Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King Chapter 878 878 To Hell

Chapter 878 878 To Hell

?Wolfe opened his eyes and refreshed his armour spell. He was definitely not in Forest Grove anymore, but he wasn’t certain where he was.

On his right were Cassie and Ella, and on his left was a teenage catgirl, and an unfamiliar young blonde witch with shining golden eyes.

"What the heck? I was napping. Wait, what did they do to me?" The blonde blurted out, and Wolfe realized that it was Stephanie, but not in her own body.

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The voice was the same as her mental voice, which didn’t match her physical voice from the few times Wolfe had heard it in her own body. But on closer inspection, this did still somewhat look like her, just blonde and much younger.

The area they were in had an oddly dystopian feel to it, like all the life had been sucked out, and the world had been left sitting. A bit like one of the ruined villages in the mountains, where the magic had been most extreme, and nothing would grow.

But this was more of a desert, with black sand, stunted and dead trees scattered randomly around them, and no sign of previous inhabitants.

Wolfe shook his head in response to Stephanie’s question. "I have no idea. I felt a strange sense of otherworldly power, and now we’re here."

As if his words had summoned them, a group of five otherworldly creatures appeared before Wolfe and the others, wearing bright clothing, and holding up a sign in a language that Wolfe couldn’t read.

For a moment, they spoke in an unknown language, and then a sixth being appeared, which looked very much like an octopus with wings on the back of its head.

"We have been watching you, people of Forest Grove. You think you are very funny, trapping my armies in a time loop, don’t you? You treat my devoted disciples as entertainment for your masses, so I will show you the same courtesy." The creature announced.

"Wait, before we get too far, which ones are yours? The mages, or the ones that call themselves the Fallen?" Wolfe asked.

The creature roared in frustration. "You don’t even know who you are making a mockery of?"

Wolfe shrugged, and the immensely powerful creature opened a portal to another world, looking down on a strangely familiar world. If Wolfe wasn’t wrong, that was the city that he had flooded with the undead after they attacked the King of Magic.

So, his people were the Fallen.

"Ah, the Fallen are yours. So you must be their Divine One. It is a pleasure to meet you." Wolfe replied.

The witches were looking at him like he was an idiot, talking casually with a being whose power transcended their entire system of ranking, but Wolfe couldn’t see any other option, and ignoring it would only make it more upset.

The creature made a series of shrill noises, to which the others cheered and clapped their assorted appendages.

"I think we’re on a game show." Stephanie whispered to Wolfe.

He nodded back. "I think so too, but that thing is so far beyond what I would call the King Rank that I don’t think we have another choice but to play along."

The catgirl pulled at Stephanie’s shirt with a terrified look. She was one who had awakened magical powers naturally, but she was still on the very low side of Rank One, while the three witches were all at Rank Five and growing fast.

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The creature spoke again, looking somewhere past them.

"As these creatures have seen fit to taunt and torment our champions, we will return the favour. Now, the games will begin."

Then it vanished, and the first five creatures were left alone with Wolfe and the others.

One of them stepped forward with what Wolfe understood to be a malicious smile.

"If you lose any of your team members, you will be eliminated. Your trials will mimic the ones that you put our people through, but using the inhabitants of our Realms and not yours." It explained.

Wolfe extended his mana sense and found that there were hundreds of Rank Five and Six monsters nearby, all of strange body shapes that he wouldn’t call humanoid.

Some came close, but had extra limbs, but most were just creatures out of nightmares.

The creature continued its speech. "Somewhere in this region, you will find a portal. The edges of the region are blocked with barriers, so don’t worry about getting outside the zone, just focus on survival.

We wish you the best of luck in your challenge, and anticipate a wonderful showing."

Cassie opened her mouth, about to explain that they hadn’t abducted any of the Fallen. The ones that had come to their world had come with the mages to see what was wrong with the Dungeon Spell that they had taught them.

Then more came on their own, led there by the confused first groups.

But at no point did the people of Forest Grove ever abduct anyone, they had only let the invaders do as they pleased somewhere else.

The five creatures, who Wolfe realized were the announcers for the event, vanished, and seconds later, Wolfe could sense the monsters coming for them.

"Miss Catgirl, what is your name?" Wolfe asked as he judged how long they had before they were overrun.

"Molly." She whispered back, looking terrified and ready to cry.

"Alright, Molly, here is what we’re going to do. I am going to set up a bond with you, and it will let you pull mana through me. That will increase how long you can keep casting, and the speed you can cast with.

Then I will give you a little touch up in the mana system, to increase your power. Do you agree to both of those things?" Wolfe asked.

She nodded, and the Servant Bond snapped into place while Wolfe worked on her mana system. Now that the curses were broken, most of the Beastkin could be improved enough that they could channel a large amount of mana.

But they weren’t witches with an aura, or Magi with mana cores. They used the human method, and that took a lot of practice to increase your skill. Even with Wolfe helping her out with a nearly unlimited supply of mana, she still wouldn’t be able to cast much more powerful spells.

"Everyone, prepare for the first wave. They have been waiting for the others to leave." Wolfe warned the group as he finished his work.

If they wanted him to put on a show, he would do exactly that. Now, he just had to find the portal.

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