Is this really a Game?! Chapter 472 The Wolf’s True Power

The lightning quickly interfered with the wolf’s process of inhaling all the souls from the battlefield. It only took a couple of seconds to do so, and the wolf was now exuding an aura that was much more powerful compared to before.

It grew in size, before suddenly shrinking down and becoming smaller than it was at the beginning.

The loss in size was not a disadvantage, however, as the wolf was now a smaller target to hit, not to mention the fact that it seemingly lose no power from becoming smaller and was even stronger than before.

It was first confused, the souls of its brethren were being drawn over to it and it was consuming them in order to strengthen itself, but suddenly the black and white lightning that Reign possessed appeared in front of it and blocked the souls from arriving.

It didn’t just block them, however, but destroyed them.

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This wasn’t the first time the wolf had consumed souls, but it was the first time that something could interfere with the process and even destroy them.

The wolf’s confusion quickly changed to anger as it now stared at Reign.

It was angry at the small creature that had destroyed the souls before it could consume them.

It never cared for its brethren as they were here mostly to ensure that no creature could come and disturb it, while also serving as a source of power as the wolf could consume their souls at any time.

But seeing so many being destroyed by the lightning infuriated it. Those souls belonged to him!

To have something that you thought of as your belongings suddenly get destroyed in front of your eyes would infuriate any living being.

The wolf moved.

It was much faster than before and even Reign had trouble following it.

He quickly used his two swords and slashed forward as two sword lights charged at the wolf.

It was for naught, the wolf quickly sidestepped and evaded the attack whilst getting close enough to attack Reign.

It jumped and brought its claw down, forcing Reign to quickly cross his swords in order to block the attack. The power behind the attack was powerful enough to shake Reign and force him to go down on one knee.

The wolf stared at him before opening its mouth, ready to bite Reign’s head off.

Suddenly the wolf’s eyes constricted and it quickly jumped to the side as Reign opened his own mouth and a beam of lightning suddenly exploded from within and went high up in the sky.

That wasn’t all, of course.

Wolf and the others had arrived and had started fighting against the wolf. The powerful monster was able to block its long-range attacks with its fur, but it still had to dodge any attack that came from Beast or Laura as they were more powerful.

Reign moved as well, he quickly covered himself in lightning before charging at the wolf and joining the others.

Tank and Greenie were the ones at a slight disadvantage as their speed was a bit lower compared to the others.

It was still fine, however, as they could still trouble the monster and Tank was even able to get in front of the others and block attacks from time to time before lashing out with his axe.

Reign and Shadow were the ones to do the most during the battle. They were the fastest, and thus, they were the ones that could follow the wolf’s movements the best.

Still, they were slightly below it. The great speed the wolf possessed was not something any Tier II monster would have, and it was obvious that after consuming the souls, it had focused mostly on increasing its speed in order to deal with them.

Luckily Reign had destroyed about 30% of the souls, otherwise, the battle would have been much more difficult as the wolf would be even more powerful.

The wolf was still in a bad spot.

Reign and the others didn’t let it run rampantly and made sure to surround it and force it to fight and not run away.

Each time the wolf tried to get away, it would get attacked by the others, which made it quite angry.

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Laura and Beast were still being guarded by the soldiers and the summons. About 16 of the soldiers had died during the battle, a number that although was not really low, wasn’t particularly high either.

If the wolf decided to attack them, it would need to go through all the soldiers, the four generals and the tamed beasts, something that it would be unable to do in a short period of time.

Their safety was guaranteed at the moment, and if the wolf was to try and attacked them, Beast could always use his fusion in order to fight against it in short-range combat.

He hadn’t used his fusion at all today, even though he could transform and use his bow after fusing with Blackie.

He wanted to keep the skill just in case the wolf somehow manages to get close to them. If that was to happen, he and Laura would be in a bad spot since neither was strong in close quarters.

His hand moved without stopping as arrow after arrow was sent at the wolf, of course, none of them were normal arrows and each one was boosted by mana.

Laura as well as using her skills, demonic weapons were spawning around her and she would send them hurling at the wolf, whilst occasionally using her skill to launch a beam at the wolf and deal some more damage.

Nobody, including the wolf, was going all out right now. The most powerful skills were still unused as they needed a lot of mana to be used and nobody wanted the wolf to dodge them and simply have them waste mana like that.

The longer the battle lasted, however, the weaker the wolf became. It wasn’t really noticeable at the beginning, but as the battle dragged on, everybody was able to notice it.

The enemy was becoming a bit slower and its attacks didn’t really do as much damage as before. The wolf itself was seemingly a bit panicked as well as its behavior became more erratic and deranged.

Nobody understood why this was happening at first, they thought that perhaps the ability to consume souls was one that would boost the power of the wolf for a specific time, but they quickly shook their heads after noticing that the wolf was surprised by it as well.

The only reason left was Reign.

His black and white lightning had a small part of his mysterious second ability in it. The ability had something to do with souls, that much everybody knew as he had used it multiple times in the past.

It seemed that each time the lightning struck the wolf’s body, the latter became a bit weaker. The only explanation was that somehow, the lightning was destroying the souls the wolf had devoured.

But how?

They were inside the body and the wolf should have consumed them.

"It still hasn’t fully consumed the souls, that’s why your lightning is making it weaker." Suddenly Aethion’s voice echoed inside Reign’s head as the latter opened his eyes wide.

’So that was it.’

"Yes, that little wolf is quite a specimen, to be able to consume the souls of the deceased around it, it would have probably been quite troublesome if not for you being able to stop the process before and weaken it with your attacks," Aethion said in a calm manner as Reign simply nodded his head.

"Guys, just make sure the bastard doesn’t move, my lightning drains his power!" Reign yelled out as the others all nodded.

They didn’t ask whether he was certain of his words, nor how he knew about it, they just believed him. That was the trust that the team had built after spending months together and fighting side by side for so long.

If one of them were to tell another to bark during the fight, they would unconditionally do so.

Shadow suddenly let go of his daggers and used his shadow vines.

Laura charged forward and used her whip, allowing Greenie who was right next to her to hold the whip together with her.

Wolf made a wall of flames appear behind the wolf while tank stood to the right of the wolf with his shield and skills ready to stop it in its tracks.

Beast had used a skill and a small tornado suddenly appeared around the wolf as Reign came closer and used his lightning ability to its fullest.

The tornado was soon turned into a lightning tornado and anything it touched would get electrocuted. Shadow’s vines which had grabbed the wolf for a moment were starting to get destroyed by the tornado, which prompted him to dispel the vines immediately.

Howls could be heard from inside the tornado as the wolf was currently getting roasted by Reign’s powerful lightning.

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