Is this really a Game?! Chapter 8 The Strength Of An Elite


The knife thrown by Wolf arrived first, it was fast and precise, targeting the right side of the monster’s neck, with a silent sound of cutting through the air it arrives at its target.


It was stopped by the beak of the cockatrice right before hitting its neck, its speed and reflexes were far above those of the enemies they previously faced. It looks at the approaching Wolf who started sprinting as soon as he threw the knife, alas he was still too far away, thus it cocks its head forward at the first enemy it discovered, Reign.

"Dammit, even though I wasn’t expecting to do any serious damage, I didn’t think it would be able to just block it like that, this thing is stronger than we thought, I have to hurry up and help them."

Thought Wolf as he was running, his intuition sharpened by his years of training was telling him that this opponent was even more fearsome than they thought.

The cockatrice moves, it tries to charge at Reign but the pain from trying to move his wing that’s impaled to his body makes it scream out of pain again and briefly stop.


The pain from its wound makes the beast angry, angry at his inability to move its wing and angry at the enemies that made it. Again it charges, this time not moving its right wing.

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"It’s fast!" Thought Reign as he brandishes two daggers in front of him. "I’ll throw the dagger in my left hand at it and when it tries to dodge or block it I’ll have my shot at hitting in, I have to be f-"

Before Reign could do anything the beast lunges at him its beak aimed straight at his chest, the beast’s legs weren’t enough to make it jump high without both its wings but they were more than enough to propel it forward with incredible speed.

Reign quickly crosses his daggers in front of his chest and tries to jump back to negate some of its momentum but fails as the beak hits the daggers right before that.


A loud sound of metal colliding was heard as it hits, the strength of the attack was enormous, managing to push Reign back by 2m and dropping him on his knees.

"Cough, cough"

Reign violently coughs out, some blood escaping from his mouth, he tries to get up but his knees were still weak from the attack, the strength of the cockatrice with the help of the forward velocity it gained with its lunge was incredible, of course, it didn’t come without a price.


The beast screams again, its beak slightly deformed from the hit, it was feeling a strong pain from it, but the enemy was still alive, injured but alive, it moves again, going for the final attack that will end him.


Right before it could do so it steps back as an arrow passes in front of its head.

"Dammit, it dodged!"

Beast cursed as he pulled out another arrow from his quiver, its slick design and black color matched the bow as they are parts of the same weapon.

Name: Bow of the swift

Att: 20

Def: 10

Agility + 2

Description: A bow commonly used by elven trainees before their coming of age, even though its power leaves a lot to be desired the user can use mana with it to make its arrows faster, thus increasing its penetration. The quiver automatically generates an arrow, focusing mana on it will make the arrows more aerodynamic thus making them faster counterparts of the usual ones.

"I have to hurry, Reign could die if I don’t attack it on time."

Thought Beast as he pulls the arrow back with shaking hands, just as he aims he sees something that makes him ease up a bit.

"Thank god, he arrived".

"Got you, you bastard!"


Shadow stabs the open backside of the enemy with full force. The beast fueled by anger completely forgot about the enemy behind it. With a cry of pain, it tries kicking him away but only hits air. Shadow moved as soon as he stabbed it, watching it move previously he knew that stopping for 1 second would give it enough time to hit him. Using his ability he blends in the shadows of the trees and throws a knife at it.


The poorly thrown knife was easily blocked by the cockatrice as it had already turned around to face him.

"Tch, as expected it blocked it, but I never intended to hit you with it.


A second knife pierces through the side of the beast, Wolf had already gotten close and with his skill with a knife, there was no way he would miss an opportunity such as this one.

The beast is now wincing in pain while observing the 3 enemies around him. Shadow who it could barely see as he was moving through shadows of the trees stealthily, Wolf who was looked at it like a predator looks at his prey, and the now standing Reign who furiously stares at it. Wolf was the one it felt the most danger from, it was like a helpless little chick observing its predator every time it saw its eyes.


Blue arcs of electricity started forming around Reigns’ hands and knife, the knife a bit bent from the blow they previously had to endure.

"That blow, I’m going to return it to you with a bonus you know, ya overgrown chicken!"

Angrily said Reign while he spat a mouthful of blood on the side.

"Oh, why didn’t I think of that too?"

Wolf cocked his head on the side while observing Reign. He brings his hands a bit forward and focuses.

His hands heat up and slowly the knives in his hand turn into an orange color.

"These should cut through you a bit more easily I reckon."

Mockingly said Wolf as he started approaching the now panicking cockatrice.

It could see the electric arcs and the changing color of the knives, even though it didn’t fully understand what was happening it knew one thing, they have become even more dangerous to it now.

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Reign and Wolf glanced at each other and simultaneously nodded. They charge at the wounded enemy. Shadow slowly moves forward as well, waiting for a chance when the beast starts fighting with his 2 teammates.

Reign and Wolf arrive at the same time and slash at the cockatrice, one from its right side and one from the front


Ignoring the pain the cockatrice jumps and opens up both wings, blood spurts from the open wound on its right one. With its two claws it manages to block both knives, but right away it feels pain from both of them.

Sizzzlee, ziiiip

Its left claw and part of its body get shocked from the electricity Reign used, while the right claw started to burn because of the heat generated from Wolf. Confused by the pain the cockatrice again briefly forgets about the danger behind it.

Thud, slash

Shadow again pierces one of his knives in the exposed back of the beast while slashing with the dagger. The stab deals more damage as his slash just gives it a superficial flesh wound.


Another arrow is released from the bow, it hits the beast on the right wing again, with a sharp shriek it starts falling down. Reign and Wolf act right away, with their two knives they immediately start hacking and slashing at times from the front and side while Shadow continues his onslaught from behind.

While all three were giving it their best Wolf was clearly the more skilled one as he looked like he was dancing, his knives never stopping and making deeper wounds compared to the other two.

The cockatrice was dying, it knew that it was angry, angry that it didn’t manage to at least bring down one opponent before perishing. Using up all of its remaining strength it cocks its head back and delivers a strong thrust at Wolf. It was too sudden, he had no time to react and try to block the attack, the cockatrice manages to hit him straight on his chest.


The hit connects but luckily Wolf’s armor proves to be strong enough to protect him, blood spurts from his mouth while he raises both of his knives in the air and uses his ability to its fullest. With a loud cry, he furiously stabs the cockatrices neck from above, a thin layer of fire forming on his knives.

Thud, sizzle

The knives go deep inside and burn the surrounding flesh and feathers, a smell of burning meat can be felt. The cockatrice raises his head a bit and tries to hit Wolf again but from both of its sides, Reign and Shadow emerge, plunging their knives in its skull.

[Battle has been concluded, distributing experience...]

-Lvl6 Elite Cockatrice killed, 120 exp points gained -

- 10 S coins gained –

- D rank Iron Sword gained –

[Congratulations players, you are the first party to hunt and kill an Elite monster, additional awards will be given. ]

-50 S coins gained –

- 1 Mysterious item box gained –

"I didn’t expect we would get so many things from this guy"

Reign said while removing his knife from the now-deceased cockatrice.

"So, it seems like we are the fi-"

Wolf coughs violently as some blood leaks from the side of his mouth.

"Hey Wolf, are you alright man?" (Shadow)

"Yeah, that attack just did a bit more damaged than I thought, but I’ll be good after a bit of rest, now, what shall we do with the carcass and the rewards?"

In front of his face was a notification

[Will you receive your rewards now?]

[Yes] [No]

"I think we should hold of from those rewards until we get back, the more things we have to carry the more tired we will get."

Said Beast as he got close to everyone.

"Agreed, now, what about this sword, it already dropped after we killed this thing."

Reign holds the sword and asks everyone.

"I think you should use it, Beast doesn’t need it as he has his bow, Shadow has his dagger and the knives, and I don’t like using swords that much, I’ll need your knives also, mine got damaged too much during the fight."

Wolf shows everyone his now deformed knives, the heat from his ability together with the multitude of blows he gave the cockatrice has made them almost unusable.

"I’m ok with that" (Shadow)

"M-me too," Stutteringly said Beast.

"Thanks, guys"

Reign said as he gave Wolf the 2 knives he has, although a bit bent they were in a better shape compared to the rest. The 2 knives the cockatrice blocked with its beak were deformed at the peak and unusable for stabbing.

"Guys, so what do we do with the body, do we take some parts?"

Beast said as he came closer to the cockatrice and nervously watched it.

"In games, Elite monsters usually give more exp and drops, that is true here as we already saw, their parts are also often used to make weapons and armor so I suggest we take the whole body with us, it will slow us down a bit but the rewards should be very good."

Reign said as he grabs a claw with both of his hands.

"We better hurry up than, the smell of blood will draw more monsters nearby, luckily we are quite near the safe zone now so I think we’ll make it."

Wolf said and went to grab another claw, Shadow and Beast glance at each other and nod. They each grab a wing and start to move towards the safe zone.

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