Is this really a Game?! Chapter 146 First Field Boss Battle

While the white-clothed man was fighting against 3 Supreme Gods in a faraway place, Reign and the others were finally finishing their fight against the monster horde. They were all unaware that such an incredible thing was happening and they were fully focused on killing the rest of their enemies. Most of the monsters had scattered as they could see that fighting Reign and the others was futile and they were simply going to die for nothing.

Soon no enemy was left around the group. Reign and the others were getting ready to fight the field boss as it munched on a couple of orcs while the others were fleeing in fear. Beast was surrounded by his three wolves and Fluffy, the two wolves hadn’t changed that much, their fur was a bit longer and had a darker color, but if someone was to part the fur away and check their skin they would be surprised to see a green-colored tattoo forming on the bodies of the two, each tattoo was different and had a mystical feeling to it. They were still a long way from being as strong as Blackie and Fluffy were, but they were almost at the level of an elite monster as their speed was already equal to them.

On the other hand, Blackie had gone through a big change. His body was now much bigger compared to before. His once 2.5-meter long body was now a full 3.5 meters while his body was half black and half purple. On his head, a small pair of horns could be seen growing while two huge fangs could be seen in front of his mouth even when it was closed.

Name: Blackie

Level: 27

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Race: Dark ?????? ( Rare variant )

Strength : 59

Agility : 67

Endurance : 36

Vitality : 40

Willpower : 33

Spirit : 40


Stealth Proficiency Rank A -


Coat of Darkness

Shadow Flicker

Dark Fang

Dark Claws

Dark Charge

Shadow Slash

Black Lightning Discharge


Shadow Use – Rank B

Lightning Use – Rank C

He had evolved again, which was weird considering the fact that none of the other beasts had evolved again, not even Greenie managed to go through such a big change once again, not to mention the fact that the system was not showing his race when they asked the system about it, it simply said that his race was still not completely changed, and as such it was impossible to say what Blackie was yet. His body was larger but he was as nimble as always, his attacks were more powerful as he now had control over 2 abilities, even though compared to Reign and the others his control was far below theirs.

In their free time, Shadow and Reign would even take Blackie with them to do some training, unfortunately Blackie wasn’t able to communicate with them, and his way of controlling mana and his abilities was completely different compared to the two of them.

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The Earth Eater had finished its fight as it slowly turned around to face Reign and the others. Its body had been damaged by the numerous monsters that attacked it, but none of the injuries were deep or dangerous. The giant monster suddenly roars powerfully before jumping in the air, the way the monster jumped was incredible, looking at its huge and rough body one would be fooled into believing it was incredibly stiff and that it couldn’t perform any type of acrobatic movement, but the truth was that it could, even though it was still slow compared to other monsters.

The huge body spins in the air and lands on the ground as a huge amount of rocks and earth were blasted away. The boss had still not stopped spinning and in a matter of moments, its body was charging towards Reign and the others who were shocked by its choice of attack.

The tough, rocky skin of the monster allowed it to behave as a saw as it was spinning on the ground. Reign and the others quickly dodge as not even Tank wanted to risk trying to block such an attack. A huge trail of destruction was left in the wake of the monster as the earth was split perfectly around it.

The boss simply circles back as it attacks them again, the tactic it was employing was incredibly weird and difficult to overcome as the attacks Reign and the others sent its way were simply negated by the strong defense of the boss. With this kind of attack, its speed was also immense and that solved the biggest weakness of the monster, the only thing that it does decrease is the attacking capabilities of the boss, as it could only charge at them to attack.

"We’ll never be able to do anything this way, get ready guys, I’m going to try and penetrate that defense," Reign speaks as a golden light suddenly covers him, he had used the power of the stars to boost himself while holding his two swords.

"Tank, can you block it?" Reign turns around as he looks at Tank.

"Hard to say, looking at the way it is spinning it could perhaps simply go over me, not to mention its strength is simply too great." Tank puts his hand on his chin as he thinks for a bit. The others look at him while the monster was circling back, ready to attack them again.

"Maybe, maybe if Wolf helps." Tank suddenly widens his eyes as he looks at Wolf.

"Huh, me?" Wolf points to himself as he looks at Tank with confusion on his face. Tank fiercely nods his head as he starts talking again, "Yup, if you use that attack then I’m sure we could stop it for a moment."

"That’s all I need," Reign says while he walks to the front. Tank gets behind him and puts his shield in position while a huge amount of mana was poured into it.

"Mana shield, version 2." A smaller, stronger version of the mana shield was coating Tank’s shield as he was preparing to block the monster. Behind him a huge amount of fire was pouring from Wolfs hands, the fire was circling around his greatsword as a huge flame sword was created from them. Holding the sword with both of his hands Wolf closed his eyes as he channeled even more mana to it.

Right before the monster arrived at their position Reign jumped into the air as a trail of lightning was left behind him. Wolf suddenly opened his eyes as he swung the sword down with full strength.

"Fire style, Sun Striker "

The huge sword hits the monster as silence was present on the battlefield for a moment before a huge explosion could be heard. A huge amount of flames were sent at the monster as the sword cut deeply into it, even the ground behind the monster was not spared from the power of Wolf’s flames as a huge area behind the monster was charred. The power of the attack coupled with Tank’s shield was enough to stop the monster in its tracks, a deep gash could be seen on top of it as Wolf’s sword had managed to cut through its defense, the smell of burned meat could be felt as parts of the boss were black from the high temperature of the flames. Still, that was not enough to do any critical damage to the boss who was growling in anger.

Before the boss could do anything however Reign was right above it. His two swords were in front of him as he was ready to stab the field boss.

"I just managed to make this move, take this you ugly lizard!" A huge amount of lightning was covering Reign as a figure of a mythical beast was materialized around him.

"Rage of the Kirin." Reign softly whispers as a huge Kirin made of lightning was charging down at the boss. Reign’s swords were right at where the horns, well to be more exact antlers of the Kirin were. With ferocity, the golden Kirin crashed down on the boss as a huge amount of lightning explodes in the air.


The monster screams out in pain as the antlers of the Kirin managed to pierce through his skin, compared to Wolf’s attack, Reign’s didn’t cover such a huge area, but the piercing ability of the skill was above any other. The boss was pushed on the side by the Kirin as blood gushed out from the wound, right away the others started their attacks as well.

Shadow disappeared before coming out of the shadow of the boss, as the sun was behind the boss its shadow was at the front and Shadow managed to appear right in front of its face. Before the boss could even notice him Shadow had already jumped on its head and stabbed through one of its eyes with his daggers.

"Shadow Burst."

The eye was obliterated in an instant while the soft part of its belly was suddenly cut open. Blackie had used his shadow flicker, a skill that Beast had previously forbidden him from using as his proficiency with his shadow ability was simply too low and could potentially fail and kill him. Shadow flicker worked similarly to Shadow’s teleportation, only that it wasn’t a teleportation skill, it was able to turn Blackie into a shadow for a brief moment before he would merge with an enemy shadow and deliver a stealth attack.

Right after Blackie slashed the boss’s belly open with his shadow slash he used his black lightning to attack its insides. The black lightning was powerful, even more, powerful than Reign’s blue lightning, of course, the weakness of it was the amount that could be produced, an amount many times lower compared to Reign’s.

Beast and Laura launched their range attacks as well, but before everyone could continue Reign shouts.

"Get away from it you guys!" Shadow, Tank, Blackie, and the others immediately use their full speed to go far away from the boss before a huge explosion could be heard from it. The surrounding ground was crushed as a huge dust cloud was made.

"This, this guy doesn’t have a phase 2, right?" Shadow smiles nervously as he looks at the others who had grave expressions on their faces.

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