Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King Chapter 981 981 Underestimated

Chapter 981 981 Underestimated

Within hours of the expansion of Forest Grove, the eldritch beings of the Lowest Planes were gathered for a leadership meeting to discuss the newest developments of the Magi Saint.

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"This case is a concerning one, for not only has the Magi Saint been deeply imbued with our magic, he has not only failed to mutate and adapt, but he has managed to move between the Mortal Planes without issues after the corruption was complete.

It would appear that our estimation of what it would take to bring the Magi to our side was incorrect, or possibly the entire methodology was flawed. There is no sign of mental corruption or submission to the Divine One’s will at all." One of the beings explained as it flailed its tentacles and snapped its one massive pincer claw.

"Indeed. We believe that it might be a side effect of their unusual magic. From our research, the Magi were a suitable subject for integration, specifically because they were already compatible with our energy, and could use a facsimile of our magic.

But perhaps, because of that affinity, they are immune to the domination that the power exerts on the mind?" One of the others suggested.

"So you are saying that the Divine One’s Gift..."

"Was truly a gift to him, without any traps or strings attached. Everything about it made him stronger. From what we can tell, his power levels should soon be approaching the King Rank, but achieving it might not be possible in that world, so he will hit a bottleneck." The creature explained.

"That is wonderful news. If he can never reach the King Rank, he will never be a truly deadly threat in the battle between the Planes." A third being, a towering monstrosity that looked like a mammoth with six legs and scales interspersed in its fur, sighed.

"Surely, the big and dumb archetype can only go so far? He is perfectly capable of leaving his Plane, and going to the Demonic, Fae or even the Mana Rich Immortal Planes.

If he were to get it in his head to try that, not only might he reach the King Rank, he might learn the secret to achieving true Immortality.

A true Immortal willing to share his secrets with the Mortals hasn’t been allowed to exist in a million years. If we are found to have created one, we won’t have a moment of peace."

The mammoth creature laughed, a hollow booming noise, as if its body were empty inside.

"As if they would share such secrets with him. What possible reason could the Immortals have to teach a lower being such as him the secrets of Eternal Life?"

The whole room was glaring at him as if he were an idiot.

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"That Magi has stronger powers of seduction than even an Incubus. Look around him, women of every species he has encountered hang off him for a chance to spend time in his presence. Perhaps the Valkyries might be able to resist the charms of a male such as him, but do you think that all the others could?" A female creature who had until then been enraptured by the interplay of magics used to recreate the city insisted.

"You just want to feel and feed on his magic." One of the others snorted in disdain, but the Mammoth got a cunning look in its eyes.

"She is right, and none of you even noticed it. You say, ’oh, she is enraptured by his magic’, but how do you think he draws them in? There is something about his power that has even captured the attention of one of our own." The massive Eldritch being insisted.

The tentacled woman laughed, but she was still staring at the layers of the spell that expanded Forest Grove with a look that the others understood as one of hunger and longing in her glassy black eyes.

"Perhaps he will fail to notice that the Immortal Realms are special? After all, their power cap is not so different from his own. He might just think they are a long-lived species that grows slowly, instead of his own that burns like an atomic explosion and then fades away?

From his point of view, would they not appear to be weak and inferior to be grooming their power for thousands of years to reach the place he has touched upon in a measly two decades?" A deep voice asked from the shadows.

The woman who was enraptured by the city modification spell laughed. "Compared to him, are they not weak and inferior? How many Immortal Kings are there? Barely a hundred per world at the very most. With eternity on their side, they still can’t make it to their destiny."

The voice in the shadows gave a grim chuckle. "Perhaps because someone convinced them that only the strong deserve to live, so they are constantly killing each other and forcing a reincarnation that starts their growth period over again?

That was brilliant, by the way. By now, they could all be equal as Kings and Queens aiming for the level beyond comprehension. But instead, they compete for power as if it were limited."

The creature with the large claw snapped it to gain the others’ attention. "Back on topic, what are we going to do about the Magi? If he is not one of us, but has our power, he may upset the balance of the Mortal Worlds."

The woman shrugged, a motion that bent her tentacles into an intricate dance, as her body had no actual shoulders.

"If he becomes an issue, the Upper Planes will deal with him, as they do with the rest of us who try to leave this horrid place. Our power might be immense here near the core of existence, but theirs sees no limit.

So, we should wait. We will keep the Divine One appraised of all developments, but there is no need to get involved unless we are given orders."

The other creatures made noises of agreement, and returned to watching the replays of the city creation. That magic really was too exceptional not to try to understand.

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