Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King Chapter 509 509 Tables Turned

Chapter 509 509 Tables Turned

509 509 Tables Turned

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Wolfe signalled to the incoming guards that he had the Prisoner, and they both laughed as they walked away, seeing the fate of becoming a play toy of a demon as much worse than simply being killed in combat.

She was still unconscious, so Wolfe tossed her over his shoulder and made his way to the next village that should be coming under attack. He was falling further behind the schedule, since the Witches were doing their best to attack at the same time, despite the objections of the monsters that they were mind controlling.

This village was not losing, though. They had executed a masterful ambush on the incoming force as they passed through a valley. There were spike walls at the far end that stopped the monsters long enough for the scouts to kill them from a distance, and the rest of their riflemen had opened fire on the Witches from the hills.

The radio traffic had ensured that no village was unaware that they were being targeted, and how, so it shouldn’t have been a shock to the witches that after the first attack they would be targeted in return.

But, they had greatly underestimated their foes capabilities, and these ones were not in the mood to play fair.

Not only did they have the explosive rounds from Wolfe, they had stockpiled the null stone ammunition as well, and dug it up for the battle, using it to start out the fight against the Witches and limit their capabilities, then moving on to the explosions, which Wolfe was surprised hadn’t caused a vortex yet.

Or perhaps it had, but it was such a small amount of null stone in one spot that it burned out nearly instantly.

Wolfe moved on, looking for a village in trouble, and listening for cries for help on the radio.

[Quail village, falling back to rendezvous point. The village rearguard is remaining to hold off the attack.] One of the villages was announcing.

That would be one of the many who Wolfe had been warned were not brave enough to fight off the incoming forces, so they would flee at the first sign of invasion. Those were the reactions that the Witches had been counting on, so they could track them to their supposed safe points, but today, Wolfe was going to make sure that there was nobody left to follow them.

He checked the bindings and the bracelet on his prisoner’s wrist and headed for the point marked as Quail village, a spot far to his north, nearly in the mountains.

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The battle was just starting as Wolfe arrived, with the monsters struggling to scale the steep cliffs that the village had been built on, and the Witches trapped too far away down the hill to get a proper ambush set up for the scouts who had spread out near the extent of their rifle range.

With a location that was this good, they really didn’t need to flee, but Wolfe knew that the villagers were already long gone into the mountains, where they didn’t think that anything would bother them.

For their sake, Wolfe hoped they didn’t come across any of the cursed Talismans, or the monsters that they had enhanced. Most of the villages that ran didn’t stockpile a large amount of ammunition, so they wouldn’t have a lot with the villagers, only a few guards to make sure they got safely to where they were going.

The scene was chaotic, with the Witches frantically searching for their attackers, but the scouts retreating out of sight every time they shot to relocate and try again. The Witches were losing numbers fast, and the scouts were losing them much more slowly, plus the Witches hadn’t even gotten close to the village where the second line of defence was luring the monsters to their deaths.

It was brilliantly executed, and Wolfe searched for the spot that he would fit in best. That ended up being directly behind the witches, blocking their escape route out, which had been left open deliberately, in case the attackers changed their mind and wanted to leave. The villagers didn’t want to fight in the first place, much less force the enemy to continue fighting if they wanted to run away.

So, he picked a different spot, off to one side, along with a few other snipers, where he could do as much damage as possible in a short period of time.

Wolfe added an extra [Lightning] enchantment to his bullets, covering the ground around every target with electricity and frying large groups of attackers with every shot. Most of them wouldn’t be dead, just stunned as if they had been hit with a taser that didn’t stop, but it was better than letting them keep casting spells.

Slowly, the Witch camp was subdued by the barrage of magical bullets, and the last of the survivors turned to flee as the monsters broke loose of their grasp and began to turn on the army unit, ravenous and mana starved.

Wolfe let them leave. They would have to outrun the monsters anyhow, who were more than happy to leave the village dug into a cliff face alone and go after the easy meal behind them. It was a gruesome sight, and Wolfe noticed that most of the village scouts were actually putting in more work to make it stop than they had to stop the witches from attacking their home.

Wolfe joined in with a [Lightning Storm Array] that sent the last few witches who were still in visual range off at a magically enhanced run. It didn’t matter how injured or tired they were, they weren’t staying around to meet whatever had caused that.

Now, all that was left was to check for survivors and see if he was going to need to call for a ride to bring back his prisoners.

He picked up the unconscious one he already had and went to search the battlefield for more. There was a good chance that the ones he had paralyzed with magic were still alive down there, if they hadn’t been eaten, and they would need to have their magic locked away before they woke up.

Well, all but one. He wanted one to heal the others so that they could walk back for interrogation.

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