Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix Chapter 35: Invasion

Chapter 35: Invasion

Leiah stood frozen in disbelief as a massive halberd crashed through the sturdy door of her house. The loud noise filled the air, and she couldn’t believe her eyes. The blade of the halberd, shining in the light, had narrowly missed her husband, coming dangerously close to taking his life.

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Fear gripped Leiah’s heart as she realized the severity of the situation. Who was responsible for this destructive act? Why had they targeted her home with such a powerful weapon? Questions raced through her mind, but the answers remained elusive.

Standing before her, a figure dressed in armor wielded the formidable halberd. Leiah couldn’t comprehend the motives behind this assault. Still, she was determined to protect her loved ones from any further harm. The sight of her husband’s near escape fueled her with a mix of fear and resolve.

As if he was the wind, Roan jumped to the side to grab his sword, but the attacker swung his halberd again and destroyed the wall while the blade approached him to split in half. However... Rain fired an earth bullet toward the attacker.

Rain’s projectile hit the halberd and stopped the attack. A loud metallic impact echoed in the area and made the enemy flinch.

"Well done, Rain!" Roan said and then dashed toward, and in one swift motion, he cut the enemy’s throat.

Blood began to gush from the wound, and Rain covered Dana’s eyes... he didn’t know for certain what was happening, but it wasn’t good. Still, all of a sudden, all hell broke loose.

In the darkness of the night, a symphony of chaos unfolded, accompanied by a cacophony of haunting sounds that pierced the air. The piercing screams of terrified souls echoed through the night, their cries a chilling testament to the horrors that unfolded.

Amidst the chaos, the tolling of bells reverberated through the city, their somber chimes carrying a sense of urgency and despair. Each toll seemed to echo through the very depths of one’s being, a haunting reminder of the grim reality that surrounded them.

In the distance, the clash of metal rang out, the clash of swords and the clang of armor colliding in a deadly dance. The metallic symphony created an eerie melody, amplifying the sense of danger and imminent peril that permeated the night.

"We are being attacked... if the enemies have already reached this far, then they have already infiltrated the city and are assassinating some people," Roan checked the surroundings and then the enemy body. "He is a mercenary... we are going to leave, and we have to travel light. Leiah, look after the girls. Rain... I guess you can cover me with your magic until I find my friends."

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The girls didn’t know what was going on, but they knew that it wasn’t a good thing since the atmosphere got so oppressive. Leiah put Kei in her arms and then grabbed Dana’s hand and moved toward the door alongside Rain.

"Keep your eyes and ears open, we don’t know where they can come from, but mercenaries aren’t our only enemies," Roan said.

As Rain stared at the lifeless body before him, a whirlwind of emotions surged through his being. Confusion, sadness, and a deep sense of reflection enveloped him as he grappled with the harsh reality of violence and its aftermath.

The sight of the wounds on the once vibrant body stirred a mixture of feelings within Rain. He couldn’t help but wonder why humans would harm one another when they were already engaged in a battle against common enemies. It perplexed him to witness fellow humans turning against each other at such times.

Still, he didn’t have time to think about that for long. Roan began to lead the group to one of the main streets, and then they saw people running around while screaming while others mounting on horses began to stab and slash everyone on their paths.

As Rain walked through the city streets with his family, a distinct smell wafted through the air, tainting each breath he took. The acrid scent of smoke invaded his nostrils, signaling that something was amiss. His eyes widened as he looked around, only to witness a thick veil of gray engulfing the once-vibrant city.

The smoke curled and twisted, weaving its way through the streets, shrouding buildings and obscuring the once-familiar landmarks. It cast an eerie ambiance, creating an unsettling atmosphere of uncertainty and danger. Rain felt a tightness in his chest, a growing sense of unease as he realized the gravity of the situation.

Roan knew that he shouldn’t let those riders roam around freely, but he didn’t have time to face every single one of them while his family was behind him. So, he silently approached the main streets and looked at both sides. When he confirmed that no one was coming in their direction, Roan signaled for the others to follow him. However, a massive fireball crossed the sky before they could cross it.

As the fiery sphere hurtled through the air, a mesmerizing display of destructive power unfolded. Ablaze with intense heat, the ball of flames descended from above in a graceful arc, casting an ominous glow upon its surroundings. Its searing intensity painted the night sky with an eerie illumination, capturing the attention of anyone who dared to witness its destructive descent.

With a loud noise, the Fireball crashed into the rooftop of a nearby house, unleashing a cataclysmic force upon impact. The force of the collision sent shards of wood splintering in all directions as if the very structure of the building recoiled in fear. The explosion of energy rippled through the air, shattering the tranquility of the night and setting the stage for chaos.

A billowing plume of thick black smoke billowed forth, rising to the heavens in a spiraling dance of destruction. The crackling and popping of burning timbers filled the air, punctuating the destruction with a symphony of fiery chaos. Embers scattered like stars, carried by the force of the impact, leaving a trail of flickering remnants in their wake.

Roan moved and protected his family from the smoke and debris, but Rain used wind magic to protect them with a shield.

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