Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King Chapter 573 573 Where Do We Put It?

Chapter 573 573 Where Do We Put It?

"So, do we have a safe spot in mind where I can set up the new arrays for the city? They will gather mana on their own, so they don’t need to be regularly fed, they just need to be protected from damage and vandalism." Wolfe asked once everyone had calmed down.

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"There is a nice secure area near the power generators that we could use for the purpose. There are other defensive spells in the area, though not in the same room. We like to keep them separated so that if someone breaks in, they can’t damage everything at once.

There was an attempt of that sort not long after the war ended. A doomsday cult that thought the survivors should live with the nuclear fallout as punishment for the war, and not hide in the Fortress Cities." The Coven Leader explained.

"That is a very sensible measure. Most of the defensive spells in Forest Grove are in a large floating ball above the spire, but we’ve still got individual defensive spells cast all over the city, so that the main ones don’t need to be adjusted constantly." Wolfe agreed.

The old woman nodded in understanding and pointed inside the city.

"I can take you there right away if you would like? And then we can arrange a proper gala for the evening to celebrate the awakening of so many of our youth. We will need to explain the new arrays to the citizens as well, but the notice has already gone out about the [Mana Purification] array, so the increased Mana Density won’t be as big of a shock." She added.

"Alright, you can let them realize it on their own if you like, or you can make it one big announcement. You just need to make sure that they’re all ready when I activate the Arrays. If there is other work that has to be done on your city systems, I might be able to help while I’m here. Morgana Fortress City came to ask us for help with their power system, but I think it’s the defensive side that you are struggling more with. I haven’t noticed any power flickers since I arrived." Wolfe suggested.

"No, we’ve managed to keep our power generators in excellent shape. The arrays are hermetically sealed in glass cases, so they’re not being weathered or collecting dirt and debris. That has kept our power system nearly as good as the day that the city went online.

We also don’t use as many electrical tools as the Morgana Coven does, since the city is almost all witches. We have a lot more magical tools than battery powered." The Coven Leader explained with a smile.

"You know, that makes a lot of sense. You wouldn’t need to use as much electricity when most of the residents can use at least a little bit of lightning magic of their own. That must be a real advantage for the infrastructure department. And, you’ve got plenty of witches for road repairs as well. I can see the first generation’s logic." Wolfe agreed.

The young witches were all too excited about having an aura to pay attention to what Wolfe and the Coven Leader had been talking about, but when the rest of the Council mentioned that they would be escorted home to get their parents and change for a formal Coven Gala, the happy squeals and cheering stopped the Coven Leader’s response instantly.

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"We can head inside now. They will take care of the rest. These old ears are sensitive to high-pitched noises." She chuckled.

Wolfe extended an arm for her to take, and then activated both Gravity and Flying magic on both of them plus Priya, who he caught in his other hand, so they could glide across the garden and down the hall to their destination.

"Now, this is the way to travel. I wonder if we could cast this on a skateboard?" The Coven Leader pondered.

The thought of the old woman, well past a hundred years old, riding on a skateboard through the city was amusing enough that Wolfe was seriously tempted to find one to try it. It could be incredibly dangerous for a woman as frail as she was, but at this point in her life, she was likely more confident in her magic than her legs.

"I will have our design team see what they can come up with. Since it’s magic, we might not even need the wheels, and you could move over all sorts of terrain." Wolfe replied with a smile, deciding to pass the message on when he got home.

It might also be a cool flying device for the witches, instead of sitting on a staff as most of them did now so that they wouldn’t look silly flailing through the air.

"The secure areas are down the road, take your next left and then an immediate right, and it will take you in the door to the building where I would like to place these arrays." The Coven Leader informed them as they glided down the street.

Wolfe followed her gestures, and found himself in front of a four-metre tall blast door, set into an equally impressive looking building, and guarded by four strong witches. There were more around the perimeter, and some on the roof as well, so clearly this was an important building.

"What do you have in here now that rates this sort of security?" Wolfe asked, wondering if it might not be better to put the new arrays somewhere that would get less attention.

"This is the water treatment plant. It is one of the most important facilities within the Fortress City and well guarded, but very few would think to look for defensive arrays here that don’t protect the building itself." The Coven Leader informed him with a smile.

Wolfe smiled back. "Good call. This will be a perfect spot for the arrays, and I can set a secondary defence system around the room that the arrays will be in, to make them accessible only to one with the appropriate token."

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