Immortal Space Chapter 84: Beauty Fruit

Chapter 84 Beauty Fruit

Wang Hong only had time to look carefully at this cave now. The tense battle started as soon as he entered here before, and he didn’t have time to pay attention to the surroundings.

It turns out that this pool is about one acre in size. The water in the pool is slightly green, but not cloudy, and you can still see fish and shrimp in the water.

There are several spiritual grasses on the edge of the pool, all of which are second-order Eupatorium tiger stripes. Wang Hong dug out three mature ones and transplanted them into the space.

After dealing with these second-order elixir plants, he looked at the black jade spirit lotus in the center of the pool, feeling hot in his heart.

In a hurry just now, it is natural to count as much as you can grab, so you pulled out the lotus pod and ran away.

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Now that there is enough time, of course he has to take his time. He jumped, jumped directly into the water, and dived through the water.

There is a kind of emerald green stone at the bottom of the water, which looks very beautiful. Wang Hong picked up some good-looking stones and put them away.

There were many three-inch-long transparent small fish in the pool, which looked delicious. He drove the fish to one place with his spiritual sense, and caught dozens of catties.

He dived into the bottom of the water and dug out the whole black jade spirit lotus. There were twenty lotus roots, and each lotus root was only seven inches long, chubby, crystal clear like jade.

Mo Yuling lotus root will only grow one knot every 100 years. It seems that this Linglian has been growing here for 2,000 years.

There are ten leaves on it, two lotus flowers, lotus seeds, lotus pods, flowers, leaves, stems, and lotus roots of Moyu Linglian are all rare treasures.

Wang Hong cut off a section of lotus root and replanted it in the mud at the bottom of the pool.

It is not easy for this kind of heaven and earth spirit to grow. Since one can be bred here, it seems to be very suitable for its growth.

He didn’t want to let this kind of spiritual creature disappear here because of himself, so as to leave an opportunity for future generations.

Wang Hong dug a small pool in the space, filled it with water from the pool, thought for a while, and threw the green stone he picked up just now to the bottom of the pool.

Then he divided the Moyu Linglian into three plants and planted them, and left a few lotus roots, he wanted to taste it.

Going up to the shore and seeing the insect corpses all over the ground, I always feel a bit wasteful. This kind of insect is too low-grade, and currently there is no use for alchemy.

But they also contain spiritual power, and the number is still considerable.

He thought for a while, the demon hunting tree in his space should be able to digest insect corpses, but it has just been planted and has not yet grown. The other is the devil vine and the pink skull flower.

Wang Hong tried to grab a handful of insect corpses and threw them at the devil vines. The devil vines danced wildly, and each poisonous thorn precisely pinned a insect corpse. The insect corpses shriveled quickly and fell off. fell to the ground.

It seems that although the devil vine can grow by absorbing spiritual energy, blood food is his favorite.

Wang Hong spent half an hour sweeping up the insect corpses all over the ground, and piled them up in the area of ??the devil vine.

After cleaning the cave, he was in the mood to get something to eat here. He set up a large pot, heated up the oil, put in the transparent small fish he caught just now, fried it on both sides, and then put in ginger, garlic and chili to stir fry out of the pan.

Another steamer was set up, and another pot of transparent small fish was steamed. Only steaming can best taste the original taste of the ingredients.

He picked up a fried small fish and bit off a piece in one bite. The taste was spicy and fresh, the fish meat was tender, and the fish bone was a kind of cartilage with an excellent taste. He drank another sip of spiritual wine. This kind of enjoyment almost made him forget Now he is in a dangerous secret place.

After eating and drinking enough, he was still a little unsatisfied, so he went down to the water pool to find some fish eggs and threw them into the small pond in the space. This kind of fish eggs was extremely small, and he didn’t know if they were the eggs of this kind of fish. Just throw it away if you make a mistake.

Spent the night in this cave, and went to the central area the next day.

When he met other monks along the way, he felt that he could beat them, so he swaggered past. When he met a few monks who were malicious and wanted to kill him to seize treasures, they all became the souls of the dead under his gun and the souls of his hard-earned robbery. The medicines are all cheap, Wang Hong.

If you see too many of them and feel that you can’t beat them, stay away from them.

Along the way, he harvested a few more plants of the foundation building pill.

He walked to several places marked with spiritual objects in the sect, and they were all taken first.

Now he is rushing to a valley, and the sect records that there is a fruit tree growing here.

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Zhuyan Fruit is a second-order spiritual fruit, which can be refined into Zhuyan Pill, which can keep the appearance of a hundred years.

Although this fruit is not the main medicine of the Foundation Establishment Pill, it is more popular. It is human nature to love beauty, especially for female cultivators. From the great power of Jindan Yuanying to the small practice of Qi training, everyone has this need. Therefore, every Zhuyan fruit is priceless.

When he arrived at the valley, he saw that a group of people had already gathered at Taniguchi, "Could it be a step too late?" Wang Hong thought to himself.

Taking a closer look, except for the people from Putuo Temple who were not present from the six major sects, there were people from the other five major sects. In addition, there are some small sect monks and family monks.

It is estimated that in the eyes of those great monks, the physical body is just a stinky skin, and beauty and ugliness have nothing to do with themselves.

There were four Qingxu sect monks present, two men and two women. Wang Hong didn’t know any of them. They should be from other mountains.

However, after entering the secret realm for more than ten days, one person has experienced danger several times. At this time, seeing the monks of the same sect naturally produces a sense of intimacy.

One of the two men has reached the state of great perfection in qi training, and the other has also reached the ninth level of qi training. They can be regarded as two masters.

The two women’s cultivation bases are slightly lower, both of them are seven or eight levels of qi training. They look in their twenties, one has an oval face, Qi Liuhai, and the other has an oval face, with double ponytails, they still look quite qualified .

Immortal cultivators age slowly, and it seems that their actual age may be over thirty when they are in their twenties.

After all, those who can practice Qi in their twenties to the late stage are all geniuses. Although the Qingxu Sect is a big sect, there are not many such geniuses.

The two female cultivators were very happy to see a fellow disciple coming, and hurried forward to say hello, but the two men seemed indifferent to Wang Hong’s arrival, and only nodded slightly.

"Brother, which mountain are you from? You came just in time. This valley is now occupied by a group of monster wolves, and everyone is blocked from entering."

The girl with the oval face said to Wang Hong.

"Oh, I’m from Kaiyang Peak, how many demon wolves are there in this valley?"

"It is said that there are more than a hundred of them, most of which are first-level mid-grade. Five monks entered before, and they encountered a pack of demon wolves without even touching the leaves of Zhuyan fruit. Four of them died, and only one remained. He escaped seriously injured."

The oval-faced fellow with ponytails said, pointing at one place at the same time, Wang Hong looked along and saw a Hunyuanzong monk who was seriously injured.

In addition to the seriously injured man, Hunyuanzong had two people left.

The remaining three major sects have about five or six people, plus monks from small sects, family monks, and casual cultivator alliance monks, there are more than 50 monks in total.

With so many people here, it seems that Zhuyanguo is quite attractive.

In fact, if everyone could trust each other and work together, more than a hundred first-level middle-grade monsters would be slaughtered in a quarter of an hour.

Even if Wang Hong’s forty-odd subordinates were pulled out, he would still dare to fight one of them, not to mention that all of them here are monks in the late stage of Qi training.

When the two female cultivators were talking to Wang Hong, the two male cultivators stared at this side from time to time, and their eyes were always on the side of the two female cultivators. Only then did Wang Hong understand that the two male cultivators were worried that they would rob him. It was their food that seemed indifferent to him.

Wang Hongjue and the others were overthinking, and he was not Er Mazi.

"Everyone, we already have so many people, we are completely able to rush in, and we can’t be stopped by a few beasts after picking the lingering fruit."

At this time, a tall and strong man dressed in the uniform of the Loose Cultivation Alliance jumped onto a big rock and shouted.

"Everyone who is not afraid of death, follow me to rush in."

The strong man jumped off the boulder and strode straight towards the valley, followed by five casual cultivators.

The six of them walked forward for a while, but when they found no one behind them, they slowed down.

The five casual cultivators who followed behind looked at each other for a few moments, then slipped back quietly.

The strong man realized that he was the only one left. Standing there, he didn’t dare to advance, and he was a little embarrassed to retreat.

Seeing this, the cultivators at the rear also yelled and ridiculed loudly. In the end, life was more important than face, and the strong man slipped back with a flushed face. 𝒻𝓻𝘦𝑒𝓌𝑒𝓫𝓷𝑜𝓋𝘦𝓵.𝓬𝘰𝓂

At this time, a monk from Qianqiao Pavilion and a monk from the Spirit Beast Sect came together to find the Qi-practicing Dzogchen monk from Qingxuzong, and discussed how to cooperate to attack the valley.

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