Is this really a Game?! Chapter 360 Draifs Vs Elijah’s Team

"Tch, we’re gonna get nowhere if we continue fighting like this," Elijah said as he crouched behind a couch inside an apartment. Ashley nodded in agreement as she clenched her staff, she had already used her healing ability multiple times in order to make sure that everyone was fine, her mana however was slowly getting drained and she had stopped treating any small injuries.

The group was well stocked with potions and luckily she could always drink a mana potion to get her mana back up, of course, there was a limit as to how many potions one could drink in a short period of time and she didn’t want to hit the limit yet as that would make her almost useless during the battle.

"We’ve already sent the signal, we just need to wait here for a bit and we should be fine, those fuckers won’t dare enter here." One of the team members said as he took out a bottle of water from his spatial ring. The team had entered this apartment building after fighting against the draif’s.

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The battle was going well and they had managed to take down a couple of them, only to suddenly find themselves surrounded by tens of the monsters while a much more powerful one sat atop a building and looked down on them with a smile on his face. The draif was about 2 meters tall and his muscles were bigger and more defined compared to the others.

His strength, of course, was vastly different from other draifs as he was the leader of the draifs and the most powerful one amongst them. He had great intelligence and knew exactly when and who to attack, after Reign and the others took care of Azar and most of the orcs, he led his brethren on a killing spree as they killed a lot of the monsters inside the town.

They also killed some humans, but thanks to Reign and the others the draifs really didn’t dare to attack humans too much as they feared that they would end up as Azar did. Still, thanks to the long time they had, the draifs had managed to bring their levels by quite a large margin, even the weakest amongst them now were level 35 while the majority was now at level 40.

The leader was extremely powerful though, at level 45 he was one of the most powerful bosses in the area, not to mention the fact that his ability to fly made him extremely hard to catch and fight. Most of the time the boss enjoys using guerilla tactics and harassing the enemies before drowning them with numbers.

When it comes to Elijah and his team, however, the same tactic wasn’t as useful as they were all above level 40 now and their strength was not to be underestimated. Even when the draifs attacked them by surprise in the beginning, they were still able to quickly form a defensive line and fight them off, even managing to kill a couple of them.

As the situation turned worse however Elijah and his team were forced to get inside an apartment building. Fighting inside such a space was very disadvantageous to the draifs who would lose their ability to fly and as such, they didn’t dare enter. The leader and the rest of the draifs turned to use long-range attacks while waiting outside of the apartment.

The huge number difference gave them a big advantage in an open area and they didn’t want to lose it. They knew however that they didn’t have a lot of time, every time they attacked a group of humans, more would soon arrive. Even though the area they were in was a long distance away from where the humans resided, they still needed to hurry a bit.

As Elijah and the others waited in the apartment, the draifs started attacking the building. The leader and the elites were powerful and most of them had wind-type abilities. Thanks to their abilities, they could conjure powerful wind blades and spears that could cut through the building with relative ease.

With a couple of attacks, Elijah and the others could feel that something was wrong. They could hear the building creak and the cement starting to crack in multiple places. As the draifs continued the attacks, it only took them a little while for the building to actually start falling down. They intentionally attacked the building above the apartment where Elijah and the others were currently in, if the building crashed down, they would be crushed easily.

"Everyone out!" Elijah shouted as he understood what the draifs were planning on doing. Even though they were at a great disadvantage outside, it was still better than staying inside and being crushed. Luckily for them, they were currently on the 2nd floor, and thanks to their high levels and strength, jumping down from that height wouldn’t cause them any injuries.

Immediately after jumping down, Elijah and the others broke into a sprint as the building behind them started crashing down. It was a 6 story building and it only took them a little bit to get out of the danger zone. As the building crashed down, a huge dust cloud enveloped Elijah and his group together with the draifs. The leader and elites quickly used their wind abilities in order to clear the area of wind before attacking Elijah and the others.

As the dust settled, Elijah could see tens of draifs coming down on them, multiple long-range attacks were also launched at them thanks to the draif leader who was smirking alongside the elites.

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But suddenly.

An incredibly powerful aura could be felt coming their way, the mana pressure that came with it made most of the draifs slow down and before anyone could even see what was approaching, lightning appeared in front of Elijah and the others. 𝐟𝐫eewe𝗯𝐧𝚘ve𝐥.c𝚘𝚖

Tens of draifs were shocked to death or sliced apart, and the attacks that were launched at Elijah and the others were all completely destroyed as they all stared at the back of a familiar figure.

"Well, you guys certainly know how to party." Reign chuckled as he looked back at Elijah and the others who all had wide smiles on their faces.

"Reign!" Ashley said as she looked at the person in front of them. With his entrance alone he managed to kill so many of the draifs that were coming down at them. His mana pressure alone made it hard for the weaker draifs to even move while the elites were visibly shaken and scared.

As for the leader, well he currently had a very ugly expression on his face. He knew that there was no way that they could defeat the person in front of them. Thanks to Azar being killed, the draif leader knew a long time ago that there were incredibly powerful humans that were leading the others, he just didn’t expect them to be this powerful.

The draif leader considered leaving the area and fleeing with the rest of the draifs somewhere else, but he chose against doing that as their levels would be weakened by a lot and it simply wouldn’t be safe for them if they entered another high-level area again.

"Scatter!" The draif leader suddenly shouted out as he turned around to flee. He was a slippery bastard that never took any risks, after sensing the incredible mana pressure coming off from Reign, he knew that there was no chance of winning the battle, he could however still flee.

’How did these humans become so powerful?!’ The draif leader thought to himself. He had turned many humans into draifs at the beginning of the game and none of them had any strength, they were all as weak as goblins and could do nothing against them.

But now there were many humans that were powerful in the area. Like Elijah and his team, even some kids were incredibly powerful now, such a fast increase in strength was simply unbelievable.

’It doesn’t matter, we will flee somewhere else and gain our strength back, even though I cannot do anything to you, you can’t do a thing to me, you only have yourself to blame that you can’t fly.’ The draif leader smirked as he thought to himself, he glanced back one last time to look at Reign before his expression changed as the man was no longer in front of Elijah and the others.

"Leaving so soon?" A calm voice could be heard in front of the draif leader, before he could even turn his head around a lightning-clad fist connected with his head and sent him crashing down to the ground.

Thanks to the building in the area, Reign could easily use them in order to reach high places. He glanced at the elites and others draifs that were trying to fly away even faster in panic. Seeing their powerful leader being forced down by one strike put immense fear in their hearts. Reign didn’t bother with the rest of the draifs, they would be good for the others to train with and improve their strength.

As for them leaving, that was not possible. Reign had complete control over the area, even more now after he had managed to go through the first evolution. He could freely choose to block exits in the area, which meant that no monster could leave Doncaster if he didn’t want them to. The same applied to humans, if Reign wished to, he could completely isolate the area and stop anyone from leaving or entering.

Of course, he didn’t do that, he simply forbade exit for the monsters and left everything else the same. For now, however, he came down and looked at the draif leader that was staring at him with murderous intent.

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