Incubus’ Blood Harem Chapter 130 Payment For Staring

Name || Kayden Jones

Age || 19 years old

Original Race || Vampire + Incubus

Blood Group || RH-Null

Element || Unknown

Residence || Vampire realm

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Societal class || Belongs to class C

Hidden status || Rightful heir of Beelzebelle

Levelling up methods || Sex + Blood drinking

Special physical feature || Incubus tail and horns

Special ability || Spell charm + Intimate touch

Magical powers || Mild access to blood magic

Animal instinct || Spider spirit

Mate bond partners || Medusa [succubus] + Lydia [vampiress]

Blood bound servants || Aiden [vampire] + Anna [vampiress]

[Caution: Don’t look into his eyes and let him touch you]

The report of the elven man was ready and he was ready to submit it, but the question here was the authenticity of it. After all, Kayden had just awakened his powers and they were still unable and he did not really know how to even make sense of them.

But was that it? Did he really covered all of the information on Kayden? Or was there was room for improvements and changings?

It was really hard to say and too early to conclude anything, since Kayden was in the initial state of knowing anything. He needed guidance and someone to help him with the elemental findings. After all, he was just a 19 years old kid, who had no clue that his life would change some day like this.

But let’s take a closer look to ensure that we have known all the hidden statistics too. And keep it a secret so no other race can steal it! Take out your note pads and start jotting down.

Blood bonding secret || Absorb a drop of the victim’s blood, enforce them in giving one sided pleasure

Sex bound secret || Share mutual intimacy

[But can a hypnotic charm be used to achieve this?]

Mate bond scale || until now 2 [Medusa and Lydia]

Blood servant scale || until now 3 [Malcolm, Aiden and Anna]

[Will this ever stop?]

It seemed that the report of the elf was lacking some points, which perhaps he failed to see all because he was not with Kayden all the time. Although it was the slightest yet the biggest information which he missed about Kayden, and must have cost him a lot of misconception.

No doubt Kayden had improved and explored a lot and it added a lot perks. His character profile had undergone a lot of change only if the elven man was able to see that. His report covered only the basic part of his life which he required to know, leaving all the hidden information and possibly the useful stats behind.

Many things were unexplored and untouched. but hey, don’t worry author will tell you guys since it’s already an important filler chapter!

-- Character Profile of Kayden --


- Crimson eyes with occasional golden flecks

- Incubus horns and a tail

- Vampiric fangs and pale complexion

- Tall, lean but bit muscular

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- Bit nagging

- Indecisive nature

- Impulsively acts

- Janus faced [bipolar]

- Doesn’t trust fully

- Curious and always in mental jotting

- Loves sex

[Overall Power stats]

- Hypnotic charm

- Speed and strength

- Flight to some limit

- Hemomancy [Blood magic]

- Control of elements [Yet unknown]

- Drain of blood and life force

- Bodily transformation [animalistic instinct]

- Implantation of his demonic powers in others

- Using incubus physical traits as sex toys

- Smelling auras from others based on emotions [sour, sweet, foul, pungent etc]

- Levelling up by intimacy

- Making anyone under blood pact

- RH- Null blood group elixir and cure

Kayden’s information in the vampire realm was not matching with what the elven man had collected. According to his report his incubus blood was highlighted, whereas in the vampiric records he was still an incapable vampire.

And the certain reason was why Coulter did not want him to be Lydia’s mate. However it occurred to him later on that he was involved in some mysterious activities and to find out the authenticity of his report he had to comply.

It was simply unknown to him and probably to Malcolm, Medusa and Mr Jones too that why was Kayden suddenly being approached by others. After all, it was not usual or a normal thing to get involved with other races.

And the very thought disturbed Malcolm when he heard about the elven man. He sat in the front of the cab with his eyes and ears open, in case something like that happened again.

It was not wise to risk his life once again which was precious to them at least. Thus his eyes were constantly being shifted between unconscious Kayden and the front mirror of the cab.

Medusa’s eyes were constantly fixated on Kayden whose head was in her lap. The succubus was crying endlessly and it was making Malcolm uncomfortable. He had never seen her in such state and it troubled him even more that Kayden had now become her weakness.

There was never a need for him to protect her ever, but for some reason now he was the one to clean up Kayden’s mess and to tackle his mistress’ emotionally down state. Because Medusa was even more dangerous when the succubus was emotionally vulnerable.

Malcolm shifted his gaze from the mirror towards the cab driver and disgust filled him. The middle aged vampire driver was drooling over Medusa from the front mirror while she was sobbing non stop.

He rolled eyes and smacked the driver’s head from behind to make him focus on the road. The driver on the other hand pouted angrily for disturbance but continued to drive carefully upon feeling the imposing aura from Malcolm.

Both of them reached home and paid the driver when the succubus ran inside to look for Mr Jones. After all, both of them could not really use their powers inside the city area where others could spot them easily. Thus they agreed to do this normally without using the powers.

When Medusa ran inside, the driver’s lustful eyes followed her as he inspected her from head to toe from behind. Malcom could already feel the pungent stench coming from him and smacked his head once again. He shouted at he driver and snatched the payment from his hands which he just he paid to the driver.

"Here, I will take this as a payment for staring at her all the way!"

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