Is this really a Game?! Chapter 518 The Preparations For The Final Battle

"Originally, we should have 2 days before the demons arrive, but the leader might feel some pressure now and could potentially send the army earlier." Reign suddenly said as all the higher-ups in the tent nodded in agreement.

They had no idea why Reign knew all of this stuff, but they trusted the man as he had single-handedly saved them on multiple occasions.

"The demons already know that we have defeated the two armies, that is evident from the way they tried to get rid of all of us."

"The trap they placed for Raigon was a hastily made one, but it almost worked, the one they prepared for me and the king was definitely another hasty one, but a dangerous one nonetheless."

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"Now, the biggest ace in our sleeves is the fact that the demon doesn’t know just how powerful we are, he probably also doesn’t know that we have not only killed but also trapped the souls of the powerful demons we have defeated."

"It won’t be long before he finds out, however, as they have some of the Tier II combatants of the two kingdoms with them, they have seen everything that has happened, and they definitely will find out soon about my existence."

"The demon probably thinks that it’s thanks to Eisenhorn that we won, the silver light was probably seen by a large part of the world right now, and the demon has definitely suspected that his demons would lose thanks to that."

"So, what kinds of traps should we create for the demons and demonic creatures?" One of the generals asked Reign who smirked.

"Those that can kill the most of them." Reign said before sitting down.

"Demonic creatures fear nothing, they feel no pain, only anger, and bloodlust."

"That is their biggest strength, but also their weakness since they won’t care for any traps that are in front of them, they will simply charge head first and die."

"We can minimize our casualties and increase our chances of success by making as many traps as we can and maximizing the damage they can deal."

"Hmmm, I’ll get onto that right away, I already have some ideas," Raigon said from the side as Reign nodded at him.

He was the man that everyone once feared solely thanks to his intellect. He was without a doubt the most qualified to create the traps.

"Other than that, what can we do?"

"Well, we can try changing the terrain, but there’s little we can do with only 2 days left." Raigon suddenly said.

"If we had more time, or perhaps some high Tier mages that can manipulate soil or rocks, we would be able to make a maze, or simply create obstacles for the demonic creatures and guide them toward the traps."

"Hmmm, that is a good idea, but just like you said, the time we have is limited, we need to focus on traps, the more we make and place, the more enemies we will be able to kill before they even reach us." One of the generals said with a sigh.

"You don’t need to make the traps less visible, just place them there, they won’t stop moving even if they notice them, that’s just how much their minds have been corrupted." Reign said before getting up.

"As for the terrain, we can try getting some individuals that have such powers and at least change the terrain that’s right in front of us."

"The worst thing that can happen to us is getting surrounded by the demonic creatures, that would spell doom for the soldiers."

"I will try my best to end the enemy leader as fast as possible, but that won’t stop the army, they will continue fighting us till their last breath."

All the people inside the tent nodded at Reign before they all went outside.

They then proceeded to tell the army exactly what was going on.

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Upon hearing that they were going to be fighting against millions of demonic creatures that had no fear of death and would constantly try to kill them the army was terrified.

They also, however, soon steeled themselves after realizing that they were all that stood between those monstrosities and the citizens of the kingdom. Their friends and loved ones were there, and they had to do everything in their power to stop the enemies.

The generals gave the soldiers more information, they told them how they had 2 days to prepare for the battle, and how they would try to minimize the losses by placing traps everywhere. That alone made the soldiers ease a bit, but they were still worried, however.

The following 2 days were spent preparing the battlefield.

Traps were placed almost in front of the army, almost 1km of area in front of them was littered with traps. There were arrays on the ground, bombs that were placed below the ground, spike traps, huge golems that would fight and explode upon being destroyed, and more.

Reign and the others had also managed to find enough earth-manipulating individuals and had created huge walls of earth and rock on both sides of the army, making it much harder for the enemy to go around them.

The walls weren’t there just for show, either.

Mages and long-range fighters were on there, as were many magic turrets that were manned by normal soldiers.

There were all kinds of turrets there as each of the two walls was hundreds of meters long and could fit many people on it. There were turrets that would send out concentrated balls of mana that would explode upon impact, turrets that would send out a powerful blast of mana that looked like a laser, those that would send out small mana missiles, and those that didn’t use mana as ammo, but metal shells, spikes and such and more.

There were inscriptions on all the turrets, and most were powered by mana cores that the kingdom had gotten from the monsters that were in the mountain range behind them.

Because of the great danger that the demons posed, the king and the others were forced to leave the kingdom and hope that the monsters don’t attack for at least today, otherwise, it would be a great tragedy and thousands would die.

Right now, Reign and the others were all standing at the very front of the army, waiting for the demons to arrive.

Reign was able to sense demonic energy slowly coming toward them, and a cloud of demonic energy had been visible a couple of miles in front of them, signifying that the demonic creatures that were led by demons were approaching.

It was going to be a tough battle, Reign and the others knew it.

Even Reign wasn’t certain he could defeat the enemy leader, but it was something he needed to do in order to successfully go through his evolution. He was forced to fight against the enemy, and only he was powerful enough to go against him.

The king and the others were strong, but compared to Reign and the demon in charge, they were a class below and wouldn’t be of much help when it came to Reign’s battle. They would need to stay here and deal with the enemy Tier III combatants.

Even though Reign, Raigon, and Eisenhorn had managed to kill 8 Tier III demons, there was no saying how many more there were. It was definitely a big blow to the enemy as 8 Tier III demons were no small number, but they definitely had a couple more left.

The leader was a peak Tier III demon, while the three that had led the battle against Riplas were each high-grade Tier III demon. Reign was certain that they didn’t have any more powerful demons in their midst, but they would definitely have a couple more low-grade Tier III demons, and perhaps even some mid-grade Tier III demons as well.

Eisenhorn, with his rank Z weapon proficiency, was able to wield that blade aura and could fight against high-grade Tier III enemies while being a low-grade Tier III individual, hell, he could even fight a peak Tier III enemy to a draw.

He would be crucial to the kingdom in the battle as he would need to take care of the powerful demons that were attacking them. The king, Raigon, and Lios could each fight against 1 or 2 low-grade Tier III enemies, while those like Licht could take care of the enemy high-grade Tier II enemies, with Lisea and Lico being able to fight peak Tier II enemies thanks to their high levels.

As minutes passed, the cloud of demonic energy became larger, and they were able to see the figures of the enemy. The enemy seemed to have a wide variety of demonic creatures in their midst, but Reign and the others were still unable to see exactly what kinds of monsters were in the army.

The soldiers steeled themselves, fully aware that the battle that was about to take place would be the most important one in the whole history of the area. If they were to lose, then the whole area would turn into a hellscape that was perfect for demons.

The people would all be turned into demonic creatures, and nothing would remain.

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