Is this really a Game?! Chapter 125 The Trials Slowly End

Laura was panting as she looked at the soldiers around her, it has been over an hour since she started the trial and she was starting to feel a bit exhausted by the constant healing and attacking she was doing. Her manipulation of mana was already much better compared to before, but there was still a lot she needed to learn.

She had used up quite a lot of the life force in her reserves as she kept using her ability to launch long-range attacks at hobgoblins that were creating problems for the troops. Thanks to that no soldier has died yet, but they were all visibly tired as they were sitting down on the cold rocky floor of the cave. The captain came to her and gave her a flask with water. She accepted it while thanking him before chugging the water down.

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All of the soldiers were incredibly polite to her, partly for all of the heals she did, and partly for even participating in the battle with her powers. It needed to be said that her ability was truly a bit overpowered for the trial as healers were usually not a class that participated in fights and they were only there to provide buffs and heals to the party. Seeing a healer that not only healed but also helped out in battles was a rare sight and as such Laura’s position within the squad was incredibly high, only below the captain’s.

The troops were able to rest for quite a long time as the constant attacks of the hobgoblins were gone. Such a situation was to be expected of course as there was not an endless supply of them, the earlier groups the soldiers killed probably amounted to about 60 – 70% of the total number of the hobgoblins in the cave.

After resting they slowly make their way forward, eager to finally end their expedition and destroy the hobgoblins. Some were nervous of course, the hobgoblins preserving their numbers meant that they would have to face a truly enormous group in the end, not all of them would survive, even with Laura helping them.

In the golden hall where everything shined brightly, Reign was panting heavily as he was down on his knees. In front of him was a 2.5-meter tall figure that was holding a greatsword. Reign’s armor was cracked and torn on many places as blood was dripping down from it. His arms were still clutching his two swords as the many cuts on them were bleeding as well. His face was disfigured as a huge sword wound could be seen in the middle of it, his eyes however showed determination, even in such a bleak situation.

[ Lvl 20 Dark General ]

He was already at the end, his star power had run out while fighting the general who was able to fight him evenly even then. Without any buffs, Reign was destined to lose against such an opponent. But still, his eyes never showed a lack of confidence, his mana was dangerously low and he was already feeling weak thanks to all the blood he had lost. He couldn’t even look at the general normally as his vision was blurry, but even so, he was still confident that he could win.

"I guess this is the end huh, big guy?" Reign meekly smiles as he stands up with great difficulty. He uses his katana to prop himself up while lifting his broken sword and pointing it at the general who was slowly approaching him while lifting his greatsword high in the air. In the distance more enemies could be seen coming, there were over a hundred soldiers in a squad now. Numerous captains could be seen as each squad was led by a general. Majors and colonels were also present, Reign knew that this was it, but still, he just wanted to defeat the general in front of him before ending everything.

He activates his lightning body as all the mana inside of him empties. He felt incredibly powerful and yet weak at the same time. He tries going towards the general but stumbles as his legs betray him. He uses the katana to stop himself from falling down as he grits his teeth in anger.

"Not yet, I’m not done yet!" Reign shouts with anger as he stands straight while looking at the approaching general. His lightning crackles around him as he takes a deep breath. The mark on his hand suddenly starts shining brightly as his lightning more than doubles in size. His muscles pump up as his blood and the previously non-existent mana circulate throughout his body.

With lightning coming out from his eyes he looks at the general who was already swinging his sword down. With great vigor Reign lunges at him with his two swords. He stabs the katana towards the general’s throat while using his broken sword to block the attack. His power however was not enough to fully block the attack as the sword cuts deeply in him at the same time as his katana pierces through the general’s throat.

They both stand motionlessly as time slowly passes. Suddenly the general takes a step back while letting go of his sword that was still plunged in Reign. After taking two steps he falls down on his back as the katana was drawn out of his throat and a fountain of blood starts spurting out from it.

Reign was victorious. He laughs weakly as he goes down on his knees yet again. He managed to win, he actually did it. He looks down at his hand as the mark slowly stops shining, he knew that the reason he was able to gain such a boost in his power was thanks to it, and for that, he felt grateful.

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He looks up at the ceiling while smiling brightly, he had managed to do what he wanted, it was now time to end this. He looks at the approaching enemies who were already charging at him, the general was of course at the forefront.

Reign uses all the strength he had left to get up before spreading his arms out. Both of his swords were still in his hands as he waits for the ending blow. In a flash, the general passes next to him as Reign’s throat gets cut. The other enemies attack him as well as his body gets pierced and cut multiple times simultaneously. He falls down heavily, as his eyes close. His swords however were still in his hands as he never let go of them, not even in death.

Wolf was in a similar situation as Reign. His flames were already gone as the power from the mark had run out. His armor, even though it was a rank A item was disfigured and cracked after suffering from many blows of the statues. One of his arms lay powerlessly as it was broken after he blocked an otherwise fatal attack from one of the smaller statues. His hair was down and went over his eyes as blood dripped down from it. His head was injured and it was hard for him to even see after suffering through such an injury.

His mouth however was curved up as he was smiling. Yes, Wolf was nearly dead, and yet, he was smiling. He looked forward as blurry images could be seen. Tens of statues were coming at him while he was surrounded by rocks and big metal chunks from the defeated statues. Wolf held his greatsword with one hand as he charged towards the enemies. His bloody appearance coupled with his smile and eerie laughs made him look more like a demon and not a human.

He dodges multiple rock spears that were thrown his way, it was a new type of statue that started coming out a while ago. The spears they were throwing were made by them manipulating the rocks in the ground, their accuracy was good and when a couple of them attacked at the same time it was nearly impossible to dodge all spears.

Wolf doesn’t even look at the spears as he dodges them, on closer inspection you could see that his eyes were wide open but, his pupil was not focused and it looked more like he was already gone. He was doing all of those crazy dodges and acrobatics while simultaneously attacking the nearby statues. His smile never left while his laughter never stopped.

He jumps above a smaller statue as it attacks him. With great force, he brings down his sword and plunges it deeply in its head. The inside of its head suddenly shines with a bright green light as Wolf’s flames activate and explode, obliterating the head of the statue.


A spear suddenly blitzes past the statues as it goes at Wolf. He was still falling down and even if he had seen it earlier it would have been neigh impossible to dodge. The spear hits his leg and rips it off violently. Wolf continues falling down as an enormous amount of blood gushes out from his wound. Still laughing he puts the handle of his sword in his mouth while making it as light as possible. He lands and starts moving like an animal, only using one arm and leg. With surprising speed, he gets to where his leg was falling and catches it before throwing it powerfully towards the statue that threw the spear at him.

The leg flies high before hitting the statue in the chest, not doing much damage. Wolf laughs as he continues attacking the statues. He jumps in the air while letting go of his sword before grabbing it with his hand to attacks. After a couple of seconds, he was hit by a fist of a statue while having the sword in his mouth. His teeth crack as he bites down forcefully on the handle. With a swift motion, he jumps up before punching the statue with full power.

Volcanic Fist

Flames erupt from the inside of the statue as half of it gets destroyed by the attack. Before Wolf could do anything else another statue attacks him with its claws and cuts off his arm. Numerous fists and claws come at him as his body breaks down. After they were finished the statues slowly move back before Wolf coughs slightly.

Immediately 5 spears pierce through his body, ending his life.

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