Is this really a Game?! Chapter 115 The Terrifying Eldar

"Lea?" Reign calls to the absent-minded Lea who shakes off her surprise after seeing them fly. She quickly comes forward and asks

"The dungeon?"

"Finished, we took control of the area, we’re going to make sure nothing happens before everything is finished." Says Reign as he looks at the timer in front of him.

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[ Territory being claimed. ]

[ 10:00 minutes left, please defend the territory from any possible invaders player 06.]

"This is?" He asks as he looks at the woman who was looking away shyly.

"Ah, yes, this is Laura, Laura they are the ones I told you about," Lea answers Reign before turning around and looking at Laura. The girl was still very shy and afraid, even though her body was controlled by the demon she was still able to observe everything that happened. The battles the demon went through with it, the brutal tortures and murders she did, she even remembered the battle with Beast.

"T-thank you for saving me!" Laura suddenly bows down as tears form in her eyes. She had long since come to terms that she will never get her body back and that she will slowly die after the demon was finished torturing her soul. Today however she was finally free, a man shinning a bright light was able to completely destroy the demon and free her, she still couldn’t believe it and thought it was all a dream, or a cruel illusion the demon made to torture her more.

"No bowing." Reign holds her shoulders as he sets her straight. Looking straight into her eyes he continues.

"I just did what anyone would do, nobody would let the demon continue when they can get rid of her right?" Reign gives Laura a bright smile to which she blushes slightly. She quickly smiles back and nods happily at Reign who lets her go before turning around.

"Captain, shall we?" Eldar looks at Reign with an ambiguous look before nodding to him. They start making their way up to the roof. Before they could crash against the metal sheets that were used to make the roof, Eldar simply slashes with his hand and cuts of a part of it.

"We’ll fix that later." He tells Reign as they all pass through the hole now present on the roof. As their feet touch the cold metal sheets present below them, they look around them as the cries and roars of thousands of monsters in the town could be heard echoing everywhere.

Hobgoblins, Ogres, Orcs, Draifs, Apes, Giant snakes and many more were coming towards the warehouse. Looking at the huge number of monsters Reign and the others became incredibly nervous as they knew that there was no way they could ever win. Hell, even a squad of orcs would probably be too hard for them as they were all above level 25. Jack and the soldiers were on the other side completely at ease.

"So loud." Eldar sighs as he hangs his head low. The draifs had already seen them and were hurrying towards them, the sight of hundreds of draifs charging at them was terrifying. Reign and the others quickly draw their weapons and get ready for a fight. Before they could have a chance to fight however they see a figure flash past them and stop in the air in front of them.

With a simple wave of his hand, Eldar summoned a fierce wind that went towards the draifs. Before the monsters could do anything tens of them were slaughtered as the wind chopped them up to pieces. Blood and guts fall down to the street as the monsters that were running at them get even more agitated. The rest of the draifs quickly fly away, terrified of the man who just slaughtered so many of them effortlessly.

"Still too loud," Eldar says as he takes his two daggers into his hands. Swinging his arms with speed that was impossible to follow for Reign and the others he attacks. The streets around the warehouse suddenly get filled with bright green mana blades and a fierce wind. The previously deserted streets were now filled with corpses and blood of the monsters that dared to charge at Eldar and the warehouse.

Eldar was however still not finished as he attacks four more times. The street surrounding the warehouse suddenly had a huge line that went all the way around the whole building, bright green mana was shot out from the cuts as a wall that protects the warehouse.

"Whoever tries to pass, DIES!" Eldar suddenly shouts. The shout was deafening and everyone was sure that the whole town heard it. Eldar suddenly turned his head and looked sideways as a huge figure was standing on a building more than 1km away from them.

"That’s!" Reign widens his eyes as he remembers the ape. It was the strongest monster in the town and according to Eldar, it was probably an area boss. The ape was staring at Eldar before it cries out into a battle cry and jumps from the building, aiming to get to the warehouse.

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Eldar clenches his hands as his eyes turn bloodshot. His veins pop out from his forehead as he looks at the ape with fury in his eyes. 𝗳r𝐞𝐞w𝐞bn𝚘ve𝚕.co𝐦

"You dare shout at me, you fucking monkey?!" Eldar’s dagger shines with a bright green light as he swings at the monkey. In a mere second, a green mana blade was in front of the ape’s body. His stomach gets cut and opens up as his ribs could be seen sticking out. Blood and guys spill out as the ape wails pitifully before running away while holding his wound and preventing his insides from spilling out more. A huge amount of blood was flowing from the gaps of his fingers as it ran with all of its might.

"T-that was it?" Reign and the others look back at Eldar who was back to being calm and nonchalant. They had however already seen how he looked like when he was angry, the last swing was something that none of them even saw before it hit the ape. Reign was trying to compare it with his full-powered stab but quickly gave up as the difference was too great.

"I thought Jack was strong but this, this is way too much," Wolf utters as he looks at the buildings and street that was between Eldar and the ape. All the buildings were neatly cut in half while the street was completely destroyed. Bricks and parts of the buildings started to fall and it probably won’t take a long time for all of them to collapse as many cracks had formed after the attack.

Seeing the power of Eldar’s attack everyone gulped in fear. They always joked with him and they knew he was strong, crazy strong, but this was above even their wildest imagination. Not to mention that it didn’t even look like Eldar used his all in that attack, as he probably had even stronger ones.

"So this is the power of a Transcendent?" Tank asks his friends.

"Not really." A soldier came to them as he looked at the destruction Eldar caused. "I thought the captain was going to go easy, it’s going to be tough fixing all of this up."

"What do you mean not really?" Shadow suddenly asks the soldier.

"Don’t you remember, captain and the vice-captain are here in a much weaker form compared to their full strength, this is nothing to be honest, if the captain was at 100% this whole city would be destroyed from that attack."

Everyone’s eyes widen in shock. To destroy a whole city with an attack was definitely not what they expected. How strong was Eldar really then when such an attack had so much power?

"Okay boys, time to go back inside, I really doubt any more monsters will dare to come before the territory gets captured, oh and by the way Reign, good job." Eldar suddenly pats Reign on the shoulder.

"I didn’t think you would actually be able to capture the anchor point, I thought I would have to do that, you doing it is honestly a big surprise." Eldar smiles brightly at the confused Reign.

"Why is it a surprise?" Reign asks while looking at Eldar.

"Well that’s simple, usually if anyone at your level were to try and capture the anchor point they will get destroyed by the enormous mana the anchor point has, I don’t know how you did it but, good job." Eldar pats him again before continuing forward. Reign was still looking at his back with suspicion, Eldar said he was very surprised but, why did it look like everything went according to plan?

"Captain." Reign calls out suddenly as Eldar stops and turns around.

"You." Reign stops for a second before continuing. "You know what I am, don’t you?

Eldar’s eyes widened briefly before he looks at Reign with a small smile. He simply turns around and continues forward.


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