Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King Chapter 469 469 The Important Spells

Chapter 469 469 The Important Spells

Once everyone had finished their questioning, Wolfe moved on to one more spell before he planned to send them all to bed. They had learned a lot about the [Air Grooming] spell today, so the next thing they needed to learn was how to organize their rooms with magic so they would never get in trouble for a messy room again.

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"I’m sure you will all understand the importance of this next spell. It will be all that we have time for tonight, but it is well worth staying up a few more minutes to study." Wolfe informed them and then created a basic placement array to make a bed.

"Do you all recognize this?" He asked.

"Yep, yep. All of the senior witches’ beds underground have one of those spells on them. We’ve seen them when we go in to ask them questions." The girls agreed.

"Very good. Now, if you look at these runes here and here, these are the ones that tell the spell to return the items to their designated places. But these ones here are the ones that specify what item it is. So, if you specify an item like your backpack and then set the location to on your right, these are the runes that describe what you want to do.

Does anyone have any questions so far?" Wolfe asked.

"That rune, does it mean backpack or just bag? Could we use it to summon the garbage without going all the way back to the house?" One of the girls asked.

"This is the rune for a sack, like a trash bag. See how it doesn’t have the extra bit? That is the bit that specifies a cargo bag, like a backpack."

The girls all made detailed notes, as Wolfe explained, while the older witches sat nearby and pretended that they weren’t doing exactly the same thing.

Wolfe had an unfair advantage in the Inheritance in that it translated all the runes for him, so he didn’t have to guess or learn the language. If they had a question about why a spell worked one way but not another, the Witches were beginning to realize that the answer was to ask Wolfe since he would have the answer with his knowledge of elemental runecraft.

"Now, this is the spell that you need to bring your backpack to you. When you create it, you will have to mark the backpack with the inscription so that the spell knows what backpack you mean.

Then, you activate the spell again, and it will bring the bag to you. You can also use it on your desk in the classroom if you prefer to summon your bag there in the morning in case you forgot it."

One of the teachers chuckled at the suggestion, and the students laughed.

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"I don’t think that we would get away with forgetting our bags that easily. Summoning them to our side on the way in might be our last chance to have it go unnoticed." Sophie giggled.

"If you get really good with this spell, you can layer the items to create a more complex version that will organize everything in your room. The rooms that I made in the Den all have them for the beds, but my room has one that organizes everything, so I can clean the entire space with a single spell. It even removes all the dust and puts it in the wastebin." Wolfe explained.

The older witches chuckled at that, but the younger ones looked overjoyed at the news. "You mean, you could just cast a spell and whoosh, your room is organized and clean? That is awesome. Now, this is why we all wanted to become Witches."

The older witches were thinking more about what sorts of messes the notorious manwhore of a Demon Lord might have to clean up in his room on such a regular basis that he actually custom-crafted a spell for it.

Wolfe kept the inscription floating in the air above their heads and gestured to the stacks of notepaper.

"Go ahead and try to create it. It’s not an easy spell, but it’s an important one for daily living. It’s air magic, so you won’t need any special reagents unless you’ve got some pixie dust handy. Pixie dust might be the greatest reagent ever when it comes to air and nature magic." Wolfe declared, trying to tempt the pixies in the rafters into giving some up for free.

Even if they didn’t, a little flattery never hurt anything when it came to relations with the Fae.

As Wolfe had feared, this spell was pushing the talents of these new Witches, and none of them managed it in the first few tries, but after a short while, they all had a copy of the inscription that was correct, and they just needed the practice focusing their magic in order to make the spell work.

"That’s all for tonight. You’ve all got a correct copy of the inscription, and you can practice it in your spare time until you have the mana control needed to get it to activate. It will be a good exercise for you since all Witch Magic requires a lot of control over your aura, especially healing and nature magic." Wolfe explained.

"Yes, Mister Wolfe. Thank you for helping teach us." The girls responded in unison. It was the standard greeting they were taught to give to the assistant teachers who came in to help out for a day, but it made Wolfe smile.

"Now, off to bed, and don’t tell your mothers I let you have sweets so close to bedtime."

That was a lost cause. Half of their mothers were waiting outside the dining hall right now, and the rest would know within minutes of their daughter getting home that there was sugar or caffeine involved in this lesson.

They weren’t too mad, though. It was only a small snack, and the girls had all learned to use one useful spell today through Wolfe’s method of bribery. That was more dedication than some of them had shown in days.

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