Is this really a Game?! Chapter 233 Jewel Hunt – Sparring

[ Challenged completed, the players will be teleported back in 10 seconds, and the rewards will be given after the teleportation. ]

Everyone on the mountain top was surprised to see the notification, some were looking forward to watching the sparring match between Drayce and Heaven’s Hooligans, of course, everyone had their own agendas as to why they wanted to watch it, some were simply curious, some wanted to check the power of the team while others wanted to see if there was a possibility of them defeating Reign and the others.

The notification however made it clear that none of them would be there to witness the event, before anyone could even say anything they were all teleported, leaving only Reign and the others with Drayce.

[ Congratulations team Heaven’s Hooligans for the number 1 place in the first challenge, your rewards are as follows: ]

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- 40 000exp points

- 3 000 S Coins

- Random rank B item

- Random materials

- Title: The Challenger 𝖋𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔴𝖊𝔟𝔫𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑.𝔠𝔬𝔪

The Challenger: A title given to those that performed remarkably during a challenge, the title will allow the player to have a 3% chance of getting bonus points during any challenge and will increase the damage the player deals to any enemy during a challenge by 3% while reducing incoming damage by 3%

The title that was given to Reign and the others seemed unremarkable at first glance, a 3% chance of bonus points and a damage increase/reduction of 3% was nothing big, but it was still something that would neither spend mana nor stamina so it was a nice addition to them. They were surprised however upon noticing something further down

- The title can be upgraded by continuing to perform remarkably during challenges, this title is tier 1 out of 5 tiers.

The title being upgradable was amazing news, since it had 5 tiers that meant that there would be an increase to the percentage, even if the increase was only 1% per tier, that would still allow Reign and the others to have 7% at the fifth tier which was already a noticeable difference.

"Now, let’s start." Drayce looks at them with a smile before snapping his fingers. The whole mountain top was suddenly encased in a cage of light.

"This is just to make sure nobody flies off." Drayce smiles at them before putting a hand in front of him and beckoning them to start.

Reign and the others all take out their weapons and slowly approach him, Reign was situated at the very front, some 2 meters in front of the others, Shadow was on the left and Wolf on the right while Tank and Greenie were behind Reign. Laura and Beast were standing behind them all as they prepared to attack Drayce from long range. They knew that he was much stronger than them, so in order to be safe, Beast had already summoned all of his monsters.

"Ohh, a tamer, interesting." Drayce smiles upon seeing all of the beasts that Beast summoned, tamers weren’t a rare sight in the universe, but one that had so many variants and used a bow to fight was. Not to mention that Drayce could feel that Beast also had a strong affinity with the wind as well.

’Perhaps he will unlock a second ability soon.’ Drayce thought before extending his hand to his right.


Reign had swung his swords with full force, with his terrifying speed he hoped to at least surprise Drayce for a moment and land a hit, but it was for naught as the terrifying man in front of him merely used his nails to stop the blow. Black and white lightning were blasting off around Reign but failed to do any damage to Drayce, a flash passed through Drayce’s eyes upon seeing it but he showed no change in his demeanor.

"You’re a fast one aren’t you?" Drayce smiles before flicking his wrist, the force behind it was enough to push back Reign’s sword completely as the latter somersaulted and landed on the ground. The rest of the party was merely watching as Reign was attacking Drayce with everything he had, Reign was the fastest and strongest one amongst them and he wanted to see if he could force Drayce to be a bit serious during the fight.

"A one on one?" Drayce asks as he looks at the other party members, he didn’t even need to look at Reign in order to block his attacks.

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"Well why not, you can all take turns to attack me, I can give you pointers more easily this way."

Reign suddenly stops his barrage as he puts his katana back into its sheath. Holding his broken sword with his left hand he casually brings it down as it vibrates fiercely

[ Severing, First Sword ]

Upon seeing the attack Drayce widens his eyes a bit before blocking the blow with his hand, he was surprised not because of the power of the attack, but because of the attack itself.

"You’re learning the Severing sword style?"

Reign didn’t even answer him as he had already grabbed his katana with his right hand, with great power, he unsheathes it and swings it towards Drayce. A huge sword light travels to Drayce with extreme speed as the latter had his eyes widened even further.

"That’s the second one."

[Severing, Second Sword ]

Reign had barely managed to grasp the second sword previously, right now its power was not even close to its full potential as Reign could only unleash all of the power it had unevenly compared to Jack who could send a hair-thin sword light, the thin sword light was not to be underestimated as it was the full force of the skill that was compressed to its fullest, the cutting speed of that skill was incredible and its speed would make most fall to it before they could even understand what had happened.


The sword wave connects with Drayce who simply put his palm in front of him, he was able to easily block the attack as his dragon body was incredibly tough, and nothing on the planet could harm him. Compared to the players and monsters here who were still in the leveling phase, a Transcendent such as him was beyond their scope of understanding.

"Incredible, I’m even more interested in you and the rest now." Drayce smiles as he disappears from the spot, before Reign could even respond, he was behind him. "You still need to practice the second sword however, that was honestly a bit sloppy."

Reign swings his sword behind him, but Drayce simply catches it with ease.

"Don’t let your emotions get the better of you boy, you’re a swordsman after all." Drayce smiles again as he looks Reign straight in the eyes, "let’s turn this up by a notch."

The following 5 hours were spent in agony to the party, no matter what they did, nothing was able to even phase Drayce as he was able to block or dodge their attacks with ease. Thanks to the cage of light the possibility of them flying off the mountain was impossible, they didn’t understand why he used it before, but after fighting him for about 2 hours they understood after he started retaliating.

Each of his blows was enough to blow them away and they forgot how many times they had hit the cage during the sparring session, well, it was more like training than sparring as Drayce would point out their mistakes during the fight, the positioning of their feet, the height of their attacks, the usage of mana, there was nothing that could escape his eye.

Reign wasn’t the only one that surprised Drayce however, after fighting them all he was shocked to find that almost all of them had a mark, not to mention that none of the marks were from unknown entities, even the mark Beast had, even though it was from a Low-God, it was still one that was famous in the universe thanks to her talent.

Laura being possessed was something he felt the moment he arrived, but the weirdness of her ability fascinated Drayce who suddenly brought hundreds of monsters from the forest and slaughtered them so that she could absorb their life force and fight with her full power.

Everyone managed to gain a lot from this training session, small mistakes that they made during fights were all reported and they did their best in order to fix them, such mistakes would not have an impact right now, but if left unnoticed they could have an impact later on. Wolf was however the one that fought against Drayce the most, his bloodthirst and killing intent were set free as he enjoyed the battle to its fullest, even Reign and the others were surprised as they had never seen Wolf fighting like that, during the battle in the cave they were occupied with fighting the boss and didn’t pay that much attention to his fight.

After 5 hours had passed Drayce announced the end of the sparring. Everybody was battered up and tired and they immediately laid down on the floor to rest, Drayce however simply waved his hand and a gentle white light enshrouded them. After a mere moment, all of their fatigue and injuries were gone, even their mana was back to its fullest.

"It seems I have a visitor you guys, I’ll see you next time." Drayce snaps his fingers and the party was suddenly teleported out of the cage, right after that the cage of light is scattered in the air as a couple of figures appeared in the sky above the mountain.

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