Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King Chapter 601 601 Formal Escort

Chapter 601 601 Formal Escort

601 601 Formal Escort

The spell settled into place with a ping of magic, and Wolfe looked down at the armour in front of him.

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"You know, the entire castle will have felt that, and they will know that we’re in here working with you, even if they couldn’t pinpoint the source of the spell. We need a plan to get a decoy set out." Wolfe suggested.

"Fear not, young Magi. For I have prepared for this. The next spell that I would like for you to cast is one that only a Noxus will know. I want you to cast [Necrosis] on this beautiful sceptre, as well as a barrier array. My idea is that we bring it to the throne room and mount it on the wall. Then, anyone who thinks that they are going to take down the [Kind Intentions] spell will grab the sceptre, deactivate its security, and turn themselves into the undead."

That was both hilarious and horrifying at the same time.

"Alright, I can help you with that. It will only take a second, since the spells will be targeting the one touching the weapon." Wolfe agreed.

The spells flared to life, and Rail cautiously moved back, just in case the inscriptions were activated and she got accidentally turned into the undead. That did not sound like her idea of a fun day, and she had no idea if she could be turned back, so it was better if she just stayed well away from that spell.

With the spell completed, Wolfe activated the surrounding barrier, then got a great idea.

"If I put an attack spell on it, the sceptre will give off an aura of threat and magic that everyone can feel. It will be a sure thing to draw the attention of anyone around, and that should help convince them that it is a magical item worthy of being the core of a defensive spell."

"Really?" Rail asked, intrigued by the possibility.

"Watch." Wolfe agreed, then began to set a [Stun] inscription on the head of the sceptre. It was a nonlethal Lightning spell, but cast at Rank Five, you could feel the threat from the weapon all through the room, even with the inscription deactivated.

"That is brilliant. It will not only distract from the real core, but it will make supplicants in the throne room uncomfortable. Anyone who comes in will think that it is judging them as threats to the throne, or at least they will after I tell them that’s how it works." The Minister agreed with an evil smirk.

"Well, how long will it take to get entry to the throne room so that we can place this Sceptre? Just put the armour back in its box for now, and we can make a big spectacle out of it. Or are there more spells that need to be cast?" Wolfe asked.

The Minister nodded. "There are a lot more spells to be cast, but we need to make sure that the whole castle knows that this is the new defensive barrier around the castle before someone comes here to try to deal with us or steal it."

He placed the armour back in the wooden storage crate with the rest of the decommissioned statue armour, and took out a green communication token from his desk to start sending messages.

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"The guards will be here to escort us to the throne room in five minutes. Are you ready to put on a show?" He asked once the messages were sent.

"Always. What are you thinking? Huge armed procession through the castle the long way, so that we can make sure everyone knows that we’re going to the throne room?" Wolfe suggested.

Rail shook her head. "The route is set, it’s in the rule book. But with all the hallways around us blocked, everyone will know, and the Demons can likely feel that weapon from like twenty metres away.

If there is one thing that is constant in every nation, it’s the curiosity and nosiness of the staff. They need to know everything, and they will gossip and spread the word faster than any concerted effort by the King could ever accomplish."

Both Wolfe and William laughed at that. She wasn’t wrong, and Wolfe knew it wasn’t unique to the castle staff. People everywhere loved to gossip, and most information spread first through gossip, and then the official message was just to correct anything that the gossip got wrong.

The sound of boots and clanking metal armour announced the arrival of the guards, and the security minister stepped out into the hallway.

"Attention guards. This is a formal procession for a core defensive barrier. We are proceeding to the throne room on the approved route. All side hallways are to be blocked, and none outside the guard are to be allowed within ten metres." He announced.

Wolfe used [Levitate] to pick up the sceptre, letting it float overhead as he joined the minister and Rail, who locked and barred the door when she left.

The guards gave a militant salute, thumping their fists on their chests, and began to march down the hall, except for two guards, who remained at the minister’s door while everyone else left.

He was a beast of a Demon, and he didn’t really need a guard when he was in the room, but there would be many confidential documents in there that shouldn’t be left unguarded.

They marched up the stairs and past the kitchen, where dozens of curious demons stared at them and whispered as they saw the floating sceptre passed by, surrounded by a respectful space, as if it was either very dangerous or highly revered.

They didn’t know yet what it was supposed to be, but one of the staff who had heard the Minister’s announcements would fill them in soon enough, and the word would spread through the castle by the time that the sceptre was mounted on the throne room wall.

The procession marched up to the throne room, where the guards split, and the trio in the middle walked up to formally knock at the entry.

The gilded door swung open, and the voice of the Royal Greeter announced them.

"Minister of Castle Security William Robert, with Patriarch Wolfe Noxus and Investigator Rail, delivering the new security spell for the castle grounds."

His voice boomed all through the central wing of the castle, and Wolfe could hear the excited voices even before he stepped into the throne room.

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