I’ve Turned Into A Fox Girl? Chapter 2 Oh Great, A Quest [Edited]

Shaman’s eyes widen upon viewing the city from her window. She spotted the crystal street lights and many people of varying races walking along the street below her.

’This... Is not what I was expecting. it feels like it’s modern but also feels old.’ Shaman felt a sense of familiarity when looking through the city.

’Looks like there is magic in this world as I doubt those lights work off electricity.’

’If there is magic in this world then it’s more likely I will be able to learn it through the help of the system.’ Shaman was making conclusions about the world and applying typical fantasy novel tropes to what she was seeing.

’But what can I do, still wonder how my sister and my parents doing at home. it would be sad if I can’t make it back since I still had those assignments due this week. However, it looks like I’ll be dropping out now.’ Although Shaman knew that there was a way back home it was extremely unlikely she would return anytime soon.

Shaman sat on the side of the bed pondering on what her next step should be and how she is going to live in this world.

’Wait, whose room is this and do I have to pay rent, do I even have a job or did I just spawn in this world left to fend for myself.’ Right as these thoughts came to mind the system opened up.

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[Quest: Register as an adventurer]

[Go to the guildhall to sign up and begin your journey]


Beginner package

1 level up

Skill: inspect

’A quest already? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since they usually do give a starting quest to get the person going.’ Shaman was a little spooked by the sudden pop-up, but this new quest at least gave her a direction to go in.

’Welp let’s use this room as a base of operation. Now it’s time to find some clothes to go outside with.’ Shaman opened what looked like a sliding door to find a closet with clothes that seemingly belonged to someone that lived there.

’Okay, this just makes me think I took over a body with the exact same name. Let’s just hope I don’t have any responsibilities that are now left for me to deal with, anyway sorry for stealing your clothes previous owner of these clothes.’

Shaman raided the closet for some casual clothes and gets into black shorts, with a white shirt with a slit in the back for her tail. She also finds a pair of shoes and a slightly dark blue jacket.

Shaman then heads for the front door as she was ready to go out. As she approached the door, she spots a pouch on a hook by the door which Shaman assumed to be a bag of coins used in this world.

Upon touching it the pouch vanishes in a blue light and to her shock steps back.

’Ehh?!?! Where did my potential finances go? How else am I going to survive.’ However, a system message appeared in front of her.

[Say inventory]

"Oh... inventory"

An interface appears with a bunch of blank squares and in the corner, it can be seen 3 different counters.

[Gold: 0 Silver: 50 Copper: 75]

"Hell yeah, I’m rich." Shaman’s eyes brightened upon seeing the amount she had and from her own knowledge seemed like enough to live off for a while assuming she is not in some rip-off place where everything is overpriced.

Shaman closed her inventory and made sure she hadn’t left anything that seemed important, she opened the front door.

Revealing a small balcony Shaman got another view of the city she was in.

"Hey system, do you have a map or something that can help me find the guild or something?" Shaman upon looking around the city realised that she had no idea where she is going, but still had this slight feeling she already knew where she was.

[No, find it yourself]

*Sigh* ’Guess I’ll start walking and ask around, let’s just hope I’m not a criminal or some runaway royalty.’ Shaman turned to go down the stairs but spotted a rather peculiar building that resembled that of a typical guild house.

’Well, no wonder the system said no to a map.’ Shaman was sure that it was the destination she needed to go to and understood why the system was defiant.

’I wonder if this new body is athletic at all.’ Shaman wanted to get there as quick as possible and was curious if her body was a lot more physically capable.

Deciding to run down the stairs to give it a little test, Shaman sprinted down the stairs and did a few jumps over them.

Shaman reached the bottom without breaking a sweat despite going down quite a few sets of stairs.

’That is the most exercise I have done in two weeks and I still feel like I could run a marathon, this is great. However, it was downstairs but compared to my old self I could hardly run without being out of breath.’ Shaman was rather impressed with herself and was already enjoying the capabilities she had.

"Onwards!" Shaman lightly jogged towards what seemed to be the guild.

’Since the system says I’m 18 I shouldn’t have any problem assuming they follow a similar set of rules about age.’ Shaman hoped that the world was similar to hers and would not be blocked out because of age.

’Do I even speak the same language, and can I even read or write. If I have to attend school all over again I think I would rather just be homeless.’ This realisation dawned upon Shaman as she did not think this world would have the same dialect.

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[Do not fear, all foreign language and text will be converted to the appropriate language]

’Damn that’s a relief, I guess the system is here to help... for the most part.’ Shaman was grateful that some of the nuances of a different world were negated by the system.


Shaman jogged for another 15 mins and noticed that many people are just like her, sharing some sort of animal trait, although there were more humans than half-animals, it was still reassuring.

’At least there are no race wars from what it looks like, hopefully meaning that I’m rather safe when travelling.’ While Shaman was in her own thoughts a sudden pressure was felt behind her.

’Killing intent?’ Shaman out of pure instinct dodged to the side barely avoiding a blade that would have pierced her neck. However, the man that tried to stab her was not expecting her to dodge and so his momentum caused him to trip over.

Knights that seemed to be some patrol grouped quickly ran overseeing the altercation that happened.

2 of the knights rushed to the man that had fallen over and quickly restrained him before getting up. One of the knights that did not have a helmet walked over to Shaman to see if she was okay.

The knight had a clean cut beard and slicked-back brown hair, making him rather handsome.

"Hey, missy are you okay, that was impressive that you manage to dodge him last second there." The knight was impressed by the quick movements of Shaman.

"Thanks, I guess but honestly my body just moved on its own." Shaman blushed a little from the compliment.

’Hmm this guy is way too suspicious, it feels way too conveniently timed and how did I not hear any running from that guy with the knife, but more importantly NOW is not the time to be blushing.’ Shaman felt rather sceptical of the situation thinking that anything could be a potential conspiracy.

’I need to stop overthinking everything.’ Shaman did not want to accidentally land herself in trouble, just because she was too worried that they were actually out to get her.

"Well, either way, your safe and by the looks of it you’re heading to the adventurers guild right?" The knight figured by the direction she was going was heading there.

"Yes, I am heading there to register now since I just turned 18." Shaman scratched her cheek as she was a little shy and was unsure if what she is saying was even correct.

"Hmmm, I see well be safe." The knight rubbed his chin as if pondering something.

"Yes sir, Have a great day." Shaman quickly continued to make her way to the adventurers guild leaving the knights to deal with the man.

Shaman finally made it to the guild house and so she approached the building that had a variety of people entering and leaving.

’This must be the place.’ Shaman walked through the front door and spotted the reception desk. Walking up to the reception desk, a woman in professional-looking clothes was behind it.

"What can I do for you today?" The reception lady gave a warm smile to Shaman.

"Hey umm, I’m here to register as an adventurer." Shaman spoke nervously since she did not look particularly the oldest and looked more like a 15-year-old girl.

"Alright please wait a moment to let me get the registration stone." The lady then walks to the back of the reception and came back with a crystal orb.

"Just place your hand on this and it will record your details making you a member. It will also allow you to check in at any adventure guild across the continent to update your details or view them." Giving a short explanation, Shaman had expected no less from an adventures guild.

Shaman then placed her hand on the stone until suddenly a light projection was displayed from the stone.

[Shaman Shiroi]

Age: 18

Gender: female

Race: Fox Girl

Adventurer grade: F

[You have successfully registered]

’Seems like I have access to more stats than them, that’s good to know.’

"Alright Shaman, all done, here is your badge which can register monsters you kill by scanning their core and it will contribute to your rank, also to earn money you will need to sell the cores to the guild or you could use it to create gear and so forth. Are there any questions?" The lady smiled giving her a quick run down.

"Yes, is there an auction market where I can go buy gear or do I have to find a blacksmith?"

"There is indeed and is in this very building, if you turn to your left you will see the auction section which you can trade, buy and sell. If there is nothing else I hope to see you again and have a safe journey."

"Alright thank you, see you later." Shaman ran off to the auction house to go have a look at what kind of price items were.

’That was too easy but I guess if things are peaceful they would not need to be strict since there are no initial benefits to becoming one in the first place.’ Shaman thought there would be a test of strength to see how strong you are, but it seemed that the stone was able to record how strong she was at the moment.

[Quest complete]

[Rewards have been placed in inventory]

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