Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King Chapter 736 736 Airdropped

Chapter 736 736 Airdropped

The Fae looked at Wolfe in shock. Surely, the Magi Saint couldn’t be suggesting throwing both him and a batch of supplies out of the aircraft?

But that was precisely what Wolfe had in mind. With the assistance of magic, of course.

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"Pilots, slow us to near stall speed and circle the defensive fort. I will cast the barriers to safely deploy our passenger and a skid of supplies, and then I will rejoin you when he is safely on the ground." Wolfe ordered.

"You’re going with me?" The Fae man asked.

"I can fly faster than that plane, so it’s not a problem for me to catch up again. I’ll come down with you and explain the situation, then leave again to make the next drop. Don’t worry, the Myrrh Coven had an arrangement with Forest Grove even before all this started, so they shouldn’t react negatively to my arrival." Wolfe agreed.

He was showing up with free upgraded weapons during the initial phases of a Beast Tide. He could be the son of their worst enemy who showed up with no pants on, and they would politely accept his kindness and offer him a change of clothes.

The Fae was understandably concerned when the rear cargo ramp began to open with the plane still thousands of metres in the air, but the Demons happily undid the locks on one of the trays of equipment, while Wolfe wrapped a companionable, but unyielding, arm around his waist.

"I will see you all soon." He announced, then pushed himself plus the Fae out of the plane beside the large block of crates.

Held in position with the simple loading net, the weapons shipment began a rapid descent toward the ground before Wolfe’s magic wrapped it in a barrier and began to slow its descent. Then Wolfe moved himself and the Fae on top of the load, so they could sit in comfort and wait for the ground to reach them.

There was no way that the defenders would miss that, and he could tell that they were preparing defensive spells in case this was some sort of strange attack.

Then they realized that it was a cargo shipment, just like the ones that they had received a dozen times before, only this one had been airdropped without stopping the plane, using a Fae to guide it to the ground.

They could see the advancing beast tide, and this was the perfect timing to restock with more ammunition, but a lot of these monsters were already at Rank Three and Four, so the bullets would only have a minimal impact on them.

Wolfe guided the pallet of goods into the middle of the camp, where the witches had created an open space for supplies that hadn’t arrived yet. They stared in shock as he hopped down and waved to their leader, as if they should be friends.

But it was his power that shocked them, not his friendly demeanour. If he was a Demon, he was the most human looking one they had ever seen, and he certainly didn’t have the usual traits of a Fae, not even the pointy ears of an Elf.

"Greetings, you must be the position’s Lieutenant. I am Wolfe Noxus, of Forest Grove. We have come with supplies for you, and I have included a small selection of upgraded rifles for elite troops in your region.

This lovely Fae gentleman works for the protector of the region, and he is working on contacting some higher ranking Fae to come and assist, as the weapons require a more powerful user to see their full benefit."

The witch blinked slowly, then again as she collected her thoughts.

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"You are the Magi, correct? But you’ve gained so much power. I had heard that you were Rank Four, but He’s Rank Five, and he’s clearly less powerful than you are." The Lieutenant blurted out.

"No offence, Noble Fae Lord." She added.

"None taken. He is indeed far more powerful than I am. But there is a team of bodyguards on the way, all Rank Four, and we will be patrolling along this portion of the battle lines until the Monster Tide threat is over.

Tell me, how long do they usually attack for? A week, maybe two?"

Wolfe did his best not to laugh as the witches stared incredulously at the Fae man.

"Did nobody tell you?" The Lieutenant asked carefully.

"Tell me what?"

"The monster tide, it lasts all winter. They won’t stop attacking down into the territory until the spring weather starts and there is enough food in the mountains to support the ones that are left. There are a lot more this year, and they are far more powerful, but the monsters come down out of the mountains every winter, all winter long." She explained.

Wolfe patted the unfortunate man on the shoulder. "There will be calm days, it’s not all battle all the time, you just need to keep the lines secure so they don’t raid the region’s food storage and villages. We will also send more ammunition to you as the first batches run out.

Now, I should be going before we run out of daylight to make the rest of these drops. Good luck."

Wolfe left them staring at him from the ground as he surged to nearly supersonic speeds and landed back on the cargo ramp of the plane, which the Demons closed with a press of the button on the wall.

"That is a cool method. When we get to my territory, I want to be airdropped as well." One of the Demons demanded.

"Your territory has one of the largest airports in the Free Covens, right outside of town. It’s probably the only place on the route that this behemoth could actually land normally." One of the others laughed.

"But we might still have a battle line somewhere in the east. If we do, I will drop there with the supplies." He decided.

Wolfe hadn’t checked the map too thoroughly, but it was attached to the wall by the ramp so that everyone could see where the cargo they were loading was going, to prevent mistakes in the shipment orders. There were only a few airbases marked, and only one in the Free Covens region. It was pretty far north, so if the monsters had made it that far, the plane would probably be empty long before they reached his territory.

"Mister Wolfe, there is another patrol base here, are we leaving anything?" The pilot asked.

"Just a regular shipment, no special orders for this one. I’ll take it down again, since it’s still the territory of the last man we dropped off."

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