Is this really a Game?! Chapter 552 Leaving Riplas Again

"Hello there, I am Reign." Reign said somewhat awkwardly as he stood in front of the small streaming device.

"As many of you have heard, the story of me being a human from another world is in fact true, and today will be my last day here, at least for the foreseeable future," Reign said seriously as he stood in front of the device and stared at it straight without blinking.

"I have heard that some people believe that what I and the others had done was indeed the same as becoming traitors since we did annihilate the royal family with our actions, but the truth was just as Raigon had said, after dealing with the queen, the rest of them died as a consequence of taking part of her powers and tainting their souls with hers."

"We were lucky that the queen was weakened and that we were able to attack the capital without anyone noticing us before it was too late, otherwise the ones that would have died would have been us, not them."

"Even though I am just a passenger in this world and I haven’t been here for long, I only had good things that I could say about the king, Lios, and the rest, their deaths, although not affecting me as heavily as Raigon and the others, still are not something that I took lightly."

"The people of Riplas can be assured that I will have absolutely no part in managing the kingdom as I will be leaving today, the council will be elected soon and you will all live in peace and prosperity from now on if nothing major happens in the future."

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Reign then bowed slightly before moving to the side and allowing the final person to speak.

That person, of course, was Eisenhorn.

Even though the younger generation didn’t know him well and had only heard stories of the old protector of the realm, all the other citizens knew full well who he was.

Thanks to him not only regaining his strength but going above it and also managing to gain the blade aura, his body and face had changed and returned to how they were back in his prime when he marched with the army and fought against the enemies of Riplas.

He stood in front of the device, wearing no armor but a simple black robe.

"Citizens of Riplas, my name is Eisenhorn Askeld, the protector of the realm and the grand commander of our armies," Eisenhorn spoke calmly and with great strength in his voice.

He first bowed down and stayed like that for a couple of seconds before lifting his head and continuing his speech.

"I will first apologize to the people for what you have gone through for the last couple of months."

"Thanks to my illness, I was only able to return to the field of a battle recently and have been a useless old man for many years, I am ashamed to even call myself the protector of the realm when I have allowed so many to die thanks to my uselessness."

"What sir Raigon and Reign have said is the truth, I have personally seen the madness in the eyes of the king and the other nobles and ministers that have joined the queen and taken part in her plans."

"We fought not for glory or power, but in order to keep the kingdom safe, in order to not allow a being from another place of the vast universe to control everyone from the shadows."

"Our story may seem far-fetched and untrue, but I swear on my title and family name that it is the truth and that everything we have done for the last couple of days was for the wellbeing of the kingdom, whether you trust us or not, will be up to you."

"The council will be set by and will contain 7 people in it, we will do our best to find and select those that have the kingdom’s best intention so that they will be able to do what is right for the kingdom and the people before we come to a conclusion as to who should become the next ruler."

"Other than that, the taxes will be lowered and the people will no longer have to suffer as the war is finished and we have emerged as the victor, a time of prosperity and peace is right in front of us, and we will not allow anyone to change that."

Eisenhorn ended the speech by once again bowing down to the citizens via the streaming device before the streaming ended and the people were left wondering at what to believe.

They were given the same story by three different people, and that was of course nothing special as the three had all been branded traitors and could easily have manufactured the whole story and learned it by heart in order to placate the citizens.

It mattered little what the people believed, however, as the undeniable truth was that Raigon and the others had won and they were now the most powerful and the most influential people in the kingdom.

Even the council that was going to be created would still have less power than them, as nobody would dare to do anything that would infuriate the two men and the others that stood right below them.

Raigon knew that he would have to make sure that the council was made up of upstanding citizens that held great respect in the kingdom, he would also need to make sure that everybody understood that their word was to be respected and that none could try to threaten, bribe, or blackmail any member of the council, otherwise he would make sure that they would be made as an example of his fury.

Reign stayed for a bit longer and talked with Raigon and the rest before saying goodbye. He was needed back on Earth and he couldn’t stay for much longer and risk anything happening back home.

Right before calling for the system and going back, Reign pulled up his status screen and stared at his new status and powers.


[ The exp requirements have been once again changed in order for the player to understand them easier. ]


[ Player has enough exp to level up ]

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[ Level up! ]

[ Current player level is 301, additional stats gained ]

[ Free Attribute points + 15 , Strength + 4, Agility + 4, Endurance + 1, Vitality + 1, Willpower + 1, Spirit + 4 ]

Level: 301 ( 100 / 1 200 )

Class: Magic Swordsman / ? (more info in the class menu)

Race: Nephilim (more info unavailable )

Attribute points: 15

Strength: 3 404 (6 974) (+ 20% from ability, + 85% from items)

Agility: 3 554 (8 174) (+ 30% from ability, + 102% from items)

Endurance: 3 001 (4 201) (+ 10% from ability, +30% from items)

Vitality: 3 001 (4 201) (+ 10% from ability, , + 30% from items)

Willpower: 3 201 (4 481) (+ 10% from ability, + 30% from items )

Spirit: 3 564 ( 8 009 ) (+ 20% from ability, + 87% from items)


Lightning manipulation S ( lvl 2 exp: 30%)

Darkness Manipulation SSS ( lvl 1 0% ) - limited use

Light Manipulation SSS ( level 1 0% ) – limited use

Soul Manipulation SSS ( level 1 0% ) - limited use

[ The effects of rank S items have been halved ]

Reign could now finally see his race and the once mysterious ability that turned out to be three whole abilities.

Of course, the abilities had been sealed and he could only use a limited amount of their powers, but it was still enough to improve his strength by a large margin. All three were of course level 1, but it wasn’t level 1 as his lightning manipulation was as he could use a great deal of their power even right now.

That was of course thanks to him already being a Tier IV being and thanks to the fact that his mana pool was vast, allowing him to pump a large amount of mana and use the abilities normally.

One thing that now confused him was the fact that he had a new, but mysterious class.

He didn’t know what to think of it, but from what Aethion had said, it was something that all Nephilims would get after going through the awakening.

He would have full access and view of the class during his transformation.

That was all said by the dark copy, and Reign had no reason to not believe his words.

He had a weird relationship with the copy that lived deep inside his consciousness. The copy was seemingly out to get him in the beginning, but as time passed, Reign could see that the copy was looking out for him as the latter had helped him out numerous times in the past, even saving his life multiple times.

He didn’t know what to think of it, especially since he still remembered the words that Raegan had told him many months ago about trusting the copy. He didn’t know how Raegan knew about it, but it was definitely not simple.

He would perhaps be able to gain more information about the copy from Eldar and the others once he had a chance to talk to them, but he wasn’t sure if they would know more about it.

With those thoughts present in his mind, Reign called for the system and a bright light enveloped him in front of Raigon and the others before he was gone.

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