Is this really a Game?! Chapter 405 Territory Quest

[ The players have successfully created a base in the wild area " Beresnet Mountain Range" and managed to get a preliminary map of the area, a territory quest will be initiated ]

[ The players need to take over the following 5 locations and defeat the monsters there in order to create a safe zone and take control over the mountain, rewards will be given if the players can successfully finish the quest before reaching level 105 ]

Reign and the others looked at the new quest with interest before switching their sights to the map. The system had automatically marked the 5 locations they needed to conquer in order for the quest to be completed.

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"Really now, the system never gives any easy quests huh?" Said Shadow whilst starching the back of his head. The 5 locations they needed to conquer were 5 out of the 6 locations where Tier II monsters could be found, making it impossible for them to do this quest before reaching Tier II as well.

"So we have to take over the locations right after reaching Tier II, well, it shouldn’t be too hard considering the fact that there are 7 of us while each of the locations is guarded by one Tier II monster, of course, there might be more that manage to evolve before us," Wolf said as he looked at the 5 locations that were marked by the system.

"But why not mark this one though, from what that demon had told me, this location is the home of a specie that has a wood-like attribute, similar to the Wood Folk we had fought against before.," Said Wolf before continuing, "They’re extremely aggressive and attack sight."

"Wait, if they attack demons on sight, is that really a bad thing for us?" Reign suddenly asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, there has to be a reason why that location isn’t chosen by the system like the others, what if the creatures there are not hostile to humans, but only to demons and similar creatures?" Reign asked Wolf as the latter opened his eyes wide.

"That’s right, I was thinking of what the demon had said like he was a human, places that are bad for them are not necessarily bad for us, but I would still prefer to wait and get stronger before initiating any sort of contact with those creatures, you can never be too safe with things like that."

"Agreed, for now, let’s just look at them like a potential new ally, but still be vigilant when it came to them," Beast added from the side as everybody nodded.

Since they couldn’t really do the quest right now, or at any earlier date, the party decided to ignore it before hitting Tier II and went to install the traps.

The traps however proved impossible for them to install, the reason being that they functioned not on mana, but demonic energy. Laura was quickly called over and she took over the job of installing them while the others started putting the things she had brought from the system in the cave.

Since the base was now considered to be a part of their territory, Reign and the others had access to the territory system here. Unfortunately, since it wasn’t a safe zone, none of the things they bought could be put in their desired locations with the help of the system, so they needed to do it themselves.

Laura had bought different decorations for the inside of the cave, she bought some weird wooden walls that were extremely flexible and could stick to most surfaces and even out any bends and holes, the walls however had no defense and would crumble easily, but for the inside of the cave, they were perfect for them to put up and make it seem like they were inside a house of sorts.

Since they weren’t in a hurry, Reign and the others took their time to put up everything, every time they came to a part of the wall that was sticking out a bit too much, Reign and the others would use their weapons to cut it off and even the wall out before putting the wooden wall there.

The floor as well got an upgrade as they bought some tiles to put down as well. After 2 hours of working, the inside of the cave looked nothing like before. The wooden tiles and walls gave a feeling of being inside a huge house while some decorations were put on the walls and floors as well.

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Banners, lamps. Even some chandeliers were put on the ceiling, making the whole place more hospitable. Of course, that wasn’t everything that would be done for the cave, Reign and the others had plans to create some housing for those that would use the mountain range as hunting grounds later.

Of course, since they couldn’t simply buy buildings with the help of the system like they could back in their territory, they would need to get people over and have them build them here. Since the cave had limited space, they didn’t want to completely fill it up with the buildings and would stick to only making those necessary, the portal was right there after all and people could simply go back to get anything they needed.

Other than that, the party also needed to finish something they had almost forgotten. Thanks to them killing the ape and getting the evolution challenge, the party had almost completely forgotten about the Tainted and their promise to help the queen and the elves with finding and destroying their base.

Luckily the Tainted did nothing while Reign and the others were absent, there were no more hordes of monsters that attacked the elves and they were able to focus on improving their strength thanks to that. Aelrinder for example was almost finished with his evolution missions and only needed a little bit of time before going through the first evolution, other than him, there were a couple of other elves that were getting near the max level for the evolution and would soon start doing the missions themselves.

Of course, that information was one that Reign had gotten a couple of days ago, by now, Aelrinder might have even reached Tier I and was simply waiting to go out and fight powerful monsters. Even though the elf seemed to be a calm and peace-loving individual on the outside, Reign had gotten to know him well enough to know that he was a bit of a battle maniac.

Aelrinder loved fighting and improving himself, it was only because he was the commander of the elves that he did his best not to show it and simply fulfilled his duty as the commander. Somebody like him going all out during a fight and showing signs of enjoying it would not set a good example for the other elves after all.

"The elves had scouted a good part of the woods but they were still unable to find the Tainted base, luckily that does make it a bit easier for us since there are fewer places we need to check out." Said Wolf as they all started walking to the portal.

Upon walking through the portal and reaching the territory, the first thing that Reign and the others did was of course give the rank S items they didn’t need to the merchant guild and have them sell them to the more powerful teams in the territory.

A rank S item was still scarce to have as even rank A items were something that most teams still had trouble finding, only the top teams had a rank S item, and they only had one. To suddenly put up 4 rank S items for sale was a huge thing for the merchant guild and for the territory as Reign and the others were the only ones that could actually fight powerful monsters that would drop such items.

The top teams of the territory were able to fight boss-ranked monsters and get good items from them, but it was incredibly rare for them to drop rank S items in the end. Of course, below the first evolution, the difference between rank A and rank S items wasn’t as significant so it wasn’t a big deal.

As the merchant guild announced that they would be selling four rank S items, the whole territory was in an uproar. All the teams quickly gathered together and started looking for ways to earn more money before the auction that was announced for tomorrow happened.

Those that had already spent most of their money in order to buy new items cursed their bad luck, while those that saved up celebrated loudly.

Reign and the others could also use the auction house to sell the items, but if they put it there, then there was the possibility of some powerful teams from other regions buying the items, which was something they didn’t want to see happen right now.

After all rank S items were very rare and Reign and the others wanted to see their people becoming stronger before they would entertain the idea of selling strong items to others. As Reign and the others were walking to the portal, a man suddenly walked out of the portal leading to the castle before waving at Reign.

It was Elijah who was planning on going to the cave in order to find Reign.

"Reign, it’s Adrian, he finished what you ordered."

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