Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King Chapter 598 598 Work Assignment

Chapter 598 598 Work Assignment

598 598 Work Assignment

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The boss shook his head. "You’re not listening. I am NOT dealing with a flood of requests for a Magi’s services. Until they calm down, or he’s gone home, you’re confined to castle region duties. You can take one of your teammates as a secretary to sort through everything.

Secondly, as he is still under probation, with a hundred years left to commute, you will supervise Patriarch Noxus at all times when he is outside his apartment. I mean it, no slacking off and letting him have a leisure day on the town.

Finally, this is your first assignment. The minister of castle security wants an unspecified task performed. He’s highest on the list, so you can go there right after the meeting."

"Got it boss. Head to see Billy Bob after the meeting." Rail replied with a salute.

"Don’t call him that. Even if it’s not to his face. You might be cute enough to escape punishment, but he will whoop my ass for letting you get away with it." The boss complained, then turned to Wolfe.

"You can call me Marcus. Your primary duty, other than filling the requests that will cut time off your sentence, is to keep her from doing anything stupid or disrespectful. Succubi are a handful, and frankly, I don’t care enough to bother doing it myself. You can’t even spank them to make them behave, they like it too much." Wolfe laughed at the man’s complaint. "You’re doing it all wrong. You see, you spank them once at the start, and then refuse to do it again until they behave."

Rail looked at the two men in mock disgust. "Is that what you think about Succubi? I will have you know that just because we feed on lust does not mean that it is all we think about. I swear, one day I will end these negative stereotypes."

A deep voice from the back of the room snorted in amusement. "Sure you will, and one day I will learn to fly."

The man walked in as he spoke, and Wolfe noticed the distinct lack of wings on his four-armed body.

"Alright, enough teasing the Succubus. It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Wolfe Noxus."

The burly demon shook his hand and smiled. "I am Igor, one of the many journeymen investigators in the department. I am also on castle duty right now, so perhaps I will see you around."

Once Igor arrived, the room began to rapidly fill, with all the other workers rushing into the room, while the boss stared with an exasperated look at their antics.

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"Alright, now that you are all here, I’ve got your work assignments. There isn’t much of note to report, other than the trespassing incident, and the perpetrator of that one has already been apprehended and sentenced.

We also had some reports of bandits near the border, but that has been assigned to the military team, so it’s not our problem. Now, the missions are sorted by zone, so grab something and get to work."

That seemed to be the signal to dismiss everyone, and as Rail had mentioned, they all ran to the sheets, then out the door before the last of the dropped papers had even fluttered to the floor.

"They really are as fast as you said they were. I suppose that we should get going as well, since we got our assignment in advance. Where is the minister of castle security likely to be right now?" Wolfe asked.

"He should be in his office waiting for you. I’m sure he has plenty of questions, and more than a few tasks for you to take up. You see, there was an uprising not too long ago, and a large part of the castle was burned, after the magical researchers were killed.

As a result, half of the staff of the castle has recently changed, and those with valuable knowledge may have fled to another kingdom for their safety. It has made rebuilding a bit of a nightmare from a security standpoint." Marcus explained.

"So, the reason that I managed to end up right on top of the castle when the Fae transported me in was because they haven’t fixed the barriers over the area yet, and there isn’t anyone around who remembers how?" Wolfe asked.

"It’s a bit more complex than that. Not many here in this Kingdom have Fae blood. That means that not many of us can use any magic except Unholy. It’s a very versatile group of spells, but there are countless limitations, and for millennia, those with the knowledge have hoarded it for themselves and their successors, but after the fire, a huge amount of it is just gone.

Don’t mention it inside the castle walls, but I suspect that is a big part of the reason that the Justice was so eager to get you sentenced and claimed under his jurisdiction. He is an old man with a lot of knowledge, but he’s also a pure-blooded Demon, and he can’t use the spells to fix the barriers." Marcus added with a deep frown.

"Don’t worry, if there are at least a few spell books left, or even some mostly intact inscriptions, I should be able to fix a lot of what was originally cast here. Does the castle still have their tools? It would be a lot easier if they still had the tool Inscriptions that were used to make the Castle the first time." Wolfe suggested.

"That’s not my department, but someone inside should know. Just head in and see what you can do for them. The more you can manage, the faster you can go home."

Rail laughed, and Wolfe gave Marcus a pat on the shoulder. "Fear not, my new friend, I will be out of your hair before you know it. Just suffer along a little longer until everyone knows to send the messages directly to us."

Marcus slapped a stack of papers into Wolfe’s hands with a smirk. "Easy for you to say, you’re not the one who had his workload tripled. Now get to work."

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