Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King Chapter 121 121 Not Morning People

Just before dark, the reserve squad moved over forty soldiers to the squad, giving them just enough time to meet their team leaders and set up tents before dark.

The Reinforcements had made their own spaces outside the main camps, setting up their own barriers for the evening and arranging their own patrols.

It seemed like a waste of energy to Wolfe, but since the camps all used a deterrence barrier, drawing the attention of the Monster Tide to the reinforcements might actually be a more effective way of ensuring their safety.

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They also took the time to put the barrier line poles back in place in expectation that they would be needed again the next day.

The odds were that the monsters would pick a new spot next time since there were so many soldiers here, but most of them were carnivorous, so this was also like a buffet to them, a very dangerous buffet.

Wolfe was enjoying a long overdue intimate moment late that night when the shouts about approaching monsters began. He instantly brought up the main Barrier line using Unholy Power as the base while Ella grumbled about the unfairness of life.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we need you all out here on the lines. Our camp is dedicated to holding the barrier while the others attack the tide." Ilyas shouted through the door of the bunker.

"The barrier line isn’t right. It only extended across our section." Wolfe informed the green-haired girl, then tried again, finding the line couldn’t be extended.

"Since there are so many more soldiers here right now, they separated the barrier into three sections. We have the advantage, though, since our base defence team can all help with the barrier.

The other four squads are in attack positions already."

Wolfe flooded the sigil of all his Witches with mana and held Ella while she rode out the after-effects of the mana infusion, savouring the unique feeling of her toned muscles and soft curves.

"What a way to wake up," Reiko mumbled, then activated her armour amulet and looked around to see what was going on.

"Put everything you can into the barrier. We’re needed outside." Wolfe clarified.

"This is crazy. I’m still exhausted from yesterday. Or is it still today? I don’t have a watch on." Mary asked as she unwrapped herself from Pup and followed Reiko out of bed.

"Who knows, but they need us, so up and at it."

With the six added mana flows, the barrier was holding strong against the tide, but the monsters were getting smart. They had lured in a group of undead giants to attack first, and the others were using them as a ramp to jump over the wall of Unholy Fire.

The archers were eliminating them before they landed, and it wasn’t long before a barrage of spells pushed the giants back, ending the influx, but the change of tactics made the situation much more dangerous than the last attack.

With the giants gone, the monsters resorted to sending the weak first and charging over piles of corpses to get past the line while those creatures which were most resistant to the unholy damage hammered at the barrier.

This wave wasn’t as large as the first, and two hours in their area was secure, without the wall ever falling. 𝗳r𝚎e𝘄𝐞b𝚗𝗼ve𝚕.co𝗺

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"Spectacular work Priya Company. Your unique training regimen will definitely be praised when you get back to base, but for now, we will leave two full companies with you while the other two will proceed to the Morgana lines to do what they can."

"Understood, Captain. Be safe out there." Priya told her cousin with a smile and a handshake.

The sudden change of plans had taken the units left behind by surprise. They were all supposed to go, but the Captain was already calling for more troops to fill their roles and explaining to Command that the flank was still taking heavier attacks than the main line.

"Are you going to keep the barrier up?" Priya asked after a few minutes of watching the flames lick at the last corpses on the battlefield.

"Might as well. If we keep it charged, there’s no need to take it down again." Wolfe shrugged.

Having the barrier up also gave the defenders a sense of security. Just knowing that the wall was there and that it would delay an attack for a few minutes without any additional assistance was enough to help them sleep and get well-rested for the imminent battles coming their way.

The rookies like Wolfe didn’t truly know it yet, but moments of peace and rest were a valuable commodity during a monster tide. If you didn’t hit hard enough to scare them away, the probing attacks and attempts to get around your defenders would be a constant menace keeping everyone on high alert for their whole six-month rotation.

Even after the crushing defeat along the flank, monsters still attacked in small groups three times that night, with two groups heading for the phalanx set up at the edge of their territory and one being intercepted as it ran the length of the barrier looking for weak spots.

With meditation replacing sleep for the rest of the evening, keeping the barrier active was a simple matter. The unit channelled until it was full, and then it only needed small ongoing contributions when it was hit by something and activated the [Unholy Smite].

When Priya entered the bunker the next morning to request additional training sessions for the new troops under her command, she found everyone in one big pile, with Pup spread out across them all and Stephanie on top of him, grooming her fur.

The Familiar Cat swatted at Wolfe’s face, waking him up from his trance, and pointed to the Lieutenant with one paw, then began ignoring her presence again, preferring to just continue her morning routine.

"We’re not late for training, are we?" Wolfe asked, preparing to rouse the others.

"No, there’s still an hour to breakfast. I wanted to schedule a session for the extra forty soldiers, so we can start getting them on track to join the rest of the unit.

The phalanx, where everyone activated their own barriers and weapons, has proven to be incredibly powerful, and we didn’t suffer a single loss during the attack while using it, though some are still recovering, even after using healing magic.

That’s beyond anything we could have asked for, and I won’t risk messing it up by having a portion of the unit incapable of joining in. At least not if I can help it.

Some of these recruits have only just turned eighteen, though, so they might have potential that hasn’t awakened due to their age. I’m assuming every city has their late bloomers?"

Wolfe nodded. "Yeah, in Morgana Coven, they give Witches up until twenty-one to join the academy for just that reason. I can take care of the newbies this morning, and they can join in the regular training afterwards.

Why don’t you join us, and I will stretch out your mana veins again? You are the leader of the unit, so the stronger you are, the better. Plus, the feedback helps me out as well." He asked with a smile that made Priya immediately suspicious of his intentions.

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