Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King Chapter 983 983 Professors Incoming

Chapter 983 983 Professors Incoming

983 983 Professors Incoming

The teacher thought about it for a moment, then smiled. "It should be just before dinner there. That will be perfect, as everyone will be gathered in the dining hall."

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Wolfe gathered the power for a portal that would pass between worlds, then pulled the teacher in so that he could shape and direct the opening.

He started it with a small, baseball sized opening, that Wolfe could sense a room full of mages through. Then, he politely cast a spell that created a chiming noise, like a doorbell, and waited for someone to respond before opening it all the way.

"Ah, Elder Johns, we all thought that you were dead. It is good to have you home again. How did you manage to get a portal opened? There have been some issues trying to get to your unit, but the army has been making attempts, we’re told." The old man at the other side greeted him.

"Davos, it is good to see you too. But it would seem that there is some misunderstanding. Not only am I not dead, I have been hired to work as a teacher for young mages here in Forest Grove. The reason that I had Saint Noxus open a portal to the tower today was so that I could invite any of you who are willing to come and take on gainful employment as Professors at the Academy." He explained.

"Professors? Of what?" Davos replied.

"Magic, of course. We’re teaching the local human population, as well as a large number of beastkin from the Fallen Empire, to use magic.

Our Magic.

That is why we need more professors. It’s not the same as what the locals use. Their witches can cure wounds and even regrow arms with just a wave of their hands. It’s incredible, but very different.

Would you like to hear the pay offer? It’s been quite generous to me." Elder Johns asked.

Wolfe could see a hundred or more mages sitting in the room, but strangely, all the windows were barricaded, and had internal metal shutters added.

"Have there been security issues there lately? It’s a bit odd that you’ve got metal double shutters on all the windows during dinner, when you would normally want a bit of fresh air." Wolfe asked.

The old man known as Davos frowned as he looked at the window.

"There have been a few issues. You see, not everyone is happy about the Fallen Empire coming in to take over, so they’ve been recruiting a resistance army.

Well, everyone who was willing to fight already joined the army, and none of them came back. So, there have been some accusations that we might be traitors or cowards, so we covered the windows as a safety precaution."

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Wolfe nodded in understanding. "I have signed a peace treaty with the Fallen Empire’s new King, King Petros. There will be no war between my planet and his Empire. Should your world ultimately fall under their control, then your world too will be covered by the treaty."

There was a lot of murmuring in the room, and Wolfe could clearly see that they were stressed out with the situation there. He had expected that might be the case, as Petros had said that they were currently working on bringing the world on board with their plans, which implied it wasn’t going as smoothly as could be hoped.

No planet wanted to give up their autonomy willingly, but the Fallen Army knew that, and they knew the most effective ways to get them to comply.

That put the mages in a tight spot, as they were what the Fallen Army had come to their world for, and now that they knew how much of a difference could be made to their home world with that magic, the pressure to "recruit" a number of them would be immense.

The problem was that, as in their own world, the mages were akin to Nobility, so they couldn’t just be recruited to work as low-level servants, as many of the Fallen Nobles would have wanted.

"Show of hands, how many of you are willing to listen to a job offer from Saint Noxus of Forest Grove?" Davos asked.

Every hand in the room went up.

"Why don’t you come here for a day, so you can see what you think of the city before you make a decision? Teachers here are well paid and valued." Wolfe offered.

Elder Johns smiled. "The scenery here is beautiful."

One of his students, a bunny girl about twenty years old, stuck her head through the portal to see what was going on, then waved happily and wandered away.

"What was that?" One of the mages asked.

"One of the beastkin. She’s part bunny. There are a lot of them here in the mage classes. They’re human enough to use your type of magic, and the Nobles of the Fallen Empire sent hundreds of them here for the next semester.

It was more than we were expecting, and we don’t have a lot of experienced mages using your methodology. We could have new mages teaching newer mages, but that would just turn into a huge mess." Wolfe explained.

"Alright. We will come over for the evening, but if we decide to stay, we will need another portal home to gather our belongings." Davos agreed.

"Wonderful. It is midday here, so you can spend the day here and return in the evening, which would be roughly midnight your time. It might be a long night for you all, but we could get everything sorted in one go, assuming that you agree."

The mages gathered their belongings from the tables, and rose to their feet in an orderly double file that would fit through the portal.

"Welcome, everyone, to Forest Grove. Why don’t we have the students take the afternoon off to show their potential professors around? The city isn’t that large, thanks to the height. It will make sense once you are here." Wolfe suggested.

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