Is this really a Game?! Chapter 429 Entering The Pyramid

"How do we enter this thing anyway?’ Shadow asked as they all stared at the building in front of them. The huge building rose high in the sky and there was seemingly no entrance to it.

"Well, how about we try climbing the pyramid, maybe that’s how we can get in?" Reign asked as the others all shrugged their shoulders.

"It’s worth a try."

"Alright let’s go."

Reign and the others slowly started making their way up the pyramid. Contrary to how they looked before the game started, this one was pure white and the passage of time seemingly had no effect on it.

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"Hey, this pyramid, it’s not from Earth, is it?"

"I don’t know, it is impossible for one to be in such a good shape, perhaps the system fixed it up?"

"Could be, we still have no idea just what the system or the Transcendents can do after all." Mia chipped in from the side as Reign and Wolf talked.

During the five days the two teams had spent together, they had become accustomed to each other, they were still not really friends or anything like that, but they could be called acquaintances.

That led to the angels talking a lot more with them and giving their opinions, contrary to how they simply went along with the flow during the first 2 days. There were of course some arguments that would happen, mostly between Liona and Shadow who simply couldn’t see eye to eye at most things.

It was a headache sometimes, but it was nothing more than that, just arguments about doing certain stuff that led nowhere. It was as if the two just loved arguing and spewing nonsense at each other.

Mia was the distant type, her cold demeanor barely changed during the five days, but she did get a bit more approachable. She would sometimes even initiate a conversation, but it would mostly be a short one that would quickly be finished.

Marcus was the complete opposite of Mia. He was laid back but also very friendly. He and Shadow had actually hit it off quickly and would spend a lot of time simply chatting every day, that was something that would make Liona mad.

It wasn’t the fact that they were talking that made her mad, but their conversations that would cover 20 topics in mere minutes. Just hearing them talk would get her angry and she would quickly start shouting at them, which led to the others all suppressing their laughter while Shadow and Marcus would argue or try to placate her.

As for Jane, she was the silent type, acting like a shadow of Mia. She was not as cold and distant as Mia was, but she was still somebody that preferred simply standing and being quiet.

Tank tried to approach her multiple times, whether it was simply to hit on her or to become friends was unknown, but he got nowhere. Jane would be polite and proper, but she would quickly shut down the conversation once it went on for too long.

The other angels were friendly and nice, some were however a bit nervous as they didn’t know how they should behave in front of people that were all as strong as their leader. After spending five days together, however, they relaxed a bit around them.

"Bro, how is this thing even standing?!" Shadow shouted as they all made it to the top of the pyramid. The building above the pyramid was connected to it, but barely.

It was like a needle was balancing on another needle. The tip of the pyramid was connected to the building by another tip, the area where they touched was barely even a centimeter in diameter and it simply shouldn’t be possible for it to stand like this.

"So, how do we enter this thing?" Shadow asked while scratching the back of his head. There was no clear entrance to either the pyramid or the building here.

"Maybe we need to enter the pyramid from down first before going up?" Liona suddenly said as Shadow turned around.

"But that doesn’t make sense silly, how could we climb up then, can you pass through here?" He pointed at the place where the two were connected as Liona’s face scrunched up in anger.

"Okay, enough, if I hear you two arguing one more time I’m gonna go crazy." Wolf intervened and stood between the two as both pouted and looked away.

"We’re about to try and enter a weird building that stands in the middle of the desert, we don’t know what waits for us inside and some of us will definitely die, at least act like it’s a serious matter will you?" He added before shaking his head in disappointment and looking at Reign.

"But I do think Liona is right, we should try to check if there’s an entrance down at the foot of the pyramid."

"Don’t, just don’t talk." Wolf quickly stopped Shadow from making any comments before going down with Liona and some of the angels.

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Half of them would stay on the top of the pyramid and try to find an entrance, while the other half would go down and try to find an entrance down there.

After a mere 3 minutes, Wolf and the others called them down.

"Well, here’s the entrance," Liona said proudly as she looked at Shadow with a smug smile on her face.

Shadow simply looked away before joining the others. They all checked if everybody is ready before entering the pyramid through the entrance which was more like a hole in the pyramid that led inside it.

As they entered the pyramid, the entrance suddenly closed. Even after Greenie hit the wall with his hammer, nothing happened, the hammer simply bounced back without being able to deal any damage to the wall.

"Well, this is some cliché stuff here." Reign said as the others all smiled in agreement. They were currently walking through a tunnel that led them deeper inside the pyramid. The walls were weirdly clean and no dust could be found inside, which was weird since the pyramid stood in the middle of the desert and had a hole in it.

For no sand to enter was impossible, unless magic was involved in it of course.

There were torches every 3 meters on the wall and the inside was well-lit, making it easy to look around. The tunnel was about 2 meters wide and the ceiling was quite high as well.

The party walked for about 5 minutes, which was very long when considering the fact that they didn’t turn even once, the tunnel simply led them straight ahead.

As more time passed, they were all starting to feel very suspicious of something.

"Hey, we should have already walked to the other side of the pyramid by now, how come there’s still nothing?"

"I don’t know, maybe there’s a spatial array?"

"Hmm, that would explain it, the inside is probably larger than what it looks like outside, I wonder if that building up there is the same?"

"Spatial array?" Mia suddenly asked them from behind as Beast started explaining.

It seems that the safe zone Mia and the others were in didn’t have a Transcendent like Eldar who would explain everything.

The one that Mia and her team had in their safe zone was a grumpy older man that would just give them tips from time to time while mostly keeping to himself.

There was no building like the castle either as all the houses that were in the safe zone were the same as before.

Mia and her team had to struggle quite a lot before they managed to get a large group of people into the safe zone. They built defenses in case an event happened while Mia and the others were away in order to fight back any monster that might try to attack them.

The Transcendent did help them out, occasionally explaining some stuff, but he was way less enthusiastic and eager to help compared to Eldar and Jack, hell, even the elf queen was much friendlier it seems.

After walking for 5 more minutes, they were finally out of the tunnel. What lay in front of their eyes was a huge arena around which thousands of humanoid monsters were sitting and standing whilst cheering.

The arena was a full 500 meters in diameter and the seats that were all around it were massive, easily overshadowing the size of the Colosseum. There was a ceiling about 100 meters above them and a bright light came from it.

The monsters suddenly started cheering heavily as Reign and the others walked into the arena.

[ Ladies and gentlemen! ]

Suddenly a loud voice echoed inside the arena as the monsters all went wild with their cheering before getting silent.

[ We have some new challengers for today, will they be able to survive and win the arena’s powerful fighters, or will they fall like the rest, let us find out, bets are opened! ]

"Drayce." Reign said as he looked up to see Drayce who was holding a microphone and smiling down at them.

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