Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King Chapter 909 909 Dewinter Estate

Chapter 909 909 Dewinter Estate

After Wolfe’s presentation turned everyone away from partying and toward the technical aspects of magical item creation, the party naturally wound down after a few hours, and the Nobles began to split up to head home.

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"Patriarch Noxus, would you care to visit our home this evening? The hotel services are exemplary, but I can assure you that the Shepherd Family can set you up in much greater comfort." One of the Elders requested as Wolfe was preparing to leave.

"While I do appreciate the offer, I have agreed to visit the Countess Dewinter’s estate this evening to assist with the repairs of some barriers and other damaged spells which have become unstable in recent times." Wolfe replied politely.

The older man smiled and nodded. "I understand. Perhaps another day, when there aren’t as many pressing matters to attend to."

Ella caught a ride back to the hotel, while Cassie joined Wolfe in the young Countess’ carriage, headed for her estate in the city.

"Do you have other holdings, or just the estate in the city?" Wolfe asked as they left the Gentlemen’s Club property.

"I have an extensive peerage on the edge of the city. It is close enough that I can manage it while living in town, though I spend over an hour a day travelling to go see my steward, who does the actual daily operations work." The young girl explained.

"It seems like you have a decent grasp on your duties." Cassie told her with a smile.

The Countess’ return smile was a bit wan. "Well, I didn’t really have a choice. But the Steward has been staunchly loyal, and I have a few decent advisors whose fates are tied too closely to my family to get work with anyone else.

So, we’re doing our best, and despite the missing magical items, the actual operations of our croplands and textile mills haven’t been seriously affected."

"That’s excellent news. So, once we finish with the spells, your estate should be close to back to running at full efficiency, and you can start on the eternally annoying procession of potential suitors who are after your family’s prestige and lineage." Wolfe joked.

"You think that’s funny, but you’re not the one that has to chase away a hundred or more sons of lesser nobles and businessmen with dreams of getting married and then killing you off to take over the Count Dewinter properties and title."

Wolfe chuckled. "Well, there are ways to prevent that as well, and I think that some of them might be more amusing than others. But I will help you with what I can, and then leave you with a protective charm to keep you as safe as is reasonable, given the circumstances."

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The young Countess giggled. "The cliché ’never take off this amulet’ that somehow always ends up getting taken off before the assassination?"

"Of course not. Far too cliché. I was thinking about a tattoo. Something tasteful and hiding the true nature of the imbued spell. If I lift my sleeves, you will see that I have a large number of them, and they hide an incredible deal of magic beneath the surface." Wolfe suggested.

"Magical Tattoos? How does that work? Is it like the technique that you described today, and you physically carve the spell into my skin?" She asked, shuddering at the prospect of the immense pain that would entail.

"Nothing quite so horrific. I can cause the tattoo to appear with magic, no pain and no tools involved at all. And then, for those who can’t see the flow of magic, a decorative tattoo can be layered over the top, so that the spell inscription isn’t visible to the world.

The best defensive measures are the ones that nobody knows about." Wolfe explained.

"I will think about it. Not many tattoos would be viewed as suitable for a Countess. But I will thank you to help my properties. There are nearly three thousand people living and working on them, and they are my first priority. I wouldn’t be alive now if they weren’t loyal to me." She resolutely declared.

It was a bit comical coming from a preteen, but she was serious, and she meant what she said, so Wolfe began to upgrade his plans to help her properties. Just a few extra spells would make a world of difference to their safety, and could help prevent future disasters.

Cassie smiled at the Countess as they rolled through a set of wrought iron gates and onto her property. "Don’t worry about it at all. He has a great fondness for cute things, and the Patriarch will make certain that nothing happens to you. He has a vast amount of experience in keeping large areas safe from attacks and treachery."

The Countess looked doubtful at her boast, but Cassie patted her on the shoulder. "Our lands have been at war since the day we first tested our magic. We have fought on the front lines, built an entirely new nation out of the wastelands of war, and now we have millions of peaceful citizens under our watch, along with an entire city built to sustain the population with pure magic.

If you get a chance to come to our lands, just ask for us by name, and someone will bring you to us for a tour. I can assure you, the city of Forest Grove is like nothing you have ever seen before."

The carriage stopped at the front door, and Wolfe held up a hand when the Countess went to disembark. "I will put up a defensive ward before we even get started. I think that you will like this one. It prevents anyone from attacking you on your own property."

Countess Dewinter smiled back at him, childish dimples on her cheeks, and a few wisps of her hair fallen out of her carefully crafted braids after a long evening of festivities.

"Oh, and what might such a wonderful spell be called?" She asked.

"Kind Intentions."

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