Is this really a Game?! Chapter 568 Dealing With The Soul

Right beside the town of Doncaster, a crater measuring about 1 mile in radius could be seen. A large sword was right in the middle of the crater that was about 10 meters deep and four people were currently present there.

Reign was using the mana that Greenie and Aelrinder were pouring into him to use his soul manipulation in order to destroy the soul of the enemy leader, but his weakened state, coupled with the fact that Greenie and Aelrinder weren’t at their full strength either, made it difficult to do so.

He was for the first time ever using his soul manipulation to not just deliver a simple blow to the enemy’s psyche, but he was actually manipulating souls that were nearby and his own in order to deal with the enemy.

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Even though the enemy had summoned his soul fragments and the souls of some of the members of his organization, he did it in haste and was unable to consume them all, which led to vestiges of souls being scattered around the area.

Those that were further than 3 meters away from where the blast originated were destroyed as chaos energy consumed and destroyed all, souls included. It was even able to go through multiple layers of the world and destroy beings there, that was just how powerful the energy was.

Reign was using the vestiges of the souls and his own soul in order to attack the enemy. He transformed the vestiges and part of his own soul into chains that wrapped around the enemy in order to bind him to the sword and not allow him to get away.

Aethion, seeing what was happening, suddenly started chanting something as multiple souls started appearing inside Reign’s consciousness.

"Use these, they are those that you have defeated and had their souls consumed by you in the past, although they are not that powerful, they will still be useful," Aethion told Reign who simply nodded before willing the souls to come out of his body and attack the enemy.

The demons he had slain in the past all had their souls consumed by him, and they had all been captured by Aethion who made sure to not only extract any information that was important, but he had also worked on destroying their consciousness and creating blank souls from them.

Blank souls could not think for themselves and were unable to do anything without being ordered. That made them less effective compared to other beings that could use their souls to attack others, but it made them into great soldiers that could be used for any purpose.

Even though they were individually not that powerful, Reign had tens of them, and together they were a force to be reckoned with.

Even though Wolf and the others couldn’t see the souls that were now attacking the enemy, they could see his soul struggling and suffering damage. They were also able to sense that there were some beings around them but were simply unable to see them.

As for Reign, he knew that he had to finish things quickly, otherwise the enemy might be able to get away. He was still weakened, and his consciousness was blurry. Transforming into a Nephilim had given him incredible power, even more than he had initially thought.

With that power, he was able to kill two Tier IV monsters instantly before dealing with two more with relative ease. The power he possessed at that point was over double his original power and he was even able to toy with Carlos and cut off all of his arms in mere seconds.

Even though it seemed like Reign had been toying with the man from the very beginning, it was actually only thanks to Carlos panicking and Reign going all out at the very start that allowed him to cut off two of his arms so quickly and easily.

Had Carlos kept his calm, even Reign would have been forced to struggle when fighting against him as having 8 different weapons equipped was nothing to scoff at. The boosts the weapons provided, plus the different skills they had allowed Carlos to cast made it difficult for others at the same realm as him to fight back efficiently.

The drawback to having such great power, was not light, however.

Carlos’s body had gone through a change after Reign had placed chains on him. His body withered and he was much weaker than before. That was the price of using the bone staff, which was a weapon tainted by chaos.

Using the weapon before fully conquering the chaotic energy inside of it would lead to the person suffering heavy consequences after each use, something that the leader had seemingly ’forgotten’ to tell the man.

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Reign had also suffered after transforming, however.

Not only was his mana empty and his stats lowered because of the weakened state he was in, he was also losing consciousness and was only still awake thanks to sheer willpower. Had he simply rested after the transformation had ended, he would be in a better state, but the situation didn’t allow for it. 𝓯𝘳𝘦𝑒𝓌𝘦𝘣𝓃ℴ𝘷𝘦𝘭.𝓬𝘰𝑚

Not only was he forced to use his darkness in order to block the final vestiges of the chaos energy from reaching Wolf and potentially doing great harm to him, but he was also now using his soul manipulation at its fullest in order to deal with the enemy leader once and for all.

As time tickled, however, it became clear that destroying the enemy fully would not be possible.

Reign had the power to do it, but he simply had no time as he was barely able to keep his eyes open and mind clear enough to continue doing so. He had already damaged the soul and even if the leader was to find a new body, he would find himself riddled with a multitude of problems thanks to the heavy damage to his soul.

He would experience constant headaches the likes of which were enough to make any man go crazy. His memories would be partially gone and even his behavior would change. There was a small possibility that he might even forget who he was upon taking over a new body as the one he had prepared of course belonged to a member of his organization.

He was the direct disciple of the leader, and he had been unknowingly fostered by the man in order to function as a new body for him. Without the young man knew, the leader had placed many small arrays and soul fragments inside of him, he only needed to enter the body with his soul and it would all activate, leading to the destruction of the original soul.

The leader would be able to retain all of the memories the young man had, as well as his own. But now, there was a chance that his soul was not powerful enough hand upon getting all the memories, he could lose himself and think he was the disciple, or perhaps a mixture of both.

Reign knew that the enemy would never be the same and his threat would be much smaller than before even if he was to escape and get a new body right now, but he didn’t want to allow him to.

Without ever provoking the man and his organization, Doncaster, alongside all of its residents, had been targeted by the man and his organization, not only that, but they had also launched a full-scale attack on them, leading to many people dying.

Reign had to get closure, he couldn’t allow a slippery opponent like this one to be free as there was no saying what might happen in the future. If he was to stumble upon a fruitful encounter and somehow heal his soul, he would be many times more dangerous in the future.

As his consciousness started fading, Reign decided to do the only thing he could in order to stop the man from escaping. With the help of Aethion, he changed his strategy from destroying the soul to sealing it.

He suddenly used his soul manipulation to its maximum again, but he had withdrawn his soul from the fight. Suddenly, all the soul vestiges in the area, as well as the souls of the many demons and even people that Reign had consumed, started changing.

Seals and chains, that was all that were left after a couple of seconds.

Under the terrified gaze of the leader’s soul, the seals and chains wrapped around him and the sword that Wolf had used to pierce through him.

He started struggling even more, but it was for naught. Reign had sacrificed tens of souls in order to do this, and the enemy was not powerful enough to withstand it.

The seals started shining as they bound the soul to the sword that Wolf used while the chains made sure to keep the soul in place and make any further attempts of its escaping impossible. After a couple of seconds passed, the soul of the enemy leader was not visible as it had been sealed inside the sword.

The moment that finished, Reign smiled before collapsing to the ground.

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