She knew better than anyone that without Lucia’s actions, the empire would have suffered greatly.

"Above all, this place is going to be very famous. Just my visit alone is like granting them tremendous fortune. Money naturally follows."

Rodelin trembled.

She was inwardly twisted by Lucia’s presumptuous attitude.

Finally, as Rodelin twisted in frustration.

Luna asked.

"But how did you get here? It’s quite a remote place."

"Eh? Well, Nanny said that..."

Lucia turned her gaze aside. But there was no one there.

No, there had never been anyone there to begin with.

The only ones who had entered after the door opened were Lucia and the person in the black robe.

They were the only ones.

"What? Where did she disappear to so quickly?"

Thinking she had seized an opportunity.

Rodelin’s eyes sparkled.

"You were alone from the beginning, weren’t you? Stop with the poor acting. Stalking is a dangerous act that can lead to serious crimes. Are you aware of that?"

"Ah, really! It’s so unfair!"

"Your next statement can be made in jail. Enjoy your meal. It seems like it might be your last one outside."

"Are you saying you’re going to arrest your beloved sister? Delin! How could you do this to me!"

"Someone who manipulates others with their authority is not a beloved sister! And I’m not Delin! I am Rodelin! Ro! De! Lin!"

"Delin doesn’t love me? That’s impossible!"

Lucia again rushed to embrace Rodelin.

Crash bang!


Chairs overturned, and my neck was twisted again by Luna.

Rubbing beneath my nose with my finger, I thought.


What a mess.


About 3 minutes before Lucia arrived.

"Oh, this tastes quite good?"

Hearing the children’s exclamations, Scarlet unknowingly shrugged his shoulders.

’Of course. Who do you think made it?’

Scarlet recalled a memory.

Caron’s strict order to prepare the finest cuisine.

He wasn’t joking. He introduced a former royal palace chef who now works at Annwood Academy.

"You’re that rat, huh? Since it’s a request from Sir Caron, I’ll make an exception. But don’t think I’ll go easy just because you’re a rat. What you do might be remarkable, but this side is no less serious. Don’t underestimate cooking. Understand?"



Scarlet involuntarily covered his head. He felt a tremendous pain.

He had scored high in torture resistance training. But this pain?

Scarlet looked incredulously at the chef’s hand, which held a sparkling small ladle.

"From now on, all responses are ’Yes, Chef!’ Got it?"



That day marked the beginning of his ordeal.

Mornings were for cooking classes, afternoons for dressing the tavern like a restaurant, and evenings and late nights for running the bar and gathering information.

Sleeping hours were reduced, but that was bearable.

What Scarlet found most difficult was.

"Is this what you call well-done? It’s undercooked! Release it back into the wild. It will roam the plains on its own legs!"

"Sorry, Chef!"


"There’s no such word in this world. The only word is ’Yes, Chef!’"

"Yes, Chef!"


"What is this? There’s so much oil that the damned empire would invade your frying pan! No need to conquer other kingdoms!" (LT Note: Yes, the Author made an America joke)

"Yes, Chef!"

"Hmph! The response is acceptable. If only your cooking skills were half as good."

Whack! Whack!

Enduring hits with a ladle, he underwent truly grueling training for 3 weeks.


"Hmph, at least it’s edible now."

He received a passing mark. He had graduated from the cooking class.

"Thank you for everything."

It was when Scarlet bowed his head.


"You still haven’t grasped it."

"Excuse me?"

"Don’t you still understand? Between us, there’s no need for such formalities. Don’t we have a phrase that symbolizes trust between us?"


After a moment of thought, Scarlet exclaimed loudly, filled with respect.

"Yes, Chef!"

"You’ve worked hard. I wish you success in your mission. If you get fired, contact me. I’ll offer a meal for free."

"Yes, Chef!"

That tearful farewell was just yesterday.

He had pledged to honor the chef’s name by delivering the finest cuisine.

But then...


Just 5 minutes before chaos... No, the tavern was already in chaos.

Caron, you bastard! Isn’t this a bit too much?

--TL Notes--

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you want to support me or give me feedback, you can do it at /MattReading

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