Is this really a Game?! Chapter 584 The True Base

"A translator, you mean that little device?" Reign asked the alien who nodded at him before looking around.

"You spoke of the system, I am afraid that I cannot allow it entry here, this place has been specially built to bar entry to the system, after all." The alien spoke as it lifted his arm, only for a monster to suddenly appear from behind him.

It was a huge snake whose mouth alone was twice as large as Reign’s. The immense creature was like nothing that Reign had seen previously as its strength made him freeze in his tracks. Not even the flood dragon or the giant that roamed the mountain range had given him such pressure in the past.

It wasn’t only the one monster that was present inside, however, but multiple of them, all with the same strength.

"Our guardians, they had been placed here to stop anyone that would try and enter this place without being called by us." The alien spoke as he observed the numerous giant snakes that were placed inside the cave Reign was located in.

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"But we have found you, after so long, we have found a descendant of his." The alien said as he smiled at Reign who stared at him with confusion in his eyes.

"I ... I don’t understand." Reign said as the alien smiled.

"Of course, I ... we, do not expect you to understand right now." The alien stated before suddenly starting to click something on the small keyboard on his sleeve.

"Let me see, hmmm, a lot has passed, it seems the reset is not even talked about, it probably hid everything about it, huh?" The alien said as Reign stared at him and started walking toward him.

"The reset, what is that?" Reign asked but gained no answer from the alien who was staring at the small screen on his sleeve, lost in his thoughts.

"Hey, what are you talking about, what do you mean by you have found me?" Reign asked the alien again as he stopped a mere meter in front of the alien, but he still got no answer from the latter.

"Hey!" Reign shouted out and went to grab the alien’s hand, only for his arm to go through the alien’s.

"What in the?" Reign asked as the alien blinked before looking up.

"It seems I have caused you some rage, apologies, I was just a bit preoccupied with all the data that is being sent to me." The alien, which Reign was now certain is actually a hologram of an alien, said.

"You, you’re just a hologram, how can you speak to me, how can you see me?" Reign asked the alien who smiled before suddenly flicking his fingers.

pαпdα Й?νê|,сòМ The cave suddenly changed.

Lines appeared throughout the cave as lights appeared and the enormous cave showed itself fully to Reign. Tens of giant snakes could be seen crawling around, but one thing made Reign gulp, and that was the fact that there were similar lines visible on the bodies of the giant snakes that were probably a couple of tiers above him.

"Are they real?" Reign asked as the alien smiled.

"Automatons, the highest grade my civilization was able to create before our untimely destruction."

"They’re not strong, not even being able to reach the Transcendent realm, but enough to defend this base." The alien said as the snakes slithered around, acting just like they were normal snakes.

"Please do not think they are mindless machines, they are not." The alien said as he smiled at Reign.

"Although we have created numerous machines, many capable of destroying planets in mere moments, this is the largest achievement my civilization was able to create, a machine that acts as a living, breathing being, a machine that is completely unlike a machine." The alien said before sighing.

"But enough of that, you are probably bored of talking about an old civilization that nobody even remembers anymore." He said to Reign before suddenly scanning him with the small computer on his sleeve.

"Mhhm, levels of power scanned, inner power ... wings ... yeah, we made no mistake, you are the one that we wished to summon here." The alien said as Reign looked at him with confusion.

"I know you probably understand nothing, but trust me, you will learn much in the future, so according to the plan, you are now the master of the base, the true master." The alien said as the snakes suddenly came around Reign and stared at him before bowing their heads.

The inside of the cave lit up before a small device suddenly appeared in front of Reign.

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"Please touch the device, it will take a drop of your blood, which will finalize the procedure and allow you to take full control over the base." The alien said as Reign nodded at him and did what he was told to do.

Upon finishing everything, Reign didn’t feel any different or anything, but he did feel a sense of connection with the base.

He now understood just how large the base actually is, the part where the enemy had lived was actually the shallow part of the entire thing that Reign had suddenly found himself being able to fully control.

"How, how old is this thing?" Reign asked the alien who shrugged his shoulder.

"A couple of eons, I’m not certain myself, too much time has passed to be specific."

"I see, and why me, you still have not told me that." Reign said as the alien smiled.

"You are a descendant of that man, the one we loathed, and ultimately, the one we placed our final wishes on, truly, a tale of us being two-faced, ones that were able to actually place our bets on the person we wished to kill the most in the universe just so that we could perhaps, one day, be avenged." The alien said before shaking his head.

"I cannot speak any more about that, however, as it can lead you to danger."

"So, it’s because I am a Nephilim." Reign said as the hologram nodded.

"Correct, there are many of such bases scattered around the universe, and only those that are the descendants of that man, or those that carry a powerful enough bloodline, are allowed entry and control over the base."

"Many years ago, the base made its way here, on this planet." The hologram spoke as it showed Reign a small video.

It showed how the base, traveling through the universe in the form of a rock, landed on Earth. Upon landing, the video was sped up and thousands of years passed before a person took it. The thing is, one shouldn’t be able to simply grab and take the base, which meant that whoever the person was, was incredibly powerful.

Reign then saw how the entire base that the organization used was created. Even though this place was not made on Earth, the base through which Reign and Wolf had passed through was indeed created by an ancient civilization here on Earth.

"What, what was even there before they made the base, I mean, it looked so empty, what was even the point of having that?"

"Oh, that was for storage." The alien said as Reign blinked at him.

"Sorry, what?"

"Storage, you see, this entire place can pretty much be fused with the body of the master, making it impossible for one to prohibit you from getting inside or taking the things from this place out." The alien said as Reign stared in shock.

"Wait, what do you mean exactly, how do you mean prohibit?"

"Like we are doing now, try using a spatial ring or calling the system." The alien said as Reign listened to him and tried to do so, only to fail immediately. The system was not working, just like Aethion had previously said. The inventory did not work, even the spatial ring that Reign wore on his finger was not accessible.

"It is not that difficult for one to use spatial energy and block off an area completely."

"This is a pocket space, it is completely isolated from the rest of the universe, and now that you have become its master, you can use its functions properly." The hologram said before opening his mouth once again.

"Well, you can use a small portion for now, the more powerful you become, the more functions you will unlock and the more freedom you will be given by the base."

"After all, I do not wish for you to become too reliant on the base."

"I see, but who are you, I mean, you are just a hologram, but it’s like you are a real person, like, do you have a name or something?"

"Ah, I am XC10-FGS, the latest model of AI that has been created and placed inside the bases." The hologram said as it saluted Reign with a smile on his face.

"Let us have a nice cooperation in the future, boss."

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